‘Bachelor’ Juan Pablo: Still Living with His Parents & Baby Momma?

Even Miss Piggy knows this crap is weird….

Bachelor star Juan Pablo Galavis will make his final decision tonight, deciding whether to propose to either Clare Crawley or Nikki Ferrell on what’s being called (wait for it) “the most dramatic finale in ‘Bachelor’ history.”

While we don’t know who he chooses (unless you’re a cheater and have read the spoilers) we do know that the “lucky” lady will have to adjust to a very unconventional living situation once she moves in with The ‘Pabster.

According to Life & Style, Juan Pablo is barely scraping by financially and is currently living with his parents in a three bedroom apartment in Miami!

While living in a small apartment crammed with your boyfriend’s parents is certainly worlds away from the glamorous life the girls and Juan Pablo were living on the show, it gets worse! According to Reality Steve, Juan Pablo’s daughter, Camilia and Carla, his baby momma, live there too! (Oh, and apparently his sister and her kid.)

He lives in a condo with his parents, Carla, Camila, his sister, and her kid. Fact. And no, he doesn’t have any money either. Was waiting for this story to come out so I could add to it.
Read more at http://realitysteve.com/2014/03/06/the-bachelor-juan-pablo-spoilers-reader-emails-5/#ydGfZH3MALf0RPs1.99
“He lives in a condo with his parents, Carla, Camila, his sister, and her kid. Fact. And no, he doesn’t have any money either. Was waiting for this story to come out so I could add to it,” Reality Steve wrote after the Life & Style story broke.

Someone call Uncle Jesse because that’s one hell of a Full House!

According to the magazine, Juan Pablo’s decision to live with his parents was less about being close to his “familia” and more about not being able to afford a place of his own.

“Most of the money Juan Pablo got from soccer is probably long gone,” the magazine’s source said. “Juan Pablo’s job now is as a sports consultant who does work for the Venezuelan Baseball Hall of Fame. During baseball season, he has to travel to different ballparks and try to get Venezuelan players to sign memorabilia he can bring back to the Hall of Fame.”

However, when baseball season is over, so is Juan Pablo’s job for the year.

“The winner is about to be very surprised. She has no idea what she’s in for,” the source added.

I mean, who wouldn’t want to marry a guy with a part-time job that says insensitive things, still lives with his parents and baby momma and has the IQ of a potato?! Nikki and Clare need to pull their pants up and run like the wind!

(Photo: Instagram)
He lives in a condo with his parents, Carla, Camila, his sister, and her kid. Fact. And no, he doesn’t have any money either. Was waiting for this story to come out so I could add to it.
Read more at http://realitysteve.com/2014/03/06/the-bachelor-juan-pablo-spoilers-reader-emails-5/#sTYPXi2L8DGj9QCr.99

9 Responses

    1. This guy after all is Venezuelan. His culture and upbringing are way different from the average american lifestyle. They are used to living as joint families – all pitching in and helping out. His ex girlfriend also lives in the same apartment to be close to their daughter. This is not something an American girl would appreciate coming into. The Bachelor episode was just a facade to gain publicity and some $$$ rolling in. Good thing the producers of DWTS turned him down for the show.

  1. Hahaha I cannot believe there are people defending this guy! If he was a decent human being who just fell into hard times I would understand. But #1 He is the most arrogant, conceited man I have ever seen and treats everyone like they are under him and #2 why would you go on as the bachelor if you don’t already have your life together? You are going on the show to share your life with someone else but his life isn’t even established yet. I am honestly shocked the producers even picked him because I’m sure they had to know about this before hand. I honestly think that after the winner dumps his ass he should contact Farrah! Their personalities might actually work well with each other!

  2. What a catch….NOT. Don’t the producers do any kind of background checks. They should have at least min living standards like at least a full time Pizza delivery job, living in a single wide or 1bd apt and at least a HS diploma. come on raise the shows standards.

  3. Why are you trying to humiliate him…He is not the only person these days struggling-Most of AMERICA is! What is your problem..Besides this show made bank from him…Goes to show people will be so critical against a man who has ethics…this is why so many men and women bring the wrong person home so they don’t have to be alone and yet their kid becomes the victim in these peoples hands….and goes to show why our ethics and morals are going to the cesspool…

    1. I don’t think he had too many “ethics” if he was shopping for a wife and a momma on the Bachelor…especially when he played with all the women like they were just pretty toys.

  4. You gotta be kidding? ridiculous.. The same people that blast him are the ones who get paid to make up such condescending BS.. You make a living here folks, hes just here for a ride.. Suck it!

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