Watch the First Trailer for MTV’s ‘The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines!’

the challenge bloodlines

Months after The Ashley first told you all about the plotline for MTV’s The Challenge Season 27, MTV has confirmed the season’s theme and cast! As The Ashley stated back in June, the upcoming season of ‘The Challenge’ will be called “Battle of the Bloodlines” and will feature new and old ‘Challenge’ favorites who have all brought a family member with them to compete with!

Us Weekly released the first official trailer for ‘The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines’ this morning, as well as additional information about the upcoming new season.

Can we really handle TWO Johnny Bananas?!
Can we really handle TWO Johnny Bananas?!

“This season is going to be unlike anything we’ve done before — we’ve paired you up with your family,” the show’s host T.J. Lavin tells the 14 cast members in the trailer.

“According to MTV, contestants will both fight with and against their family, and that the players’ fates are tied to their kins,” the magazine reports.

As The Ashley told you previously, the cast will include tired ‘Challenge’ mainstays like Johnny Bananas, Cara Maria Sorbello and Aneesa Ferreira, as well as a few folks from Are You The One? and the newest seasons of The Real World. (Click here to see the season’s full cast list.)

This season, which was filmed months ago, will bring plenty of drama. In the trailer, Aneesa and Cara Maria are shown having an altercation, as are Tony Raines and his brother Shane. (At some point during the season, Tony will be injured, one of The Ashley’s source tells her.)

After the trailer was released, Cara Maria informed her fans that they will be seeing a new side of her this season.

“If you liked me in the past….You will change your mind this season. Excuse me while i go dig a hole to die in now,” she tweeted on Tuesday.

It appears at some point, the family members will all be pitted against each other in their quest to win $350,000.

‘The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines’ premieres December 2 on MTV!

Watch the first trailer for ‘The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines’ below: 

12 Responses

  1. IM in the minority of people who like Johnny Bananas, I think he plays a good game and can back up his trash talk. I do however miss all the fun personalities from the past like Timmy, Coral, Evan, Mark, and The Miz. No one has a good personality anymore, they’re either drunk and too emotional or on a roid rage.

  2. Do not like the ARE YOU THE ONE people being included in the Challenge. I have seen a lot of previous Real World/Road rules cast who have voiced on social media their desire to do another Challenge, wonder why MTV doesn’t contact them.

  3. Why do we have to meet a whole new half of a cast? I wish they just asked back more of the oldies but goodies and quit revamping the show so much. I mean…I’ll still watch bc this show is my addictive guilty pleasure, but I’m not as thrilled going into this season 🙁

    1. I think a great deal of the oldies but goodies have grown up and have real careers and families now so aren’t interested in participating.

      1. I think you’re right. Regardless, there’s been so many seasons and between way older seasons and newer seasons…there must be a ton to still pick from…right?? Maybe not, who knows.

    1. Yes!! I almost cried!! And he isn’t on the list.

      The Ashley, do you have any info on this? Is it a ‘Johnny’s backpack” type of thing, Or is he an actual contestant?

  4. Why do they keep asking Johnny Bananas back? I can’t stand him. He expects to win every time and when he doesn’t win he throws a big fit like a baby.

  5. Cara has always slightly annoyed me so I hope to see a tougher not as whiny side of her, that’s what she needs to finally pull out that win! She’s a beast in comps but her emotions can get to her.

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