Faces of Hate: An Ode to ‘Bachelor’ Contestant Sharleen Joynt

SPOILER ALERT! Do not read below if you have not watched last night’s episode of The Bachelor!

Anyway, last night, Sharleen Joynt eliminated herself from Juan Pablo Galavis‘ harem on The Bachelor. Sharleen, who is possibly the classiest and most sophisticated contestant ever to appear on this crappy show, kept us all cracking up this season with her priceless faces. Most of the time, she was unable to hide her complete disdain for Juan Pablo and the entire ‘Bachelor’ charade, which made for some pretty classic moments!

Here on The Roundup we are certainly sad to see Sharleen go. While some fans have said that she will most likely be the next Bachelorette, The Ashley highly doubts that Sharleen would want to expose herself to all the cheese and fluff that becoming ‘The Bachelorette’ would entail.

In honor of Sharleen’s reality show stint demise, The Ashley brings you a collection of photos that show the moments she just can’t take Juan Pablo and his gang of nitwits any longer.

Click through the photos to see what Sharleen is thinking at each of these moments!


2 Responses

  1. I hope she is the next bachelorette . Sharleen was the only one worth watching . Clare and nikki are desparate and predictable ….Bimbos come a
    Dime a dozen and are easy to find . Sharleen was the diamond in the rough . she didn’t like him .. Smart girl

  2. I’m not a huge Bachelor fan… I’ve watched maybe 5 seasons of both of the shows (Dr Andy’s, Jason’s, Ashley’s, Ben’s, and I just watched Sean’s.) But is it just me or does she sort of look like Blakeley in some of those pictures?

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