The editors of the A & E show Duck Dynasty better duck for cover– the show’s patriarch, Phil Robertson, is <bleeping> mad!
In a recent no-holds-barr interview with The Christian Post, Phil lashed out at the show’s editors for trying to make his family look like they were using profanity when they really weren’t.
“They inserted fake beeps like somebody had used profanity, but no one had used profanity,” the bearded wonder says in the interview.
“Of course these people thought there was some profanity going on. [But] there was zero. If you want that, you can get all of that you want, just turn the station. There’s plenty of that!” he said. “And if we’re not using profanity, why make it look like we’re using profanity? What is the point? Why don’t you just run it and say what we say?”
Phil accused the show’s editors–who he likens to 15 or 20 people in Los Angeles– of having “no moral compass” (haha- that’s basically all of us in LA, Phil!)
“They’re the ones that said, ‘You know, I think it’d be cool here to maybe make it look like they’re cursing,'” Phil said.
After he complained about the fake bleeps, the producers eventually quit doing it, but they still continued to do one thing that really made Phil go quackers. (OK, that’s the last bad duck pun, I swear!)
“The other thing is when we prayed, ‘In Jesus’ name, Amen’…They would just have me sayin’ ‘Thank you Lord for the food, thank you for lovin’ us, Amen.’ So I said, ‘Why would you cut out “In Jesus’ name?'” and they said, ‘Those editors are probably doing that and they don’t want to offend some of the Muslims or something.”
This didn’t set well with Phil, who continued to press for the real prayer to be featured. Eventually, he said, it worked.
“I notice now, every once in a while, they’re leaving it in there,” he said.
“[It’s] spiritual warfare,” he said. “You’ve got people with no moral compass. It ain’t there. So what I tell people is ‘Be patient. We’re workin’ on it.”
Phil’s son, Willie Robertson, offered this message to the Christian viewers who are unhappy with the show.
“God’s in control, he’s putting it out there,” he said. “You question him if you question what should be on there!”
Below is the entire video interview clip, which was first found by Radar Online.
(Photo: A & E)
One Response
I’m so happy to have a family like you to watch on TV. Duck Commander couldn’t have come at a better time in this world. God Bless You All!! Miss Kay, you’re a very strong and faithful woman. I have such respect for you. I’m so glad to hear Phil’s side of the story. I’m so proud of a family that sticks together with Christ. I’m so proud I did my parting, and God brought me right out of it, didn’t even have to ask him. He told me at the bar, Karen it’s enough. Thank you all for blessing us with your family and your blessing. Satan is working so hard on families, and they don’t realize it. God will conquer, God will win in the end.