Megan McConnell gave birth to her son, Blake, over four years ago during her episode of 16 and Pregnant, and the Season 2 star will soon be returning to the delivery room. Megan announced yesterday that she is expecting her second baby!
In an exclusive interview, the 21-year-old told The Ashley that the father of this baby is her boyfriend of 10 months, Chase, whom she met through her ’16 and Pregnant’ Season 2 co-star, Kayla Jordan!
“He went to high school with her,” Megan told The Ashley. “We’ve been together for about 10 months but we’ve known each other for a couple of years.”
The couple has been living together since April, but was not planning on having a baby right now.
“I was shocked when I found out!” Megan said. “I showed Chase the test and just stared at him without saying anything!”
Once they got used to the idea of having a baby, Megan said the excitement started to kick in.
“This [will be] his first child,” she said. “We are both really excited.”
Megan’s son, Blake, is also thrilled at the thought of having a sibling—particularly if it’s a little girl!
“Every day he says, ‘How much did the baby grow?’” Megan said. “He’s so excited. He really wants a sister!”
It’s still very early in Megan’s pregnancy—she is currently only two months along—so she is continuing her job as a teacher. She currently works at a Fort Collins, Colorado, preschool. She, Chase and Blake moved to the town a few months ago.

Megan said she is extremely happy, and that wedding bells may be in her future someday.
“We want to get married, but we don’t know when,” she said.
Megan was previously married to Blake’s father, Nathan Stone. They divorced in 2012 and Megan currently has full custody of Blake, but Nathan sees him about once a month.
After Megan and Nathan divorced, Nathan married another girl who he has since divorced. He is now dating a single mom.
“He has a new girlfriend that has 4 kids so he’s always with them,” Megan told The Ashley.
Megan is one of at least 22 girls from the show’s five seasons to get pregnant for a second time. This list includes Izabella Tovar, Ebony Jackson, Jenelle Evans, Lori Wickelhaus, Leah Messer, Kail Lowry, Brooke Tarrant, Felicia Cooke, Jordan Ward, Jennifer Del Rio, Danielle Cunningham, Mackenzie Douthit, Sarah Roberts , Kristina Robinson, Jordan Howard , Whitney Purvis, Aubrey Wolters, Christinna Cook, Myranda Trevino, Catelynn Lowell and Ashley Salazar. There have been other pregnancy rumors, but these are the only ones that resulted in an actual child and/or are confirmed to be pregnant right now.
(Photos: Facebook, Twitter)
14 Responses
She doesn’t seem to like to wait when it comes to guys and unprotected sex.
Nathan is doing great and we are expecting a child as well in April . We have repeatedly asked to talk to or see Blake unfortunately megan feels nathan does not deserve to have contact with Blake although Blake wants to see his daddy and nathan is trying and paying his child support.. nathan has a negative past but is currently a great man doing everything he can to be in contact with his son.. as far as megan mentioning my children I found it disrespectful that have nothing g to do with megan and nathans son or episode.. sincerely Jackie
Okay, I am Nathan’s aunt and I can’t believe the way he is treated. Yes, Nathan has a new girlfriend. Yes, she has children. That does not diminish the fact that Nathan is doing all he can to see Blake. He has a court order for joint custody. Where is allowed visitation with Blake. He is paying child support, he is attempting to call and talk to Blake but is met with resistance and unanswered calls. He is denied his court ordered visits and as much as he tries to visit Blake he is being unlawfully denied access to his son. I am happy for Megan, Chase and especially Blake for their new baby. I just want everyone to know that the fact that Nathan’s girlfriend has other kids does not for one minute lower his ability to love Blake. Obviously having more than one kid does not stop a parent from loving all their children. Or why would Megan be having another kid?
I wonder what Nathan looks like now, I person believe he was the hottest fathers of his season( but he does have the best personality)
He has a great personality too, MTV did a lot of editing to make him look the way they wanted him to look.
He is better looking now 🙂 !!
I don’t understand sharing so early. I am 16 weeks pregnant and have made no public social media announcement. Even the closest family and friends didn’t know until after 3 months.
One more baby born to uneducated, unstable, unmarried, unprepared parents who barely know each other. Congrats!
I love the fact that they weren’t trying to have a baby. Sweetheart, you already ‘accidentally’ got pregnant once. Let’s not pretend like you don’t know how this happens…
I’m starting to think these girls just get pregnant for attention after their fame dies down. It’s ridiculous and sad.
Boyfriend of 10 months and she’s already 2 months pregnant? Slow down! I don’t get these girls and their mentality of having a baby with someone they’ve dated for a hot second…
Allie from season 3 is also pregnant..she confirmed it before she deleted her public instagram.