‘Teen Mom’ Dads to Star in “Weekend at Corey’s” Special: Watch a Sneak Peek Clip

How was Butch not included in this?!
How was Butch not included in this?!

What do you get when you take a few of the guys from Teen Mom, throw in some red Solo cups, a camera crew and a whole bunch of camouflaged clothing? Well…we’re about to find out!

MTV has announced that four of the dads from the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise will star in the upcoming “Weekend at Corey’s” special, airing Monday, December 12. The special will follow Teen Mom 2‘s Jo Rivera and Nathan Griffith (and his shredded sleeve muscle tank), as well as Teen Mom OG star Gary Shirley, as they head to Corey Simms‘ West Virginia mountain home for a weekend of male bonding and outdoor activities.

Back in June, The Ashley told you that the guys were in West Virginia filming something that would be aired sometime this winter. The episode was filmed just days before a devastating flood ravaged the area of West Virginia in which Corey and other cast members live. (Corey’s home was not damaged, though.)

In a sneak peek clip of the special, Corey even tells his guests that his house is currently running on a generator and that he has no water, due to the flooding.

“I took a bath in the pool earlier,” Corey tells the guys.

It appears that some of the franchise’s fellas didn’t want to make the trip. In the clip, Gary says that ‘Teen Mom OG’ stars Ryan Edwards and Tyler Baltierra, as well as ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Adam Lind probably wouldn’t make it.

Corey says he came up with the idea to invite the guys to his home to film the special because he was tired of filming the regular ‘Teen Mom’ stuff. He went to the show’s executive producer, Morgan J. Freeman, with the idea.

“I called Morgan and I was like, ‘Yeah, we need to do something more outdoorsy …I’m tired of doing ‘Teen Mom,'” Corey says. “He called and said ‘OK I got approved for a special. We’re gonna have some of the guys come in.”

Jo seems particularly stoked to be in West Virginia.

“I haven’t been away from the kids for a long time,” he says. “I wanna catch some fish, bro! I came here to go fishing!”

Although Jo’s dreams of fishing in the mountains are dashed by the flooding, Nathan suggests they all go snipe hunting instead. Corey offers to bust out his snipe callers to help the group find the birds.

Watch the sneak peek clip below. The ‘Teen Mom’ “Weekend at Corey’s” special airs Monday, December 12 on MTV.

(Photo: MTV)

38 Responses

  1. Awesome you guys! Great show and looked like a blast*** Nice to see you Nathan not be stressed out. Surprised you went. I’m glad! Great job you guys ♡♡♡♡

  2. Anyone else start to notice some tension between jo and Gary??? First with the cook off then when jo made that comment about Gary’s inability to shup up (which was fabulous by the way!!), then there were some other sarcastic comments made throughout the rest of the time. I feel like it started to get a little tense and awkward after a while.

  3. I’ve actually been wanting to see a series, or even webisodes about the teen dads. So much is focused on the moms, but some of the dads actually take responsibility for their kids and at one point or another weren’t with someone else and did struggle. I really enjoyed seeing Corey with Ali when she was going to choir and he held the door for her and tried to pump her up not to be scared.

  4. They look so uncomfortable together. It’s like a party that your mom made you invite the entire class to, instead of just your friends. Weird. I could have totally seen Taylor and Corey hanging out, but Nathan and Corey? GARY and Corey? Doubtful.

  5. The other dads are probably home watching old “Weekend At Bernie’s” DVDs from the 1980s. (Willing to bet those would be more interesting.)

  6. I’m no Ryan or Adam fan but it would have been interesting to see Adam & Ryan in this environment with the guys. Although I think Adam would have still been a dirt bag.

    1. No way Ryan was gonna get out his bed for this and actually go outside and move. Not unless Jen put him in an adult size baby carrier so she could carry him around.

      1. Why is Jenelle still on TM2 she doesn’t even have custody of her first son? also Nathan was having 3 weekends a month with his child until JE as recently stopped it , least he was having his child more then JE was having her first born she only as him when cameras are around if he’s lucky.

  7. I don’t get how Corey thinks MTV is at his beck and call for his home movies…
    Well, I guess they are, so nvm. I really don’t like glorifying a psychopath like nathan its shameless how MTV keeps feeding these monsters
    I doubt this will be interesting it seems like this group lacks chemistry but we’ll see. I feel like without the girls there they might turn on each other. Half of these men are usually the drama instigators anyway (Gary, Nathan)

  8. Nathan suggests they all go snipe hunting instead. Corey offers to bust out his snipe callers to help the group find the birds.

    Wait, “Snipe Hunting” as in “trudging through marsh and muck with a shotgun, hoping to flush out Wilson’s Snipe”, or “Snipe Hunting” as in “A prank played on young boys that involves leaving them holding a burlap sack in a bog for hours”?

  9. And there goes the idea they might have gathered at Corey’s to help the flood victims there. I see at least 7 healthy men planning a bro’s & booze weekend while they could help out. Jezus God, Leah was busting her butt at the time, according to someone from the organisation she worked for as a volunteer.
    Wasn’t Jeremy there too? So he did not rush home to help his grandparents but he had to be there anyway cause he had a MTV gig going on.
    Let’s hope they did something to help while they were there.

    1. When has Leah ever “busted her butt” for anything? Never.

      I highly doubt she did much more than get in the way…

      1. I think having Jeremy there would have enhanced the show – him and Corey actually seem to get along. Although Jo can be an ass, he seems like a good father and a nice guy to shoot the shit.. the other guys are not worth my time.

  10. My favorite part was the Saint Bernard peeking over the fence. Can we get a special about him please, MTV?

  11. Totally bummed the rest of the guys didn’t join in! I wish Adam, Ryan & Jeremy for sure would’ve came. I could do without Tyler.. & Gary for that matter

  12. I cant wait to watch this. Tyler is such a lazy fuck.He can’t be bothered to leave his couch. Tyler’s thought process;a weekend away from cate and her depressive lumpiness,great! Now i have to pack my bag and book a flight? Nah fuck it thats too much work, i’ll just stay her on my couch.

    1. Or Cate guilt tripped him into staying saying how hard it will be to have Nova all by herself. “My mental illness ruins everything” was the line she used Im sure. Tyler actually seems like he would have enjoyed this.

  13. I like all these teen mom specials mtv is coming out with. Just because its something different then the normal. Although I really miss watching new train wreck stories from a new batch of Teen moms.

    I will for sure watch this, but I don’t think any of these guys are going to spill any secrets about the girls. They are going to not talk about then or say they don’t want to cause drama. Then they will talk about how great their lives are now that they arnt with them anymore lol

    On a side note who watched the reunion special and had seen how horrible amber looks. Well she looks okay but it is just so much to do to yourself at such a young age

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