TLC Releases Premiere Date for ‘Sister Wives’ Season 6– Is Meri Brown Returning to Show?

Did Meri escape the family?!
Did Meri escape the family?!

The Brown family is coming back to our TVs starting this September…well, at least some of them anyway.

TLC has just announced that the sixth season of the family’s show, Sister Wives, will premiere on Sunday, September 13. Judging from the network’s description of the season (and the exclusive sneak peek video that the network gave to The Wrap), we’re in for a wild ride!

The season picks up right where we left off with the Browns. Meri Brown, the first (and only legal) wife of Kody, had just gotten word that their divorce is final, and discusses whether or not she will attend fourth wife Robyn‘s legal wedding to Kody. As we learned last season, Kody wants to adopt Robyn’s three kids from her previous marriage, but since Robyn was not legally married to Kody, they had encountered some issues. Meri seems to have moved on from the pain she felt over having to divorce Kody.

“I feel like I’ve dealt with it enough that I can see the bigger picture,” she says in the clip.

While that may be the case, the Season 6 description hints at something much more juicy happening in the family.

“While Meri’s divorce from Kody was meant to be just a document shuffle, it has become nothing like what the family thought it would be, per the Discovery-owned cable channel’s description,” reported The Wrap. “So much has changed and the whole family struggles to figure out how to move forward.”

Who would want to leave this stud?
Who would want to leave this stud?

For months, it’s been hinted on reality TV message boards and Facebook groups that Meri has left the family. Now single (legally) and without any children living at home, Meri really has nothing tying her to the rest of the Brown family (except her “love” for Kody).

When Kody and Robyn announced that Robyn was pregnant a few months ago via a family photo, Meri looked less-than-enthused by the whole charade and barely mustered a “Congrats” on social media to the couple. She seemed to be on the outs with the family.

In fact, a few months ago, Meri seemed to be hinting that she actually had a new boyfriend, a person she had met via Twitter. She and a man who claimed to be named Sam seemed to be in a relationship and Meri was making no attempt to hide it.

Meri and this Sam character even hinted that they were engaged. Kody seemed to be getting angry at Meri and Sam’s blatant flaunting of their relationship. Kody even gave Sam, who went by the Twitter handle “NotBatmanYet,” an online scolding in late June. (That’s what this tweet was about.)

Unfortuanatly for Meri, her “relationship” with “Sam” seems to have been a major case of catfishing. It was later revealed that “Sam” turned out to be a woman who had a history of catfishing women. Since the catfishing was exposed, Meri has been silent on Twitter.

In addition to Meri’s issues, it appears that the sixth season of ‘Sister Wives’ will also focus on the issues that Kody and Robyn face when Kody tries to adopt her kids. It’s been reported that her ex-husband, David Preston Jessop, is not ready to sign his kids over to Kody, even though he has not seen them in well over a year, according to Robyn.

Kody will also try to bond with his daughters this season. In the past, Kody’s been criticized for spending more time with his sons than his daughters.

As per usual, it seems that second and third wives Janelle and Christine will be relegated to background figures this season. They did, apparently, get a free trip to Alaska however. The family was spotted filming in an Alaskan ski town earlier this month. 

‘Sister Wives’ Season 6 premieres on TLC on Sunday, September 13. It will be followed by the “Best of Sister Wives Tell All” special, according to the network.

Watch the sneak peek clip below:

(Photo: TLC)

24 Responses

  1. Meri was “First Love”, Jenelle “smart mind” keeps family from starving, and Christine “funny and kind” loves everyone. Robyn is the “mistress” forbidden love and secrets. Meri, out of the picture will make them all happy, she really only took from the relationship. Anything she brought into the house was for her and Mariah only. Very selfish woman.

    1. I think Cody is an egotistical man and honestly don’t see what the wives see in him.meri was hurt when she asked Cody about them having another baby and he said no but it’s ok for robin to have another baby.I don’t think I would’ve done what meri did with the divorce but I wouldn’t have married him period.I do think robin is the favorite and she is very sneaky about it. Everything was different with their marriage even the honeymoon.I think when he told Keri no more children I would’ve left him myself because why can robin have one and not merit?

  2. Anyway you slice it- the situation between Robyn and Meri is bad! What they described as being the reason(adoption of kids) was supposed to include a quite divorce of Meri and small quite marriage to Robyn because like they said- it’s not for display just for legal reasons. Now the way it looks is that Robyn has taken advantage of Meri’s kindness and is planning her big wedding now that she is queen wife. I think she has always been jealous of Meri- now she has everything. Poor Meri- She needs a good man- a real one !

    1. When Robyn was brought into the family the whole dynamic changed – she would be happy if the other three women left. I don’t watch the show anymore just saw this coming from the beginning. TLC needs to find better shows.

  3. I think Robyn has always wanted to be “The Wife” when she tried to play her hand of feeling bad for Meri it was to transparent. Meri was “The Wife” and to be catfished added hurt to hurt. Being deceived twice is awful.

    1. @The Principle: I apologize for not linking in the first place. That’s not my style at all. I have linked back to your site, which was very helpful in finding family background. Again, I apologize. -The Ashley

  4. Hahaha! Meri got catfished by a woman pretending to be a man! There are even pictures of Meri with this woman in Disneyland! Maybe Meri, who always looked a little butch to me, is switching sides! Sleeping with man-child Kody would probably do that to anyone!

    1. LOL. Of course he is. He HAS NEVER been seen. In over 5+ years. Only Jackie has been seen, but she will try and convince everyone thats not her name either. She’s currently publicly pretending to be a girl named Lindsey Jackson.

  5. While Robyn is obnoxious, I’ve always thought that Meri was no saint either. Look how she treated (treats?) poor Jenelle. Can we also remember how Meri had a complete meltdown over a minibar when they don’t even drink alcohol?
    I can’t wait for the new season! Except not looking forward to seeing Kody or his creepy hair.

    1. Unsure why my initial post was not shown.. lemme try again
      You are amazing! Your research is outstanding!
      The world needs more people like you.

      1. thank you. we are just trying to save other women & men for falling for this. it’s heartbreaking the damage this jerk has caused.

  6. Sad she was catfished. What an awful way to reenter dating after what she has had to sustain in her marriage.

  7. Meri should just move on. Robyn is always going to be the favorite wife. Make yourself happy Meri. You’ve been a miserable mess since Queen Robyn came along. Dont suck the life out of your daughter in doing so. Get your own life.

    1. I feel like Meri has been miserable since Kody married Janelle and since she couldn’t have any children except Mariah.

  8. 1- i would die to see mary getting catfished on MTV

    2- it’s pretty insulting to the viewer that they are trying to pretend that kody and robyn got married to adopt those kids. they still have a father! unless something crazy happens kody will never even get into a court to petition for adoption

    1. He is eligible for no government benefits being married to Meri, with no children under the age of 18. With all Robyn’s present and future children, marriage to her is more beneficial financially. The adoption lie is so transparent and ridiculous.

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