Drew Kenney on New ‘Bachelor’ Juan Pablo Galavis: “They Made a Great Choice”

desiree season
“Great job, buddy!”

He didn’t get the girl, and he didn’t get the job as the next Bachelor, but Drew Kenney seems to be maintaining a positive attitude throughout it all.

In a conference call this morning, Drew told The Ashley (and several other reporters) that he thinks ABC made the right choice when they selected Latin lover Juan Pablo Galavis to be the next ‘Bachelor.’

“I think Juan Pablo is a great guy,” Drew said. “I know him really well, I got to know him in the house and I’ve talked to him post-show and he’s wonderful. I think that he will take it seriously and he will look at each one of his possible girlfriends/fiancés with great care. It think he will take it very seriously.”

Despite how Juan Pablo appeared on last night’s “After the Final Rose” special (i.e. kind of like a ladies’ man and sort of full of himself, in my opinion) Drew insists that Juan Pablo also has a sensitive side.

“He’s very genuine. He’s honest and sincere. The camera got his personality. He’s a pretty smooth guy and his sense of humor but what they didn’t see is behind all that he actually is a guy who cares a lot. I think the audience will be able to see that during his season. Ultimately, I think he wants what’s best for him and his daughter.”

“Hellllooooo, ladies!”

Drew says that he’s not bitter that producers gave the ‘Bachelor’ job to Juan Pablo instead of him. In fact, he insists that he wasn’t even up for the job, to his knowledge.

“I don’t know if I was ever in the running,’ he said. “If I was being considered or if any of that was happening, I wasn’t really informed.”

And ladies…if you’re looking for a sensitive guy with a passion for finding love (and pink shorts)…Drew is still single!

“I haven’t began seeing anybody,” he said. “This whole process and making it as far as I did, it kind of put me in this self-imposed lock-down. I haven’t began talking to anybody yet.”

To read more from The Ashley’s conference call with Brooks, Desiree, Drew and Chris, click here. (Lots of good stuff, including Desiree addressing “Second Choice” Chris!)

(Photos: ABC)

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