‘The Challenge’ Star Diem Brown Has Been Diagnosed With Cancer For Third Time

Diem BrownThis is a very sad story for The Ashley to write. This one just really hurts her heart.

Diem Brown, star of MTV’s The Challenge, has been diagnosed with cancer for the third time, her sister Megan told People magazine today. Diem, who bravely fought two rounds of ovarian cancer– once in 2003 after competing in ‘Fresh Meat’ and the second in 2012, right before competing on ‘Battle of the Exes,’ has just been diagnosed with colon cancer.

According to her sister, Diem was filming a reality show overseas when she collapsed. (It’s rumored that she was in Panama filming the next ‘Challenge’ which is currently taping.) Diem was airlifted to New York City, where she underwent emergency surgery on Sunday to remove a tumor that was completely blocking her colon.

Diem, who is only 32 years old, underwent a second surgery a few days later and is currently in the ICU of a New York City hospital. She will remain there for a few weeks, her sister estimated. She is currently in stable condition.

“She’s in and out,” Megan told the magazine. “She’s on a lot of medication but every once and awhile you’ll see her spirit, the light back in her eyes.”

She will undergo chemotherapy (for the third time) as soon as she is strong enough. Diem started Medgift.com, a medical registry for hospital patients after her first battle with cancer. To cover what will surely be outrageously costly medical bills, her family has set up a support page for her on Medgift.com. (If you’d like to donate, click here.)

Diem’s sister gave E! News a statement straight from Diem.

“This time around has been the scariest build up towards my cancer journey,” she said. “Both mentally, physically and emotionally the most traumatic. I’ve been needing some hope to fight for, some light to look forward to at the end of this journey. I find that strength in my family, friends and fans. People I’ve never met believe in me, I can’t let them down! I won’t.”

The Ashley has always been a huge fan of Diem. Although she is not popular with some of the fans of ‘The Challenge,’ The Ashley has always admired Diem’s strength and willingness to try to live a normal life, despite what’s been thrown at her. (To read all of the reasons The Ashley is a fan of Diem, click here!)

Diem’s friends from ‘The Challenge’ took to their Twitters on Saturday to send her their support and love.

“Sending some love to my baby girl @DiemBrownMTV!!! I will be here, ready to dance w/ U again when you get through all of this! #StayStrong,” wrote Camila Nakagawa.

“When I complain about petty things then see one of the most beautiful people i know going through the hardest challenge ever….@DiemBrown,” Cara Maria Sorbello posted.

“Hey everyone the time has come 2 help the woman who has helped so many…she needs us!” Paula Beckert posted of Diem.

The Ashley sends her best wishes and will keep y’all updated on Diem’s condition and treatment.

10 Responses

  1. UGH. OMGGGG I am so sad for her! This is so wrong! I feel so terrible for Diem but she is so positive, it’s inspiring! My best friend growing up- her mom had cancer and she kept beating it only for it to return somewhere else. She eventually passed and I still think of her and miss her. My best friend has endometriosis and it was very painful- she eventually had a hysterectomy last summer. Although she never particularly wanted kids, she definitely feels cheated. My heart bleeds for her and Diem for not being able to experience carrying a child. I have already offered to my best friend to carry for her if she ever decides she wants a child. I hope Diem is able to beat this horrible disease! We are rooting for her!

  2. I cannot imagine facing cancer 3 times in 10 years! Diem and I are the same age and I have my own personal struggles but they seem petty compared to the cards she has been dealt. I hope she is able to conquer this cancer once and for all this time.

  3. I love Diem and have always admired her strength and determination. So sad to hear about this disease once again returning, how heartbreaking for Diem and her family.

  4. I personally cannot stand Diem’s personality or her entitled behavior on challenges (and don’t even get me started on the whole speech and huge deal she made out of NEVER EVER appearing on another challenge again after the last one she was on, if it was in fact the challenge that she filming when she collapsed) but I do feel exceptionally sorry for her having to go through this 3 times.
    One of my good friends was diagnosed with a brain tumor a few years ago and just found out she’s got another one, all before the age of 25, so I’ve seen the struggles of cancer first hand and definitely do not wish it upon anyone. Hopefully Diem is able to pull through!

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