‘Amazing Race’ Star Bethany Hamilton is Pregnant

This screenshot is awesome.
This screenshot is awesome.

They didn’t win The Amazing Race, but newlywed surfers Bethany Hamilton and Adam Dirks have a lot to celebrate anyway. The couple, who finished in third place on the most-recent season of the reality show, made a big announcement today via Bethany’s Instagram account.

In a cute video posted on Monday morning, Bethany and Adam appeared together on a surfboard.

“We have a little surprise for you,” Bethany told her 790,000 followers. “Baby on board!”

“She’s pregnant– yes!” Adam added.

The couple, who has been married since 2013, let their fans know that their little “Soul Surfer” is due in early June– and it’s a boy!

On Bethany’s YouTube channel, the couple answered more questions about the pregnancy.

“In baby terms, I’m 22 weeks, which is about halfway there,” Bethany said. “It’s been a kind of crazy four months, finding out that we’re going to be parents. Life’s going to be changing! We’re starting to prep for bringing a new little being into the world. It’s all really exciting though.”

Bethany hasn’t let the pregnancy keep her out of the water.

“I’ve been surfing throughout my whole pregnancy…but, yeah, I, like, plan to surf as long as I can,” she said. “Once the belly’s pretty big, maybe just like mellow it out and spend more time swimming and enjoying the ocean.”

She also addressed what many fans were probably wondering: Will she struggle with motherhood because she only has one arm?

“I’ve been kind of thinking about it, but I often forget that I have one arm,” Bethany said. “But when I think about a squirming baby, changing the diapers could be really challenging. But how I live life now, I just adjust and adapt to different things, especially to things that are a lot easier with two arms…I’ll just have to find my own way to take care of the baby and of course I’ll have Adam to help.”

Check out the couple’s full YouTube announcement video below:

4 Responses

  1. I loved their positive attitudes on the race. I also love surfing and have been following Bethany’s accomplishment for awhile, shes an amazing athlete.

  2. After watching Bethany on the Amazing Race I doubt she will have much of a struggle. She did better then the people with two hands, and always kept her cool. Her and Adam are absolutely adorable and great people, Im so excited for them!

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