‘Teen Mom’ Stars Tyler Baltierra & Catelynn Lowell Annouce They’re Trying to Have a Baby

16 and pregnant
“It’s baby-making time!”

Five years ago, teenagers Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra made the heartbreaking decision to place their daughter, Carly, for adoption during an emotional episode of 16 and Pregnant. Following the airing of their episode, Catelynn and Tyler went on to become advocates for adoption during their time on Teen Mom. Today, the couple announced that they are trying to become parents.

“We’re ready to have a baby,” Catelynn told In Touch Weekly.

Catelynn and Tyler are now 22 years old, and feel that they are finally in the right place to become parents.

“I was too young when I got pregnant with Carly — I was sad and scared,” Catelynn told the magazine. “We’ve learned from what our parents did wrong. Tyler and I own our own home, have two cars and actually have money to support a kid.”

Tyler and Catelynn have both been working full-time as caregivers for developmentally disabled adults. (In addition to these full-time jobs, it appears that they were smart with their MTV earnings, and used the extra cash to purchase a home, rather than blow it on drugs and/or plastic surgery like some of their franchise co-stars.)

“I would’ve felt guilty if I got pregnant again when Carly was 1 or 2. But we’ve both been yearning for this,” Catelynn said. (Carly is about to turn five, and appears to have a very happy life with her adoptive parents, Brandon and Theresa.)

Catelynn said that she got off her birth control three months ago and that she and Tyler have been trying to conceive.

“We have no doubt that raising a child will be hard. But I know we’re going to be really great parents,” Catelynn said.

teen mom michigan
Catelynn and Tyler stand in front of the house they purchased in 2012.

The couple had planned to tie the knot in 2013 but called off the wedding after spending a season doing Couples Therapy. It does not appear that they are planning on getting married any time soon, although they are still engaged.

A few years ago, the magazine ran a story in which “Catelynn” claimed that she was pregnant again. The magazine ended up in the middle of an embarrassing scandal when it discovered that it wasn’t Catelynn that had given the interview, it was actually her mom, April, who made the whole thing up in an effort to get some tabloid cash. This time, however, Catelynn took to her verified Twitter account to confirm that the interview was very real.

“Yes people the intouch interview that’s out now is true and those are ALL my own words!

Catelynn is one of three ’16 and Pregnant’ girl that choose adoption for their child.  Lori Wickelhaus, who placed her son for adoption during Season 2, has since had another baby. The third girl, Ashley Salazar, is currently pregnant with her second child.

(Photos: Facebook/Twitter)


13 Responses

  1. Sorry to hear it. Too much white trash in the world already. Just look at her mother and his father…

  2. I love Caitlin and Tyler and Carly
    I wish they would come back on again and I was hoping that they would get married and wait to have another baby because I don’t think that they fully over giving up car Carly

  3. Didn’t they decide not to get married? That they weren’t ready? A child is a way bigger commitment than a marriage. A baby will really tie them together forever. If they aren’t ready for a marriage, then how are they ready for a child?

  4. bad move, they both haven’t really accomplished anything other then continuing to milk their 15 minutes. Will they be together in 5, 10 years, probably not! Sad

  5. These two are probably the SMARTEST teens that have EVER been on 16 & Pregnant. I hope they luck conceiving and from here on. I watched their episode and cried like a baby with them when they handed over baby Carly. SO SAD! But they did it out of love and you could tell that it was tearing their hearts apart! They are so mature, and mentoring other teens going through what they went through is remarkable of them. They didn’t have that kind of support when they were going through it. They had it rough. Bless you guys!

  6. I wish they would just get married first. I am happy for them, but don’t understand why they would actively try before getting married if they have been engaged so long. Engagement means willingness to marry, if not… then what does it mean??

    I feel like I’m missing something here.

    1. It’s strange, I’m not ready to be committed to you legally and spiritually for life, but I’m ready to be tied to you financially for 18 years with a baby!

    2. They are bored with each other and no doubt are having problems within their relationship and they are probably trying to fix whatever problems by having a baby. It sounds crazy I know but I have adults friends who have done what they are doing and unfortunately it almost NEVER turns out good for anyone.

  7. I am happy for them. They seem grounded and ready. Compare to Jennelle and Nathan like earth vs um, volcano?

    1. You do realize that Jennelle and Nathan are not the only two people on earth they can be compared to, right?

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