My Thoughts On: Farrah Abraham’s “5 Misconceptions About Me” Article

Teen Mom
“I’m good at lying on my back…and just lying in general.”

Despite how it seems, The Ashley has been trying really, really hard not to write about Teen Mom-turned-p0rn princess Farrah Abraham…but she just couldn’t help herself here. And before you leave a comment, “Don’t you have anything better to do than write about this girl?” let me just go ahead and answer your question now…um, no.

Farrah recently teamed with to write an article entitled “5 Misconceptions About Me.” After reading the load of baloney Farrah put out there in this article, The Ashley had to comment.

Let’s take a look at the misconceptions Farrah claims people have about her, shall we?

1. Misconception: “That I’m a Bad Mom”

The Ashley isn’t really going to touch this one: it’s not her place to judge if a person is a bad parent or not. Sophia hasn’t been taken away by Child Protective Services yet, and Farrah still has custody, so I guess she’s doing better in the parenting department than a lot of celebrities. If you want to take your kid to your sex tape negotiations, that’s your business, not mine.

2. Misconception: “That I’m a P0rn Star”

Farrah says in the article that she’s not a p0rn star because, “I had sex with a boyfriend and taped it and then got the upper hand in a fight and sold rights to Vivid, rather than giving everyone a free show.”

Um…the problem is that James Deen was not Farrah’s boyfriend at the time of the shoot. Or ever. He is/was an adult film star that was hired by Farrah and the company she was working with (Vivid) to shoot the film. The problem came when he dared to talk about it and not play their silly media games. (Read my interview with James here!)

3. Misconception: “My Parents Are Close to Me”

Farrah takes a dig at her parents, Debra and [Whatever] Michael in the article, saying, “My parents are the reason why we are not closer as a family. There is much more with my relationship with my parents than what is shown in media—years of more issues.”

This is very true– The Ashley’s inside sources on the family tell her that this family is VERY messed up and has been for a very long time. (Read The Ashley’s book if you want to know more— there’s a whole chapter on Farrah’s childhood and family!) However, Farrah’s parents are just as hungry for fame as their daughter, and are willing to put their differences with her aside if it means more fame and fortune for all of them.

4. Misconception: “I Make Up Stories For the Tabloids”

Farrah claims that, “Reporters make up stories for tabloids not me.” While some stories in the tabloids are false, Farrah calls the paparazzi on herself (this was confirmed to me by many of her former friends, boyfriends and even family members!) She also works with the tabloids to get stories about her in the press–she may deny it, but, trust me, it does happen a lot. (She, of course, makes money off of this.) She also invited Splash News into the operating room (twice!) to capture her plastic surgery.

5. Misconception: “I’m Mean”

Again, The Ashley’s book, Teen Mom Confidential goes into what Farrah’s really like behind-the-scenes (i.e. making producers cry, yelling at MTV camera crews, degrading people she thinks are below her), but let The Ashley just say that Farrah is way worse in person than what we saw on ‘Teen Mom!” Everyone that ever tried to love her or get close to her has been screwed over by her, and The Ashley wasn’t able to find one person from Farrah’s past or present that had nice things to say about her. That says something in itself.



6 Responses

  1. Also worst boob job in human history. Looks like she swallowed two oranges. Hideous. Her poor daughter is going to be MORTIFIED when she’s old enough to google that sex tape- there’s my mom getting back door-ed for money!


    ……..if everyone hates her.

  3. Farrah is a snobby little Bitch that needs to go far, far away! There’s not enough therapy in the world that can fix her family problems and treacherous past.

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