Which Girl Will Win ‘The Bachelor?’ Expert Gives Each Girl’s Odds of Ending Up with Ben Higgins

Who will Ben choose?
Who will Ben choose?

This season of The Bachelor is getting down to the wire, which means the ugly-cries will be more intense and the girls will become more desperate!

With just three girls left vying for Ben Higgins’ heart, viewers are excited to see which girl Ben will pick to spend the rest of his life with (or, you know, the next two to five weeks with, if he follows the pattern of many other previous ‘Bachelor’ stars before him).

Joelle “JoJo” Fletcher, Caila Quinn and Lauren Bushnell will all go a round in the Fantasy Suite tonight, but according to Damon Hart at OGLV, one girl’s odds of winning are currently soaring above her opponents.

The site’s experts state that Lauren’s odds of winning Ben’s heart are currently 2/3 (or about 66%).

“This Alaska Airlines flight attendant is the favorite to win the whole shebang…Lauren is a family-orientated woman who takes her faith seriously,” the site’s experts state. “A lot of prognosticators think Ben Higgins, who is looking for that kind of all-American girl, will choose Lauren because of her stable family upbringing…”

“Unless there is some sort of twist ending, I see Ben sliding the engagement ring on her finger.”

As the observant watchers over at Bustle pointed out, Ben has been giving us subtle hints all season that he really likes Lauren. For instance, he has called Lauren’s name in the Top 3 at every Rose Ceremony.

The site predicts that it will be JoJo who will make it past Fantasy Suite week, but be rejected in the final episode by Ben. Her odds of winning are 7/3, according to OBLV.

“There just seems to be too much drama surrounding Joelle, but she could surprise us all and still win this thing,” the site states. “There is a heap of chemistry between the two and she’s definitely a contender for Ben’s heart. Lauren might be the favorite, but don’t underestimate the mojo of JoJo.”

The site gives poor Caila only an 11 percent chance of winning that jumbo Neil Lane engagement ring. With odds of 9:1, Caila is predicted to be the next one to be sent home crying in the limo.

“Caila’s sweet demeanor seems to be partially an act with some fans calling her fake… Caila isn’t his type. Ben wants someone who is loyal and more family-orientated.”

The exposure of Caila’s previous dating history certainly hasn’t helped her win any fans. According to WetPaint, Caila admitted to dumping her longtime boyfriend in order to get on ‘The Bachelor’ and meet Ben. Oops.

‘The Bachelor’ continues tonight on ABC. To catch up on what’s happened so far this season, check out The Ashley’s ‘Bachelor’ recaps here.

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