Farrah Abraham Slams Her Co-Stars for Agreeing to Go On “Low-Class” Teen Mom Cruise

"If you guys won't let me be in your Cruise Club, I'll start my own and it will be better than yours!"
“If you guys won’t let me be in your Cruise Club, I’ll start my own and it will be better than yours!”

Last week, The Ashley broke the news that three girls from the Teen Mom franchise will be setting sail next spring for the first-ever Teen Mom Cruise! Maci BookoutAmber Portwood and Kail Lowry are excited to be hitting the high seas with fans in June 2017, but one ‘Teen Mom OG’ star was less-than-thrilled when the news of the cruise broke.

Farrah Abraham, who TMZ later reported was specifically not invited due to the cruise organizers’ desire to keep the event “family friendly,” lashed out at the ‘Teen Mom’ girls who are going on the cruise. In true Farrah form, she announced to Radar Online that she didn’t want to go on the cruise anyway. (So there!)

Not only did she insult the idea of a Teen Mom Cruise, but she also hurled verbal lashings at her co-stars, calling them bad moms.

“I’m laughing at how the extra ‘Teen Moms’ have to try to insult me to promote the wack cruise they’re trying to sell,” Farrah told the site. (You’ve got to love that Farrah is referring to Maci, Amber and Kail as “extras,” insinuating that she is the true star of the franchise.)

“Unlike them I don’t need to share with other girls to get a company to give me a free cruise and make others pay for it,” she added.

Farrah then called her co-stars out for planning to party without their children.

“I took Sophia on the largest cruise ship by Disney that sits in the port that was really family-friendly,” she said. “They’re on a family-friendly cruise yet aren’t bringing their kids. Have a fantastic 21-and-over time!”

She then aimed a verbal missile at Amber’s fiance, Matt Baier, even though it’s unknown if he will even participate in the event with Amber.

“[Fans don’t want to] play beer pong all day with pedophile boyfriends,” she said of Matt. (Farrah and her boyfriend, Simon Saran, have made it a point to call Matt a pedophile, despite the fact that nothing has ever come out about Matt being one. In fact, it was that false statement that started the infamous ‘Teen Mom OG’ Reunion brawl last month…)

Farrah told Radar that if the ‘Teen Mom’ girls won’t let her go on their cruise, she’ll just start her own cruise and it will be way better! (If Michael will be wearing the Froco Cocoboba costume, and Debra will be sporting Daisy Dukes and a halter top from 1997, all while dancing with fans in a Conga line, The Ashley is so there!)

“Maybe I’ll host a huge yacht party with real entertainment,” Farrah said, before speaking directly to her co-stars. “Have fun on your cruise. I wouldn’t pay to go on that one, sorry. Bored of all their low-class antics.”

As The Ashley previously reported, many of the cruise details are still being worked out, and it’s still possible that other girls from the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise will be added as the cruise date approaches. However, Jenelle Evans has confirmed that she will not be attending, and it’s highly unlikely that Chelsea Houska would get involved, in part because she’s due to give birth to her second child just a few months before the cruise.

For more info on the Teen Mom Cruise, click here!






49 Responses


  2. One of these days, someone is going to bitch slap her backdoor right into reality…hopefully cameras are around for the show.
    Sophia is going yo give this freak a run for her money as a teen..we already know cameras will be around for that show 😉

    1. Hi everyone I found the petition to fire Farrah, PLEASE EVERYONE who hates the Queen Bitch Farrah go to
      Farrahpetitionchange.org & you’ll see the fire Farrah petition right there!! PLEASE SIGN IT EVERYONE THEY NEED 75,000 SIGNATURES & ARE ONLY 2,600 SHORT. LET’S RID A GOOD SHOW FROM THIS NASTY, UGLY GIRL!!!!!!!

  3. Why can’t Farrah ever opt to say something nice. Even in the rare instance that she gives out a compliment she usually brings it back to her somehow or there is a backhanded dig thrown in. Farrah please for once make the choice to not respond or to say something nice. Honestly it would get under her adversaries skin more if she behaved decently and kind. Right now she makes it too easy to the people who don’t like her to continue

  4. At what point do you think Matt would have cause for a slander/libel lawsuit? I’m NOT a Matt fan, but tossing around ‘pedophile’ about him seems extreme. Especially when Farrah is in a position of influence/celebrity (ugh)… Yeah the dude is a douche, and obviously using Amber. But a pedophile? I’d go after her in a heartbeat for spewing that shit. And her shitty fake-boyfriend Simon.

    1. I’m no fan of Matts either but I do believe the HO and Simon need to be hit with a slander suit. Without legal proof of being a pedophile Matt has every right to sue them individually for slander.

  5. Umm…Didn’t she leave Sophia to go do some show in the UK? She is such the stereotypical bully that tries to put others down to feel better about herself. She is so awful I wonder if it’s an act; how can someone be so nasty all the time? Sophia is watching her call her mom a stupid bitch among other horrible things, and I really hope that comes back in spades for her when Sophia is older.

  6. I think its an awesome day. I wish some of the other one were going but Farrah not being invited is the BEST idea yet

  7. I wish farrah would come to jersey and talk that way to one of us b1tch wouldn’t makes it out shit I would personally bring her to Newark or Paterson and threw her ugly duck face to the dogs….lets see you disrespect them the way you disrespect your poor parents who do nothing but try and help you. As for her daughter give that little girl to me for a week she would come back a whole new child! Really you wanna disrespect and talk back go in the room and dont come out ok only to eat and use the rest room she would be begging for her incompetent mom… I would just love to get farrah into a boxing ring and beat her ugly face on legally

  8. It’s good she’s not invited….I wouldn’t want her around me with her hateful, mean , arrogant ass….That girl is crazy….Disrespect her mom ,like she’s a dog….Leave her ugly ass home…Let her do her own trip …Who cares..

    1. I to can no longer sit & watch Farrah or her ugly spawn Sophia. I added a comment yesterday to send a petition to MTV to remove her & her foul mouth, several people want to sign the petition but I’ve no idea how you do one online. Does anyone know we’d get at least 500,000 signatures in no time. Please help get rid of the swanky butch!!!!!

      1. I don’t know how you go about starting an on line petition but I will sign it and so will my coworkers who no longer let their daughters watch the show. Maybe you can Google it. Her past and present behavior is not a show that’s setting an example for impressionable young adults. Her foul mouth and “career”choices i.e Porn…is not the message the show was meant to be putting out there. Not to mention her utter disrespect for her parents and the effect this is having on Sophia.

  9. Farrah used to be the one that we felt sorry for. Her baby’s father passed away, her relationship with her parents leaves something to be desired, and she had/has a hard time finding love. However, she takes NO responsibility for the choices and decisions that she has made. Granted becoming a teen mom is not something you cheer for, but the other girls from both seasons have turned their experiences into a platform to do good things and be encouraging. Who knows what teen in a similar situation as Farrah could have benefited from a level headed message and experience from her. Quite the contrary she tainted her image with her sex tape and it won’t go away no matter how much she dismisses it. She needs to take a long hard look at herself and her life and her combative, wreckless, careless attitude and stop pointing fingers at everyone else. She wants so badly to go on this cruise and be a part of the experience with the other girls but she has no one to blame for not being invited but herself. It’s a shame.

  10. Happy thanksgiving to all you posters and of course @TheAdhley!! Anyway first of all I think a teen mom cruise is ridiculous!! Secondly for Farrah calling anything low class from her lmafo all day long!! Hello pot meet the kettle!!

  11. They should have invited her. It could very well have started a new spin off…Farrah Overboard…now that I would like to see lol

  12. Farrah is seriously bipolar and needs to be medicated. Does she not watch the show and see for herself how she acts. The way she treats her mother is parental abuse. I’m sure the only reason she puts up with it is because she knows Farrah won’t let her see her granddaughter. She needs to be dropped from the show!!

  13. Farrah is so secure with herself, right?! !she feels the need to trash everyone to try and make herself seem above the rest, and she ends up making herself look like a fool in the process. What a sad woman …. can’t believe her parents tolerate her treatment of them. It’s so obviously abusive.

  14. Well someone was salty because they weren’t invited! I’m sure fame whore Farrah would be there if they had included her. She can’t resist lording it over the “extras.” Lol and I’m sure her porn and letting her daughter dress as a baby drag queen is family friendly.

  15. Are they getting desperate for more money? Sorry but I don’t see this cruise happening due to low ticket sales. As much as I hate Farrah she does have a point about it being a family friendly cruise but then they aren’t even taking their kids. I think it’s a dumb idea. But I still can’t stand that walking STD.

    1. Who would waste money on this cruise? Seriouly these women aren’t celebrities but sad statistic who hit the jackpot by being the postergirls of what not to do.

    2. It’s A Five Day cruise. Maci and Kail have little ones that they probably wouldn’t want to leave with the cruise ship babysitters. If there’s going to be tons of hanging out with fans crazy enough to spend at least 700 dollars to talk to random girls who got knocked up at 16 and lucky enough to profit from it, then they are being protective and smart not to include their kids
      And how often does Farrah take off and leave Sofia to do strip club tours and to spend a few months getting settled into her new house of the year? Hypocrisy!

  16. Does Farrah ever disappoint? She always reacts exactly (and beyond) how you’d expect her to and it’s really a gift to us all.

    1. Remember when she and Deb tried to muscle their way into the Hamptons party and were thrown out lol

  17. If Farraha thinks Teen Mom activities are so beneath her then why is she still on the show? I’d love a reply to that one from the HO herself.
    Of course Matt will go. No question about that. He’ll probably drag along his “son” too. They’re not going to miss a freebie anything.

  18. BECAUSE FARRAH is a low cass whore, who has to run her fowl mouth and act like a self intitled low life skank,/ She needs a good punch in that horse mouth of hers/ the way she disrespects her parents pretty bad when her own daughter says she is to rude to people.

  19. Is she for real or is she trying to start a career in comedy now? The extra teen moms, LOL. Sure.
    It is getting to an uncomfortable ‘too disturbed to be funny’-level again lately. It is sad, this girl is very obviously not in the right mind while she has a child.

  20. I wish someone would slam Farrah & Sophia about their antics, every 2nd word out of Farrah’so mouth is F*** this & that. If she was my child and she truly acts about 10 years old I’d wash her mouth out with soap. She’s a classless ugly person raising a devil in her daughter. Why can we not band together with a petition for MTV to fire this batch, or I’ll simply stop watching. Her poor Mom always helping the thankless BRAT!!!! Let’s ban Farrah for the good of the show. She’s so ugly inside & out her lips repulse me. Are you all game to get rid of her????????

  21. You know if they invited her she’d be there! She always says anyone who doesn’t like her is classless. She’s a porn star come on. I do think the cruise is ridiculous. Can’t these girls just go away?! Cancel it!!

    1. She did a lesbian film too that taped this summer. The girl is busy. (Whataver) Michael and Debbie Goo must be so proud. Goals.

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