‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Chelsea Houska Announces She’s Engaged to Cole DeBoer

Congrats to Chelsea and Cole!
Congrats to Chelsea and Cole!

It’s official– Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer are getting hitched! 

The Teen Mom 2 stars announced on Wednesday afternoon that they are engaged to be married. Chelsea, who has been dating Cole for over a year, posted several photos to her Instagram account in celebration of the happy news.

“He’s stuck now!” Chelsea captioned a photo of herself showing off her giant ring.

She captioned a close-up shot of the ring by reflecting on how happy she is to have Cole in her life.

“I honestly cannot believe how lucky I am,” she wrote. “Finally found my Prince Charming and I get to be with him for the rest of my life!”

Cole also posted about the engagement on his Instagram.

“Glad to be stuck with this fine piece of accccce!” he captioned a shot of him and Chelsea being silly.

In an interview with MTV News, Chelsea shared how Cole popped the question. Of course, Chelsea’s daughter was involved in the proposal.

“Cole brought me to a personal spot in the woods where he had photos lining the tree,” Chelsea reveals. “The pictures hanging were of him and I and the three of us as a family.”

“Cole asked Aubree if it was okay if he married her mommy,” Chelsea said. “She immediately said yes, was extremely excited, and gave him a big hug.” 

A better view of Chelsea's rock...
A better view of Chelsea’s rock…

Chelsea and Cole moved in together earlier this year, and, judging from her comments made during a Facebook Q&A in September, she had been anticipating a proposal from Cole.

“I sure hope so,” Chelsea responded to a fan who asked if she planned to marry Cole. “I am so so so grateful every day for that man,” she wrote. “He has adapted [to being a father figure for Aubree] above and beyond what I could’ve ever expected. I feel very lucky.”

Chelsea’s father, Randy Houska, expressed his and his wife’s joy over the engagement on Facebook.

“Welcome to the crazy Houska train, Cole,” he wrote. “Rita and I couldn’t be happier.”

Chelsea and Cole have not yet announced when or where they’ll wed, but it’s likely we’ll get to watch Chelsea’s proposal play out on the next season of ‘Teen Mom 2.’ As The Ashley confirmed to you back in September, the cast is currently filming Season 7!

(Photos: Instagram)



39 Responses

  1. I’m happy for them. Cole seems like a genuinely nice guy and it’s obvious he loves and cares about Chelsea and Aubree very much. Although her saying that she “Finally found my Prince Charming” seems like a bit of an exaggeration. She just turned 24, not 54 lol.

  2. Well well, that ‘fat stretchmark bitch’ is engaged to a great guy that loves her just the way she is, and Adam is balding, has horrible back acne from steroids. Ain’t that karma for ya?

      1. Between his “accent” and Chelsea’s baby voice they are a match made in annoying-voice heaven. In all seriousness, good for them on the engagement though. They’re the first couple in the history of the show that, at least at this point, has done things in the right order. Not to say the rest are doomed for doing any piece of the puzzle “out of order” but taking your time never hurt anybody and the rest of the girls haven’t proven to have a very successful track record.

  3. hopefully it works out, and they BOTH quit with the baby talk! Hopefully it work out after the Teen Mom 2 cameras stop rolling and the money dries up, that will be the real test!

      1. Chelsea doesn’t work at all, she worked an hour here are there for the benefit of the MTV cameras, they are living in her house that was bought with MTV money, let’s see what happens when the easy money is gone, most couples break up over money!

    1. Why always so negative Pat?Some people are meant to be for each other and no money is’nt for everybody a reason to walk out of a marriage.We are absolutely not rich and still we are 25 years together,even whitout money we love eachother very much.So let’s hope the same for Chelsea and i wish them all the good things in life.Congrats!

      1. right but right now and when they met, money was never an issue, I noticed even when they bought the pig, it was her that took at a check at the airport not him! I notice little details like that!

        1. That’s probably because it’s her pig. Yeah, it’s ‘their pig’- but Chelsea has wanted a pig since she was a little girl, she did the research required to have such a pet, she found Pete, it’s her house he was always intended to be in. I have a feeling Pete would be in the picture, even if Cole wasn’t. Besides, perhaps Cole had transferred half the costs to Chelsea’s account so it would all be consolidated into one account when writing the check? My husband and I do that all the time.

  4. Congratulations! Chelsea and Aubree both deserve a good guy around, and it seems Cole is worth it. I hope the couple a happy and healthy relationship, and the family years of joy.

  5. Chelsea is really lucky. She has really upgraded with this guy. He seems like a wonderful person. Aubree needs a father figure like him in her life.

  6. He did a nice job on that ring! So nice to see Chelsea happy after all that shit Adam put(s) her through….PLUS Chelsea seems the be the only teen mom who got an actual wakeup call getting pregnant at 17

          1. From what I recall, it was a genuine scare and she was happy when she found out she was not pregnant. I also remember it being a good kick in the ass to get on some sort of birth control plan to avoid another scare. That does not sound like a woman hoping/ trying to get pregnant to me.

          2. Wrong, she stated it was a moment of weakness while she was very vulnerable and Adam jumped right on it! If Chelsea really wanted to get pregnant again at that time by Adam, obviously she would have made it happen. She’s a very smart girl!

      1. Why are people downvoting this comment? She kept having unprotected sex with him, knowing there was a chance of getting pregnant.

      1. Its a bit big and flashy for me, I would like something more understated. I think it is a good fit for Chelsea’s personality and style though, her makeup and fake tan and bright hair would also be too much for me. I think Cole obviously knows what she likes and chose well for her, and I hope they are happy together!!

    1. I’m opposite. I LOVE her ring. I wish mine was that simple but pretty. However, understated isn’t really my style so I like a lot of what Chelsea does with her hair and clothes.

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