‘Sister Wives’ Season 6 Episode 3 Recap: Honor Thy Douche Bag Husband

If only that were a real gun, Christine...
If only that were a real gun, Christine…

By Holly Rasmussen

This week on Sister WivesKody and Christine are celebrating 21 years of  wedded bliss tolerating each other. In celebration of their anniversary, Kody is taking Christine on a trip to Galveston, Texas. In true Kody Brown style, though, he has decided that, even on an anniversary trip, he should bring more than one woman. Kody invites not one but two of the family’s therapists to go along on the trip. 

Before they can go on the trip, Kody, Christine and the other wives must deal with a more serious issue.

The wives are always enthralled whenever Kody speaks.
The wives are always enthralled whenever Kody speaks.

As The Ashley has previously reported, Robyn and Kody are in the midst of a legal battle with Robyn’s ex-husband, David Preston Jessop, for custody of Robyn’s kids from her first marriage. Last year Meri divorced Kody so that Robyn could legally marry him, in hopes that it would be easier for Kody to adopt Robyn’s three children. There’s just one problem with that, however: Robyn’s ex-husband has not signed over his rights to the children.

As The Ashley told you previously, David Preston Jessop does not like the spotlight. (So…he’s the exact opposite of Kody). Robyn claims that David was both physically and emotionally abusive during their marriage, and that he has basically ignored the kids in recent years. For these reasons, Robyn feels it would be best for Kody to adopt the kids. He already a litter of children; what’s a few more?

So Kody and his gang of wives head to the attorney’s office to discuss the adoption. David has been refusing phone calls and mail from the Browns’ lawyer for six weeks, and was even seen running out of his house when a process server showed up to serve him papers.

"I'll bet Robyn's ex doesn't have luscious locks like these!"
“I’ll bet Robyn’s ex doesn’t have luscious locks like these!”

They file the paperwork and their lawyer says that if David does sign the paperwork, the kids could be legally adopted as early as one week.

Meanwhile, Kody is flipping his hair around, Janelle and Meri are looking miserable, and the children are running amok. So…business as usual in the Brown family cul-de-sac.

Christine is busy planning the vacation getaway to celebrate their anniversary. A few days later, they excitedly head off to Texas. (Because, what would be more fun than second honeymooning with your therapists? You know these therapists only agreed to this nonsense because TLC is springing for the trip.)

As per usual, Christine is only there to lift the heavy things for Kody...
As per usual, Christine is only there to lift the heavy things for Kody…

While on the trip, one of the therapists takes them to the beach and instructs them to build something out of rocks that is representative of their relationship. Christine wants to build something that represents love and compassion between the two of them. Kody, on the other hand, wants to build something representative of the entire family.

When they discuss this with the therapist, Christine said she would like to focus on just their relationship–not the entire family. Kody, who is completely ignoring all requests and suggestions made by Christine, tells her, “Honor the family and I will love you.”

Did you hear that, Kody? That was the sound of millions of female viewers trying to punch you through their TV screens.

"Do you realize how close you were to getting a rock upside your damn head?"
“Do you realize how close you were to getting a rock upside your damn head?”

He continues to berate poor Christine, and she seems to accept that everything wrong in their relationship is her fault. She is begging Kody for some individual attention, but he is totally unwilling to give Christine that. They end their trip by dressing like pirates and going to a pirate-themed tourist trap that probably offered them free admission if they’d film there.

Back in Las Vegas, Robyn is crying and having panic attacks for attention, while Janelle and Meri look like they’re wondering what the hell they’re still doing in this trainwreck of a family.

On the preview for next week, Robyn tells Kody that her ex is in the attorney’s office in Montana and may be willing to sign the papers. This would clear the path for Kody to adopt the kids.

(Photos: TLC)

10 Responses

  1. Does anyone else feel like this family becomes more of a hott mess by the episode? They seem VERY different now then in the first season. I’m in no way saying they didn’t have issues then, but I think they were much more “stable” (not exactly the word I want, but don’t know what word I want either) in Utah. I would LOVE to see Janelle and Meri just up and leave. I guess time will only tell what happens.

  2. When Kody said: “They’re my children…”, I wanted to turn off the TV but then I would have missed RobChin’s Golden Raspberry Award worthy show act which was totally laughable. Then the trip to Texas. Now that reminded me of several men I know who behavd exactly like Kody when they cheat on their wives. They don’t know how to tell their wives, girlfriends, whatever about their affair so they behave as badly as possible towards them. It’s as if they want to give their spouse a reason to leave before the whole tragedy comes out. If you ask me, Kody wants to tell all three of them that they’re not in the picture anymore and they can beat it. It’s just not feasible, and it’s making all of them miserable. Plural marriage makes you better? Forget it.

  3. This is so wrong. As much as Robyn and Cody want to be one big happy family. Those kids are hurting. They need to have their father in their lives. That older daughter of Robyn’s is so starved for attention that she throws herself at Cody, she’s a little too big for the little girl-sit-on daddy act. Those kids should not have to sacrifice their love for their father to be loved by Cody. It’s almost like they would be disloyal to Cody if they still loved their dad. Why do parents do this to kids???

  4. I feel like we got to see the real situation here. It’s the Kody Brown show. He hears the others’ opinions and doesn’t give a crap. It’s so egocentric and disgusting. It’s never about the family, it’s about Kody and his needs. But it f it was different we wouldn’t have a t.v. show!!

  5. When he ever said “honor the family and I will love you” I had to pause and walk away for a moment. Robin is his fun new toy and the Meri, Janelle and Christine are raining on their “happy marriage” parade.

    Poor Christine, Meri gets Mexico, Robin gets Hawaii and she gets a trip to Galveston to visit their old therapist and bring their current one. Not to mention Meri and Jenelle always look like they are trying so hard to keep their eyes from rolling into the back of their head.

    Get out of there ladies, I’m sure TLC would love a spin off of all of you making it without Kody and the trophy wife. I know I’d watch, though I don’t know what that says about me…

  6. It’s always about the family, except when Robyn is involved. Then it’s “let’s jet off to Hawaii for some privacy and relationship building”

    1. Is it because she’s the skinny, young one? I mean, I can’t think of any other reason. At all. She’s so annoying. The other women are much more solid, grounded, and have a bigger investment in their “family.” I don’t understand polygamy. It seems like a huge ego trip. Show me one guy who can NOT treat four different wives differently and isn’t full of himself, and I’ll show you the pig flying outside of my window…

      1. I definitely think it’s because she is the skinny, young one. And also because she is the newest addition. I have no doubt that if Kody found someone even younger and hotter to play with, he would be so over Robyn. Something which I kind of hope happens. Might be the final nail in the coffin that is this dysfunctional family.

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