“16 and Pregnant” Season 5 Star Jordan Cashmyer Now Working at a Strip Club

Jordan recently posted a photo from the club she works at to her Instagram.
Jordan recently posted a photo from the club she works at to her Instagram.

Jordan Cashmyer’s episode of 16 and Pregnant was only filmed six months ago, but a lot has changed since then in the life of the young mom and her boyfriend, Derek Taylor. Jordan is best remembered as the Maryland girl that was homeless during most of her episode in Season 5. She and Derek moved from place to place during their episode and struggled to keep a roof over their heads.

Five months after their daughter Genevieve was born, the couple has split. They are no longer homeless, as Derek is currently living with his grandparents and attending school, while Jordan and Evie are back living with Jordan’s parents.

That’s not all that’s changed in Jordan’s life since filming with MTV, however. Although she had once said that she was considering joining the military, Jordan is now pursuing a very different, um, career: She is now working at an Baltimore “gentleman’s” club.

On August 15 she addressed the rumors that had been circulating on Twitter about her new job, tweeting, “Just to clarify I do work at a strip club but no I do not strip.” However, judging from her retweets and several Twitter users that claim to have seen her dancing, it appears that Jordan may have moved up to working the pole.

Derek told a follower that he is not happy that the mother of his child has chosen to work as a dancer.

“I mean it does kinda suck but I can’t control her,” he said on his Ask account. “She is a big girl. And I won’t allow my daughter to do that dumb s**t so I’m not trippin!”

Jordan has been tweeting about life working in the strip club.

“I already had issues trusting people but now working in the environment I do I’m never gonna trust anyone,” she wrote. Later, she added a message to address the negative comments she’s been getting from fans about her new career choice.

“Jealous I can comfortably walk around in a small amount of clothing and you can’t?” she wrote.

A follower asked Derek whether he thought Jordan would follow ’16 and Pregnant’ Season 1 star Farrah Abraham‘s lead and head into the adult film industry. Derek replied that he didn’t think his ex-girlfriend has the, um, assets to do a film like Farrah’s.

“She’s not built for that!” he wrote.

Derek remains part of his daughter’s life and, according to his answers on his Ask account, he is able to see his daughter as much as he wants.

“Jordan and I are very capable of being good friends,” Derek recently tweeted. “I just don’t know if we can be a good couple anymore.”


20 Responses

  1. I’d just like to point out that I know Jordan and I’ve spent time with her baby, probably more than her. This whole victim act is total bullshit. Jordan abandoned her baby, is working as a stripper (even though i can’t say definitely but most likely the streets too), and Derek currently puts more effort out there than Jordan. Derek has at least tried to make an actual connection with Genevieve instead of just posting about it for sympathetic fans. Those pictures Jordan currently has on many of her social media accounts of the baby were not taken by her as she hasn’t seen the child in months (in fact my friends and I first hand witnessed her absence and the taking of the pictures) and shows no effort to do so. Her parents have created a great environment for there grand-baby (no thanks to Jordan). I recommend Jordan gets her head out of her ass and wake up to realize she will never have a future with her child.

  2. I know you guys are fan of Diem Brown.

    She collapse during filming the next challenge in Panama and was diagnosed with Colon Cancer -.-

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