Caila Quinn may not have won Ben Higgins‘ heart (or that big fat Neil Lane engagement ring), but at least she won the title of next Bachelorette…
…or at least she thought she had up until a few days ago.
Bachelor franchise expert Reality Steve is reporting that poor Caila got the role of ‘Bachelorette’ swiped out from under her just days before the announcement was made on last night’s “After the Final Rose” ceremony. Last night, Chris Harrison told the world that Ben’s runner-up JoJo Fletcher would be the next ‘Bachelorette,’ despite the fact that the role had already been given to Caila!
Earlier this month, Caila was seen filming with a ‘Bachelorette’ crew in her Ohio hometown. While producers have been known to shoot opening packages and pre-production photos with multiple prospects before deciding, Reality Steve claims that this was not the case with Caila: she had already been given the job.
This past Thursday, however, ‘Bachelor’ producers decided to make a last-minute change and give the role of ‘Bachelorette’ to JoJo.
“[Early Friday] morning I received correspondence from someone telling me that Caila received a phone call Thursday night from producers who told her they were changing their mind and decided to go with JoJo as the ‘Bachelorette,'” Reality Steve reported.
“As for Caila and why she was filming in Ohio on March 3rd? Basically, she got played. They led her to believe it was her, she was convinced it was her, they shot her intro package that day in Ohio, then they told her at pretty much the last minute, ‘We decided to go with JoJo.'”
Although publicly, Caila has handled the switcharoo with class (she tweeted a congrats to JoJo and Ben’s new fiance Lauren Bushnell), Reality Steve reports that she is very upset about what went down.

“From everything I’ve heard, Caila is not happy, nor should she be,” Reality Steve reported. “However, when you’re dealing with the slime that are these producers, you should always prepare yourself for the worst so that when it inevitably happens, you’re not disappointed.
“The best answer of why they changed their mind? Because they can,” Reality Steve wrote. “Simple as that. Sucks for Caila that they strung her along and she got the rug pulled out from under her at close to the 11th hour…”
A similar situation happened a few years back when producers were torn between farmer Chris Soules and race car driver Arie Luyendyk Jr. for the Season 19 ‘Bachelor’ star. They had both men film opening segments, but ultimately decided to go with Chris as the ‘Bachelor.’ Arie was none-too-happy about it, and made sure everyone knew it via a bitter Twitter post in August 2014.
Arie commented on the Caila/JoJo situation last night on Twitter and showed that he’s clearly not over the switch that the producers pulled on him two years ago…
@SeanLowe09 seems to be a trend ?
— Arie Luyendyk Jr. (@ariejr) March 15, 2016
(Photos: ABC)
12 Responses
That sums it up for me!!I won’t watch Bachelor again. Real jerks running the show. You don’t do things like that to anyone she was the most sincere and wholesome girl in the show!!! Get a grip and change how you run the show and fire the producer’s.
Caila dumped her boyfriend just for fame she clearly isn’t Bachelorette material. #sorrynotsorry
I thought this was the best finale ever! Then announcing JoJo as Bach was icing on the cake!
i love jojo but feel awful for caila. she’s a genuinely sweet girl. all people can say bad about her is she smiles all the time, too bubbly, oh, and she broke up with her bf. she just broke up with him, she didn’t cheat on him or anything. if all people can say is you’re way too happy, you’ve got alot going for u. i also think it has to do with her filipino background and that should be considered.
I agree. My fiancé is Filipino and he always giggles and laughs at the weirdest times, LOL. It’s totally a cultural thing. He doesn’t have a bad bone in his body…that’s how a lot of them are raised.
I love JoJo! She seems very genuine and kind. I couldn’t stand Caila, I think she came off way too fake and like she was trying to be so perfect. That gets old fast.
Hmm, I think it’s karma. Didn’t Caila hurry & break up with her boyfriend to be on The Bachelor?
I’m glad they chose Jojo. She will make a great lead. She isn’t afraid to talk about her feelings and can string along a coherent sentence (unlike farmer boy and juany p).
Caila is basically a little fetus. Did everyone forget that she dumped her boyfriend after getting accepted on the show? That shows extreme immaturity. She is not ready to be married at all.
I would’ve rather it been Caila. I can’t stand Jojo. Such an entitled brat and her whole family is just trying to be on tv
I’m not the least bit surprised. The whole Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise is anti-diversity when it comes to casting for those shows. I think Caila would have made a much more interesting and enjoyable bachelorette and I am very disappointed that the producers would offer her the job and then take it away at the eleventh hour, what ever happened to professionalism ABC?! Caila appeared very down to earth and protective of her heart, which tells me that she is genuinely looking for love, whereas Jojo, at least in the finale, seemed indifferent, like she’d be happy if Ben chose her, but she’d be cool if he didn’t. Add to that, the fact that she had just ended a long term relationship prior to appearing on the show and what you end up with is a young woman who has no clue what she really wants, which in my opinion makes Jojo more suited for Bachelor in Paradise than the Bachelorette. The only interesting thing about Jojo is her crazy family and unless the producers change the focus of the show, we won’t see much of her creepily-over-protective brothers, her “forget a glass, give me the bottle” mother, or her Dr. Phil doppelgänger father ?
Caila dumped her boyfriend after getting accepted on the show. She admitted that on her intro package. She’s a sweet girl, (awesome family) but the fact she did that, makes her seem like a young girl who just wanted to be on tv. Id like to see her on bachelor in paradise though. Gives her another chance 🙂