UPDATE! Snooki Addresses Rumors that Her Husband Jionni LaValle is Linked to Ashley Madison Account

Et tu, Jionni?
Et tu, Jionni?

Jersey Shore star Jionni LaValle is the latest married reality star to be exposed as a possible AshleyMadison.com user. Jionni, who has been with Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi for years, is reportedly linked to an email address that was used to start an account on the affair website.

Us Weekly broke the story that Jionni, who married Nicole last November, is reportedly one of the 37 million subscribers to the site. (Hackers exposed a list of the site’s subscribers last week.)

If true, Jionni joins Real Housewives of New York star Josh Taekman and self-proclaimed “biggest hypocrite ever” Josh Duggar on the list of married reality stars exposed for trying to have affairs.

Nicole and Jionni have been uncharacteristicly silent about the affair accusations since news broke yesterday. Normally, Nicole directly addresses any scandal that involves her or her family on her social media accounts. While she has posted about products and other things, she has yet to even mention the accusations against her husband. Even Nicole’s best friend and Snooki & JWoWW co-star, Jenni Farley, has remained quiet. (She is usually very quick to defend Nicole on social media.)

Jionni and Nicole met while Nicole was filming ‘Jersey Shore.’ They have two children together.

To read all about Josh Duggar’s AshleyMadison.com account and affair, click here!

UPDATE: Nicole has finally addressed this rumor. She just posted this statement to her website and Instagram pages:

This morning when I got a call from my publicist that a story was going to be printed on my husband “allegedly” signing up on Ashley Madison, I laughed- and said lets not even comment and give the story any juice, because it couldn’t be any further from the truth. But now seeing how it’s the “news of the day” and everyone is wondering what I think about it- here it is. Jionni is the the most humble, respectful, and most loyal souls I know. I mean hello, that’s why I married him. He’s a stand up guy who loves his family more than anything in this world. The fact that the tabloids can deliberately make stories up and print things like “Jionni LaValle ALLEGEDLY and MAY HAVE signed up on Ashley Madison” is absurd. I can see if there is proof in the story to make it legitimate, but to accuse my husband of something he had no idea about… HOW IS THAT LEGAL? I really didn’t even want to acknowledge this absurd story, but when my family is being bashed for no reason- mama bear is gonna say what’s up. So no, my husband didn’t sign up on that website to cheat on me. Honestly, if he wanted to cheat- he would go out and do it. Not sign up on a website and pay for it. Jionni is a good guy and doesn’t need his name being tarnished. Nor does our family. We did nothing wrong to deserve this. So with all of this said, I love you babe. And even though I’m a pain in your ass, I know you would never cheat on me. Especially on a lame ass website.

Jionni has yet to address the scandal himself.

The Ashley is expecting Us Weekly to respond to Snooki’s statement. The magazine will likely be producing proof of Jionni’s account, or a big fat apology! Stay tuned!

8 Responses

  1. I think it’s quite sad that so many women believe that men signing up on this site doesn’t mean they want to cheat. Bullshit. No one makes an email and password because they are “curious” about a cheating site…if they weren’t thinking about cheating.

    Tell yourself whatever you need to Snooks…or any other women who believe this BS excuse. No one wants to believe that their husband isn’t satisfied and wants to cheat…but keeping your head in the sand won’t change FACTS.

  2. I don’t know, I find the whole Ashley Madison website fascinating. I can see someone logging in just out of curiosity. Is it fishy that his email is attached to it? Yes! But I also find it plausible to investigate the site with no real intentions of cheating. Obviously when there are credit cards linked, then there is no doubt of intent to cheat.

  3. She doesn’t deny he signed up to the website. She just says he “didn’t sign up on that website TO CHEAT on me”…sounds like he did indeed sign up, but she denies a hookup.

  4. Didn’t they say that email addresses such as Tony Blair’s (former Prime Minister of Great Britain) was in the database yet they had no doubt that Tony Blair wasn’t really on the website?

    I’m looking at this as the presence of an email address doesn’t necessarily prove they were on the website – or even active on the website. Maybe they were curious and signed up but didn’t do anything. Having an email address there doesn’t necessarily make someone a dirty cheater (or even a wanna be dirty cheater).

    I have no doubt about Josh Duggar. This guy though? I never watched Jersey Shore but my guess is that if he cheated, some skank would have already gone to the tabloids with it.

  5. I’m not saying this is any less sad, but I’m skeptical that any of these leaked affairs will be as big as the Josh Duggar one. Between his recent molestation past coming to light, the Duggars fall from grace, and the religious hypocrisy…I’d be more surprised if there is a cheater that could top that. That said, it’s sad to learn how many people seem to be down with cheating…

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