‘Bachelor’ Star Nikki Ferrell Catfights with Trista Sutter Over Juan Pablo Quotes

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“Girl, I will cut you!”

Meeeeeooow! Things got downright catty between recent Bachelor winner Nikki Ferrell and first-Bachelorette-to-get-married Trista Sutter after Trista made some comments about Nikki’s relationship with Juan Pablo Galavis to a magazine. Nikki tweeted at Trista to let her know she didn’t appreciate her comments and that she needed to shut her trap, which started an uproar in Internet Land.

“Well obviously, I don’t think you should marry someone who is doubting your relationship, so if he is, then I think she’ll need to have to have a heart-to-heart about whether she wants to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with her,” Trista told Life & Style.

However, she was quick to clarify that she was speaking generally, not specifically about Nikki and Juan Pablo.

“But I don’t know if that’s the case. I can’t speak to their personal relationship, I can only honestly wish them the best, and hope that if they do get married, that they’re doing it because they love each other and they want to spend the rest of their life with each other,” she said.

Trista went on to say that it “breaks her heart” that Juan Pablo is hated by America, because he is still part of the ‘Bachelor’ family. The author of the article, however, took the quote completely out of context, turning it into a headline that read like Trista said their relationship breaks her heart. (It truly was a case of sneaky journalism.)

Nikki, however, didn’t want to hear it. She took to her Twitter to tell Trista to shut it.

“You’re right @tristasutter you can’t “speak to our relationship” because you dont know either one of us. But thank you for playing #juststop,” she tweeted on Wednesday night.

Of course, ‘Bachelor’ fans had to add their two cents into the feud, and, for the most part, defended Trista.

“And this is exactly why people don’t like you Nikki,” one commenter wrote.

Nikki later defended her first tweet by posting another semi-snarky remark.

“Nothing personal against @tristasutter I was just making the point of how can you have an opinion on something you have no real knowledge of,” she wrote.

The Ashley has to side with Nikki here; Trista should have declined to talk about Nikki and Juan Pablo when she was approached by the magazine for a comment. Even though her comments were positive for the most part, she really had no place speaking about them when she doesn’t know either of them.

But, just for the record, The Ashley still thinks Juan Pablo is a sleazeball.

(Photos: ABC)


3 Responses

  1. I hate Nikki she is so full of herself and a bitch. Trista is right with what she said we all seen it on the show. They are just keeping this up because they both want fame and attention! Nikki has said she wants to model and act so has Juan. I can’t stand these too! Go away! They say they want to be private then post everything on twitter and instagram showing off fake relationship for attention and fame. I don’t like these two!! #Team Trista

    1. Trista and Ryan have been married how long now? They have two cute babies. Juan, has problems and he seemed like he just wanted fame. They are both stupid (Nikki and Juan), you were chosen for a show, now you aren’t private. You signed away a lot of your private life. The only reason I watched because a classmate of mine from high was on, thank goodness she was one of the first to leave. It saved me a season of stupid people. I hadn’t watch much of these shows in years, like I almost completely stopped after Trista and Ryan. I did watch some of Melissa and Jason( who is now married to the other girl and have a baby). This season, topped Jason( he “threw” this fit from what I have seen in many different places, they where to get married on the same day when some bigger event was happening on another channel at the same time. I only watched that season, because I watch Melissa on the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader making the team.

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