Loose Lips Cost One ‘Survivor’ Their Spot in the Game

“Bitch, don’t be telling our secrets!”

Warning: SPOILER ALERT! (The Ashley is about to get all up in last night’s episode of Survivor!)

The ladies of the Galang tribe love them some Vytas! On last night’s episode of ‘Survivor,’ the four remaining women of the tribe were falling all over themselves for Vytas– Tina Wesson was considering trying to convince him to drag her daughter Katie into a cave and knock her up so that Tina could get some grandbabies. (Nope, nothing creepy or sexist about that at all!)

Anyway, the ladies were sad when they lost the Immunity Challenge because, according to their alliance’s plan, their lover boy Vytas would have to be the next person voted out. Rupert‘s wife, Laura Boneham took it upon herself to blab to Vytas that it was, indeed, him, getting the boot and madness ensued.

Click here to read more about what The Ashley thought of Laura’s bonehead move!


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