Controversial ’16 and Pregnant’ Star Nikkole Paulun Welcomes Second Child

Nikkole is posting plenty of pre-labor duckface hospital selfies. (As you do)
Nikkole is posting plenty of pre-labor duckface hospital selfies. (As you do)

UPDATE: Nikkole has announced that her daughter, Ellie Jade, arrived safely. She posted the photo below that was taken in the delivery room during her daughter’s birth. According to a later post, Ellie was born at 6:34 p.m. and weighed in at 7 lbs. 6 oz. and was 21 inches long.

Nikkole Paulun says she’s about to give birth, and while many critics of the 16 and Pregnant star are skeptical that Nikkole was even pregnant, it appears that this may be the real deal!

The 21-year-old, who gave birth to her first child, Lyle, during the second season of ’16 and Pregnant,’ told her social media followers that she was induced today. According to a Facebook message posted this morning by Nikkole, she was dilated and having contractions and seemed ready to give birth to the baby, which Nikkole says is a girl. She plans to name her Ellie Jade.

As stated above, fans and critics of the show have been skeptical that Nikkole is even pregnant, given that she has a history of questionable pregnancies. Longtime readers may remember that, back in the summer of 2013, Nikkole claimed to have been pregnant, and stated that she had given birth to a stillborn baby boy in July of that year.

After Nikkole sold her “heartbreaking” story to Radar Online, Nikkole’s best friend, Samantha Diggs, came forward and revealed that Nikkole had faked the entire pregnancy, and had used the excuse of having a stillbirth as a way to cover up her actions. Nikkole denied that Samantha’s story was true; however a blog later revealed very damning evidence that Nikkole’s “second” pregnant was fake.

Nikkole posted this photo of her daughter Ellie.

Anyway, this third? second pregnancy appears to be legit, however. Nikkole’s mother, Rikki Turner, posted about it on her private Facebook page, announcing that Nikkole was, indeed, in labor with Ellie at a hospital in Monroe, Michigan.

Nikkole announced she was pregnant back in November, and told her followers that the pregnancy was not planned.

“This is definitely a shock as I wasn’t expecting this at ALL,” Nikkole wrote on her Instagram announcement. “I’m extremely overwhelmed with emotions and drained from being so sick. I know I’m not completely ready to be a mom again but I know everything will work out perfect!”

Nikkole said that Baby Ellie’s father is a guy named Ryan Rice, whom she dated in 2014 and was briefly engaged to. The couple has since broken up.

A few months after Nikkole announced her pregnancy, she was arrested for third degree retail fraud. Nikkole later claimed that is was her friends who were stealing, not her. (As you do.)

The Ashley will update this story when more info in available.

(Photo: Instagram)


9 Responses

  1. these poor kids. once they are old enough to google themselves or their mom i cannot image what they are going to think. this girl is a mess and cannot take care of her son – why in the world she would have another is beyond insane. and to say getting pregnant is such a shock when she doesn’t use birth control or clearly hasn’t figured out how to do it correctly as she has been pregnant (according to her) two other times.

  2. Just because this pregnancy is real doesn’t mean this girl is any less crazy. Her mom takes care of her son most of the time, she’s constantly involved with losers who beat her up (supposedly) and worries more about posting selfies than she does about getting an education so that she can support all these kids she’s having. She doesn’t quite “get it” that depending on her parents & her baby daddies parents doesn’t qualify as being self sufficient. She needs to close her legs & work on standing on her own 2 feet instead of getting pregnant with each new trashy boyfriend, then whining after them when (surprise, surprise) they dump her and/or end up in jail. Another thing…she’s NOT a star. PERIOD.

    1. Well it seems like most of the girls that were on this show have the same problem. It’s pathetic and sad that these girls don’t realize they are bringing human beings into this world and their kids are going to be affected the most by the bad choices they make.

      1. i always think that a solid 50% of the kids born on 16 and pregnant would have been better off if they were put up for adoption and placed in loving and stable homes. When will people realize that is the most loving and compassionate choice sometimes.

  3. I always knew this pregnancy was real. She would have to be really mentally ill to fake another pregnancy. I still don’t know what her reason was for faking the last one. Was she that desperate for attention???

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