Vinny Guadagnino Reflects on His Time on ‘Jersey Shore’: “I Was Dying For It To End”

"'Member when I slept with all those girls?"
“‘Member when I slept with all those girls?”

Get ready to feel old: it’s been six years since Jersey Shore premiered on MTV. This week marked the sixth anniversary of the first episode’s airing, and to commemorate that special day, cast member Vinny Guadagnino did a sit-down Facebook Q&A session with the show’s fans.

‘Jersey Shore’ fans were anxious to know what it was like behind-the-scenes of the hit MTV reality show (“Was it weird knowing that America watched you have sex with Snooki?”) and Vinny revealed that filming the show wasn’t as great as it looked.

“When we were filming it, it wasn’t that fun,” Vinny told a fan. “I mean, it looks fun on TV but you’re just locked up in a house and you have no communication with the world. You’re wearing a microphone and cameras are watching you sleep, so it’s not the most fun experience to do.”

He added that he spent a lot of his time in the ‘Shore’ house wishing for that part of his life to be over.

“When I was in there I was dying for it to end,” he said. 

Vinny added that the hard partying lifestyle that was required of him and his cast mates was tough on his body and mind.

“You didn’t see this but I didn’t sleep for like a month straight. I was drinking every night. I had natural anxiety tendencies and if someone with [those] tendencies gets put in a crazy situation where they don’t sleep for weeks, it starts to manifest in ways that I’ve never even seen it manifest before,” said Vinny, who wrote a book about his anxiety in 2012. “Every single thing [on a reality TV set] is designed to make you anxious. They’re not doing it on purpose; it’s just coincidentally, everything is a recipe to do that. At a certain point, money doesn’t matter to you. You’re like, ‘I need my brain.’”

Filming a reality TV show couldn’t have been all bad, though, since Vinny mentioned that he’s eager to get back onto television. Whether or not that will come in the form of another ‘Jersey Shore’ season is unknown.

“I personally wouldn’t be opposed to it,” Vinny said of rebooting ‘Jersey Shore.’ “I know that everyone has kids and are married and stuff so it wouldn’t be the same show. ‘Jersey Shore’ was about partying, hooking up and drinking, but someone’s always pregnant so they wouldn’t be able to drink and that kind of ruins it. I think someday someone will want to do something, though.”

He mentioned that he and his former roommates have gotten offers in the past to reunite, but they’ve turned them down.

“It has to be special. We’ve been offered to do a reunion on some random daytime TV shows,” Vinny said, adding that he still keeps in touch with everyone from the cast except Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi.

“She doesn’t really like me,” he said.

Vinny told another fan that he does not regret anything that he did (or, um, anyone he did) on ‘Jersey Shore.’

“I don’t think you should ever regret anything you do in life,” he said. “They’re all learning experiences. Either you have a good experience or you learn from it, and it was a good experience.”


(Photo: Facebook)





5 Responses

  1. Jersey shore as with most realityTV is my guilty little pleasure, I can’t stop watching all this crap and ‘Just when I thought i was out, they pull me back in!!’. I think I even think less clearly now, me brain just no work good enoff before realityTV came into my life.. anyways… Vinny is the one I liked the least, even less than Angelina… He just seemed to be harboring all these little issues with women, though subtle at times but you could tell it was all there. Good riddance I say!

  2. he had some show on MTV where he had people come to his on Staten Island, and it failed miserably. I think he just stumbled into a fluke and got really lucky. He’s nothing special, kind of on the ugly side, has an annoying accent, and looks like a million other people. He should be grateful for his time in the sun, let’s see what any of them do now!

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