How the Daughter of Late “16 and Pregnant” Star Valerie Fairman is Coping With Her Mom’s Death

Valerie with her daughter Nevaeh earlier this year...
Valerie with her daughter Nevaeh earlier this year…

It’s only been two days since 16 and Pregnant star Valerie Fairman died at the age of only 23, but her daughter Nevaeh is doing surprisingly well, according to the girl’s grandmother.

Valerie’s seven-year-old daughter, who has been living with Valerie’s mother, Janice Fairman, for several years now, is seeing a counselor and getting support from her family and friends.

“She’s doing very well,” Janice told E! News. “She wanted to go to school because of the parties today so I let her go to school, and the counselor said she’s doing very well. She talked to her twice. She’s surrounded by support and friends.”

The Ashley broke the story on Wednesday that Valerie had died of what appears to be an accidental drug overdose at her friend’s house in Pennsylvania. Valerie’s exact cause of death has not yet been declared, as the coroner is still conducting testing on her body.

“We’re going to do a memorial, but we don’t know when yet because the body hasn’t even been released,” Janice told E!

Before her death, Valerie had struggled with substance abuse issues and, as The Ashley had reported in the past, had been arrested on numerous occasions since appearing on ’16 and Pregnant’ in 2010. Her most-recent arrest was only a week before her death.

“She wants to get better,” Valerie’s ex, David Pryce, told The Ashley in February 2015.   “She was always a really good girl. But she’s been on dope forever. It’s turned her into a monster.”

Janice told E! that she “never suspected” that Valerie was still using drugs, a habit Janice says that Val had been struggling with since her ’16 and Pregnant’ days.

To shield Nevaeh from the chaos, Valerie’s adoptive parents had taken custody of the little girl years ago.

For more on Valerie’s tragic life before her death, click here.

(Photo: Facebook)

17 Responses

  1. If she never suspected that Valerie was still using drugs then they probably weren’t very close prior to Valerie’s death.

    I don’t understand why she’s talking to the media about Neveah. How Neveah is doing is nobody’s business but the family’s.

  2. Is anyone else bothered as much as I am about how much “reporting” to the media Valerie’s mom is doing right now ??? It just seems a bit much, like you don’t need to share every detail with the public, she just died!!

    1. Agreed. When she said, “the body hasn’t even been released”, it sounded like she was talking about an object. I guess it’s just weird to hear a mother refer to their deceased kid like that. I guess I’m also having a hard time believing Valerie’s daughter is totally okay and doing well. I’m sure she doesn’t totally grasp what happened, but she’s old enough to understand death for the most part.

      1. Janice isn’t Valerie’s birth mother and I don’t think they had that mother/daughter relationship, so maybe that’s why. I also have a hard time believing that Neveah is totally fine. No child is fine when their parent die.

        1. Valerie didn’t appear to be a parent to Nevaeh, just a surrogate. Depending on circumstances, Nevaeh may not be that broken up about Valerie’s death. She’s also 7, and Valerie’s only been dead 2 days. If she is used to only seeing her every few months or so she may not miss her yet, and it may strike her more squarely at some point in the future.

      2. Given Valerie’s lifestyle leading up to her death I’m willing to bet she and Nevaeh didn’t exactly have a close relationship. She probably saw Valerie’s adoptive parents as her parents more than Valerie.

    2. I’m dumbfounded by people’s stupidity. I know if that were my daughter, I certainly wouldn’t be giving interviews! I also think that her 7 year old should be protected not talked about.

  3. It’s a shame but Nevaeh probably isn’t as affected because she didn’t have that great of a relationship with Valerie. She was her birth mother but I’m sure Nevaeh (much like Janelle’s son Jace) considers her grandmother to be her mother. Janice stated in a previous article that it had been over a week & a half since she had last spoken to Valerie. Which means it’s been just as long if not more since Nevaeh had last spoken with her, let alone seen her. The whole situation is heartbreaking, but honestly, the lack of relationship might be the best thing for Nevaeh.
    And no I’m not trying to be mean hearted. Many parents who have terminal illnesses “detach” themselves from their children so it’s easier for the child when they pass. Obviously the circumstances are different in this case but the end result is the same.

    1. Unfortunately, I suspect that you’re correct. This isn’t like say Chelsea dying and how it would affect Aubrey. I’m sure it won’t truly hit Neveah hard for a while.

        1. Take a chillpill, would you? It was just a comparison to put things in perspective. Jesus, all you Chelsea lovers need to relax.

  4. Her daughter looks adorable. I hope she’s at peace in death. I’m sure she had so much potential and happiness left on earth though if she were to clean up.

    1. What did she lose? Fake happiness from a high and the potential for consuming more drugs until she inevitably passed, as her daughter grew older?

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