‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jeremy Calvert (Finally!) Makes a Statement About his Marriage via Social Media

"No divorce, y'all!"
“No divorce, y’all!”

Put your banjos away, guys, it looks like the saga of Teen Mom 2 stars Leah and Jeremy Calvert‘s marriage has ended– in a surprising way!

After Jeremy publicly shamed his wife on Twitter in October for cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend, Robbie Kidd, things in their marriage exploded. Despite the fact that  Jeremy continued to post things on social media to taunt Leah, she maintained that everything in their marriage was just fine.

Jeremy has laid low on social media over the last few months–even deleting his Twitter account for a while. However, he’s back to tweeting, and his latest posts indicate that he has forgiven Leah.

After the scandal broke last year, Jeremy cleared everything off of his Twitter account that had to do with Leah. As of yesterday, however, she’s back on Jeremy’s Twitter space.

He emerged from his Twitter cocoon to post several telling photos, one of him with Leah’s daughter, Aleah, and one old photo of him and Leah riding his motorcycle. It is the first time he has even mentioned Leah (in a positive way) since the scandal.

That’s not all: he has also made it “Facebook official” that he and Leah are back together. During the rocky period, both Jeremy and Leah changed their Facebook relationship statuses from “Married” to “It’s complicated.” Although Leah changed her status back to “Married” months ago, Jeremy remained the hold out and continued to use the “complicated” status, letting everyone know that things weren’t as perfect in their marriage as Leah was trying to make everyone believe.

He recently changed it back and now proudly proclaims that he is still married to Leah. This is quite a switch from his feelings from a few months ago when he was adamant that he would divorce Leah. Not only did he initially refuse to sign on for ‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 6 (which is filming now) because he didn’t want anything to do with Leah, but he was also caught acting like a single man several times during his marriage crisis.

Leah and Jeremy’s marriage crisis will almost certainly have to be addressed in the upcoming season. Hopefully we will find out how they were able to turn things around and get their marriage back on track. Luckily, it may stay that way, thanks to Leah’s frequent “mistress,” Robbie Kidd, being unavailable. Not only did he get married last month, but he is also planning to join the Navy, which means he may be high-tailing it out of ol’ West Virginia and be heading far away from Leah. Let’s hope these two crazy kids are able to stay away from each other (finally) in order to make their marriages work.

The Ashley isn’t convinced that this is the last we’ll hear of this story; however. They may just be playing nice for the ‘Teen Mom 2’ cameras.

(Photo: Facebook)

15 Responses

  1. I give it less than 5 years, perhaps even significantly less. When cheating is involved, things never go back to where they were before.

    Past events tell me that neither are truly invested in each other, both probably cheat, and Jeremy is in a ‘it’s cheaper to keep her’ frame of mind, right now.

    It’ll wear on them.

  2. I’m not surprised. Look at all the crap leah did to corey and he still wanted to make it work for a long time. Even the things she did to Jeremy when they were dating and he didn’t take off. I don’t know how she does it but she sure knows how to make then dance.

  3. They aren’t together. Word around town is they are holding together until their contract is up. And look at Leah’s Facebook – she no longerhas Jeremy listed in her friends and Tammy and Leah are no longer friends on Facebook. They refriended each other and then defriended about 2 weeks ago.

    I’d also like to add that Leah isn’t in any of these recent pictures. Posting pictures of Jeremy only shows is nothing. I’m sure most of you will remember he said he wants to continue to have a relationship with the girls

    1. I wanna see Babs scream at Leah “well Leah, I seen ya with Robbie” that would be the crossover of my dreams *-*

  4. I was about to put away my banjo until..
    “Luckily, it may stay that way, thanks to Leah’s frequent “mistress,” Robbie Kidd, being unavailable. Not only did he get married last month, but he is also planning to join the Navy, which means he may be high-tailing it out of ol’ West Virginia and be heading far away from Leah”
    Looks like my banjo can’t catch a break.

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