Last month, The Ashley told you that Farrah Abraham was in contact with Teen Mom producers and was trying to get her job back on the show, which she lost due to, well, opening her “back door” on camera. Although Farrah denied that the reports were true, The Ashley’s sources told her that they were not only true, but that the producers were likely to give in and let Farrah back on ‘Teen Mom.’
Well…it appears that Farrah has gotten her way. MTV announced today that Farrah will return to the show. In fact, she will actually be on Season 5, which is likely the reason that the premiere date keeps getting pushed back. While Farrah thinks that everyone will be thrilled to see her ugly-cry-face back on ‘Teen Mom,’ that’s not exactly the case.
The show’s creator, Lauren Dolgen, confirmed to Us Weekly that the show’s other stars– Catelynn Lowell, Maci Bookout and Amber Portwood–aren’t thrilled with the news. In fact, we will get to hear their opinions about it during the course of the season.
“[They] know that she’s coming back,” Lauren told the magazine, “and it did create a little bit of controversy that will play out in the series.”
The girls (and their male counterparts) have remained silent on social media regarding the addition of Farrah. However, Farrah seems to think that everyone will be very excited to see her on the show.
“There’s going to be lots of excitement from the ‘Teen Mom’ fans and MTV’s fan base as well, so I’m excited to be back!” she told Us Weekly.
Lauren Dolgen said that the change was more about logistics than Farrah herself.
“There is something about having that fourth story to counterbalance — there’s just a magic to four stories and four different points of view,” she said.
The Ashley finds it hilarious that Farrah is coming back, especially since, just months ago, she was bashing the other girls for signing on.
“Some of the moms on the show still need that,” Farrah said in August of ‘Teen Mom’ fame. “Fortunately for me, I have other ways of making money. I can’t keep doing the same things year after year.”
Farrah and her family have already started filming her segments. On January 12, her father, Michael Abraham, posted on his Facebook that he and his family were filming something that would blow Farrah’s “haters” away.
“A few meetings and yes ‘working’ with my girls and Debra. It will be a happy surprise for our fans and a joke on all our “haters” ….. Stay tuned,” Michael wrote.
The bad news is that we will have to endure Farrah’s segments on ‘Teen Mom.’ The good news is that The Ashley will get to recap them!
As The Ashley told you yesterday, no premiere date has been set for ‘Teen Mom’ Season 5.
MTV declined to comment on this story.
25 Responses
Ugh mtv you can block her calls you know ? Her story isn’t interesting. I get that people like watching drama but she is really too annoying. This is really disappointing I thought we were going to get more time with the teen moms that we like not this train wreck.
I have to admit I found Farrah’s segments to be entertaining in season 4. Remember the horrible trip to Austin with that guy and she tried to make him propose then when she found out how old his stepmom was said she can’t have kids and would be a loooooone bird? Omg.
I said it a few months ago and I’ll say it now: the dumb bimbo is broke and desperate for cash. She put her home on the market, isn’t opening her restaurant, is stripping and peddling sex toys on the road, and just a few weeks ago purposely jacked up her face to get another “reality” TV paycheck.
So as much as I enjoyed laughing at her in past seasons, I wish MTV wouldn’t have signed her on again because I was looking forward to watching her slowly fade from the spotlight and run out of money. I can’t wait for karma to come take her and her nasty parents down a few notches. Especially Michael, I can’t STAND him, he’s like Farrah’s creepy pimp/groupie.
Go duke on Michael and bring daisy for Ferrah.
there is no way the others said they wouldn’t go on with Farrah. No one said that to begin with, they didn’t film together, and all of them need a check. Which one got a college education and a good job in their related field?? Not one from any season. There is no mystery here, we are talking about a bunch of lucky losers!
I was actually really excited that Teen Mom was returning but now that Farrah will be included, I will not watch the show. That’s how much I despise this girl. She is a pimple on the face of humanity. She is a fame seeking whore and will do anything and everything to keep her name out there.
Welll I guess I’ll be downloading the episodes and trimming Farrah out before I watch it. No bd. Shame Mtv will support her though. Doesn’t she have enough blood money being a porno star? Her fake sex toy molds and her blow up doll she must have blown all the money already. Or no one’s buying her sh*t anymore..
Regarding the conflicting twitter post from a month back, I am sure farrah will now say that MTV begged her to come back, and she only did so for the fans. Or for Sophia. (Right.)
I think I’m done with TM. I liked TM2 better anyway.
Oh I see farrah has come by to downvote all our posts.
HI farrah!
That was me, just cos I disagree doesn’t mean I am Farrah lol. That’s the thing with opinions not everyone has the same as you.
Okay Rachel… It’s past your bedtime, you’ve got school tomorrow…
Why because I disagree? Who is the juvenile here?
Don’t mind her, she just got her head stuck up Farrah’s back door.
Not going to watch teen mom till Farah is off don’t think its entertaining to watch a porn star and someone that craves attention as much as she does and don’t wont any teens I know to watch it I’m very disapointed cause I was excited about getting to catch up with the rest of the teen moms
She’s a cold heart witch! That treats people like crap. Can’t believe mtv is bringing her back. 🙁
It’s because they know people are fascinated with her because she is so absurd. It’s ridiculous. Everything she does is to get attention. I wish people would see through it and ignore her.
I have never been able to watch her segments on any previous season so I’m pretty disappointed MTV brought her back. She isn’t a good role model in any way, shape or form.
Not true…she is a role model for what NOT to do and how NOT to behave…a damn good one at that!!!
Yay, Im glad Farrah is coming back! We have been watching her grow up and just b/c we dont necessarily agree with her choices doesnt mean its not interesting to see how her choices affect her day to day life. Personally I think its laughable that the other girls/partners have the audacity to oust her. She is part of their bread and butter after all. A combination of her life experiences have led her down her path, lets follow it thru and see where she goes.
Oh hi, Farrah.
I agree, not perfect at all. At all!!! But neither are the other girls. I think SOME hide their flaws well while Farrah well she lets it all hang out…. In more ways than one! I Think she should be included.
O because all these female stars are going on talk shows talking about how they sext, how much they drink… its a show meant to help better you not send you with a bottle of jack and a needle in your arm to Drew.
Yes because without TM, Farrah is so private about her life. We’ve really all been in the dark all this time, so please, let her on TM so we can finally see what she’s up to these days.
Wow some MTV shows teens who are pregnant or having kids but not allow me to send in my videos of stunts. Used to be music videos now its just look how dumb america is they have the education but what is the use if they will not use it? That is why they can not get any decent “stars” on the show and resort to taping teens.