‘Catfish’ Couple Lauren & Derek Suffers Miscarriage

Sad news for our favorite 'Catfish' couple.
Sad news for our favorite ‘Catfish’ couple.

Catfish fans have been obsessed with Lauren Meller and Derek Shullenbarger ever since their episode aired earlier this season. (In case you’ve forgotten, they are basically the only couple to come out of that show that ended up staying together. Theirs was the episode that “featured” The Ashley‘s favorite ‘Catfish’ character ever, Levourne.)

Anyway, a little while ago, The Ashley gave you an update on how the couple has been doing since the show. They are still very much together!

Things have been going great for Lauren and Derek, but recently Lauren starting hinting that we would be let in on a very big surprise when their reunion special airs.

(It is being taped on October 5 and will air somewhere around October 15 from what The Ashley has heard.)

Today, Lauren decided to reveal the big surprise on her Twitter account and, unfortunately, it wasn’t a happy update.

One thing’s for sure: the MTV production team is not going to be happy that Lauren gave fans such a huge update off-camera. (They like to save that stuff for the reunions so they can milk it for ratings.)

The Ashley sends her best wishes over to Lauren and Derek!

(Photo: MTV)

5 Responses

  1. How sad. I’m really rooting for these two.

    I also love R. Levourne and really hope MTV finds him and brings him to the reunion.

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