Jenny McCarthy & Tara Reid Trade Verbal Jabs in Epic On-Air Catfight Over ‘Marriage Boot Camp’!

Nothing better than an awkward catfight between two people who peaked in the 1990s, right?
Nothing better than an awkward catfight, right?

It’s safe to say that Tara Reid doesn’t want to talk about her appearance on this season of Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars!

Jenny McCarthy learned this the hard way on Friday when she tried to prod Tara into discussing her time on the reality show. Tara, who appeared on Jenny’s SiriusXM radio show to talk about her upcoming movie, “Sharknado 4,” got angry when Jenny tried to steer their on-air conversation away from the topic of a ridiculous shark movie and onto more juicy things, like Tara’s relationship with Dean May and/or the plastic surgery mishaps she’s suffered over the years….but Tara wasn’t having any of that!

Jenny’s conversation with Tara started off friendly enough– Jenny told Tara that she “f**king loved” her on ‘Marriage Boot Camp’ and wanted to know how Tara feels about doing the show.

“The whole thing is so stupid and silly and we’re not even talking about it because there are confusing things about it,” Tara replied. “Right now we’re just talking about ‘Sharknado.'”

Jenny didn’t let Tara’s reluctance to talk about ‘Marriage Boot Camp’ stop her from asking Tara more questions about it, even asking if she didn’t want to spill the tea about the show because  she was “pissed off at them.”

“It’s not worth the time to talk about,” Tara stated before once again asking Jenny to drop the topic.

Jenny then switched the conversation to what Tara wanted to talk about, her upcoming “Sharknado” movie…kind of.  She asked Tara is she had to get in tip-top shape to battle the “sharks,” and Tara replied curtly.

“It’s not like you really need to get into shape,” she replied. “It’s ‘Sharknado.’ They’re fake sharks.”

Jenny must have sensed the bite in Tara’s response, because she then launched into a topic that Tara is notoriously sensitive about– the botched plastic surgeries  she had years ago. Jenny asked Tara is she’s still having plastic surgeries.

“No, I haven’t had any surgery for awhile, Jenny,” Tara replied before talking to someone off-mike. “I think I’ve made that clear about 100 times. Maybe you only read the bad things, but I’ve made that really clear for so many years. Read what you want to read.”

From there on out, it became a straight-out catfight!

“It was really nice talking to you and really good luck with your show,” Tara said.

“Good luck to you, too,” Jenny snapped back, “and I’m so excited about ‘Sharknado’ and I hope you stay married. I hope your knees get a little wobblier than they already are.”

“I hope you stay married too,” Tara replied. (Jenny is married to Donnie Wahlberg.) “I’m sure he’s a nice guy. I hope your tits get even nicer, because they’re amazing. The same guy who did mine, right? I’ll always use your advice. You’re the best. Bye.”

“Love you, Tara,” Jenny replied, before sending her guest off with one final jab. “Good luck with ‘Sharknado 18.'”


Listen to the full awkward catfight below:

(Photos: SYFY, Twitter)

7 Responses

  1. jenny McCarthy is such a hag…she has a vile mouth on her…disgusting. can’t see how Dommie Wahlburg married her tacky self-she’s obnoxious and so fake…..ewwww

  2. Pure reality TV star gold! Why does this catfight make me laugh so much!? Poor Tara is so played out – Sharknado 4 really? Lololol

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