Back in 2007, MTV found a hit in its Engaged & Underage reality show, which featured teenage couples who were getting married, despite their young ages. A decade later, most of the couples featured on the show are divorced, but one couple– Amanda Liston and Chad Ferris— are coming back to TV to discuss their growing family, which now includes five children and another husband!
Starcasm broke the news earlier this week that TLC would be airing a special called Brother Husbands, which showcases the Stone family. The family includes one woman, her two husbands and the woman’s five children. The Ashley recognized Amanda and Chad from their MTV past and has dug deeper into their unconventional family dynamic.
“Amanda has a very full love life with not one, but two husbands, and navigates a polyamorous relationship with both of them and their five children,” the description for the special reads.
The Ashley has dug deeper and found that Chad and Amanda were married in 2008 (with the wedding airing on ‘Engaged and Underage.’) It appears that they remained a regular, monogamous couple for years afterward, buying a house in Arizona and welcoming two children together: Atreyu (who is now 7) and Cassian (who is 5).
In 2014, it appears that Amanda’s second husband, Jeremy Johnston, joined the family. (In an Instagram post, Chad calls Jeremy his best friend, but it’s not known if the guys were friends before Jeremy became romantic with Amanda.) In December 2015, Amanda gave birth to triplet girls (who are fathered by Jeremy): Sparrow, Lilith and Eve.
Chad obviously had no problem with the arrangement. In fact, in December 2015 he posted a photo of him with Amanda (who was pregnant with Jeremy’s triplets at the time), along with the caption, “Remember that time [Amanda] and I celebrated our wedding anniversary while she was pregnant with triplets by her other husband (who is my best friend)? That was tight.”
Amanda considers both Chad and Jeremy her husbands and they refer to their family unit as the “Stone family,” which may be a mixture of Amanda and Jeremy’s last names. Since polygamy is illegal, Amanda is probably only legal married to Chad, though.
Much like the Brown family of TLC’s Sister Wives, the Stone family lives as one big unit, with the kids from both men growing up as siblings. It’s not known if Chad and Jeremy have any type of romantic relationship of their own.
Back in 2009, Amanda wrote a blog for to give ‘Engaged & Underage’ fans an update on her marriage to Chad. At that time, she didn’t seem to have any idea that she and Chad would someday add another man to their marriage.
“Married life is honestly more than I could’ve ever hoped for,” Amanda wrote. “Not to sound like the ending of a romantic drama, but I love Chad more and more every day, and life with him is such a joy. I can’t wait to see what else life throws at us!”
‘Brother Husbands’ airs this Sunday, after ‘Sister Wives.’ Right now it is only scheduled to be a one-time special, but TLC has a tendency to turn specials into full-blown series if they do well in the ratings.
Update: ‘Brother Husband’ star Chad left some more info about his family in the comments of the Starcasm article:
“Hello! I’m Chad, from the show. I am bisexual. Jeremy is straight. To clear up the confusion. We are all emotionally committed and connected. But I only have a sexual relationship with Amanda, and Jeremy and Amanda’s is there own as well.
We also are technically ‘co-husbands’ not brother husbands. I believe that is made up term for the show haha! We are not religious.
We do both dress well, and have great hair and if being called gay is the worst thing you can think of….I think we will survive. Most of my friends identify in the community.
We are a family together with Amanda as the leader and main breadwinner of our family as well. Jeremy and I split the majority of the child raising at home while she is at work. Since my children are school aged I now work when they are in school.
As far as DNA of the triplets and how we decided and how they were conceived you can see the episode. It’s addressed there, but they were a total fluke and conceived the good old fashioned way.
Being confused about our family and sexuality is natural. I enjoy the conversation you are having and I hope this show can spark many many more. And challenge everyone traditional views of marriage, family, sex and sexuality.”
See more family photos below:
A photo posted by Chad (@brotherhusbandchad) on
Wanna know what’s happened to the other couples from ‘Engaged and Underage’ in the 10 years since the show premiered? Click here!
(Photos: Instagram, MTV)
25 Responses
it’s sad they are all living like this. it seems the guys are gay. I agree- it’s hard to leave someone. especially when you have kids and financial obligations.
amanda seems to talk to Jeremy like he’s chad’s new love. giving him tips for being with chad, etc. it’s just so obvious that this isn’t a great situation like they’re making it out.
I really like how Chad commented on the article on sarcasm. I would like to see another bisexual male join the family so all there sexual needs can be met. ?
We don’t care about your good hair or sexuality, and we know how children are conceived. We will laugh and talk about you as we do all people who put their lives on TV. We only hope that you protect and take care of your children.
I have left a comment you never print?
Chad was very gracious about all of our questions (and the tongue in cheek way/smart-ass way we posted them, I might add)over on Starcasm.
Many props to someone who can face down some catty bitches gossiping (and I was among them!) with such charm and honesty. 🙂
It’s very, very, very Obvious the two guys are gay. The woman is in a way creepy situation. Good grief, one look was enough for me. TLC must really be in a jam for something to put on tv. Not to mention they have included children in this warped arrangement.
How much are they collecting in welfare
They seem happy but good lord I would never want two husbands. What happens if they both get a cold at the same time?
Why not? If Kody Brown can have four wives, why can’t this chick have two husbands?
Oh and the husbands are totally banging each other also they probaby don’t alternate days like Kody does, they just all do it together. Seem’s like a much more fun bunch than the sister wives crew that’s for sure.
Think this will be interesting, curious to see how they live and arrange things.
As they are very open about their plural marriage, I think they would also be open about it when the husbands would be in a romantical relationship as well. I don’t think the guys are romantically involved. I think they are creative and “out of the box” kind of people who don’t feel the need to answer to a lot of things that are traditional. She likes to dress and express herself a bit more creative and original too from what I saw on some pictures. I like it, why should we all look the same and answer to stereotypes?
But so what when the husbands love each other too?
“Love triangle” means something for a long time already. As long as everyone is happy, loved and respected, all the power to them.
I agree. If everyone is happy and really honest about what they want and how they’re feeling and it works for them…then a happy family is a happy family. Good for them.
I shared a house with a poly throuple at one point. I do care about these folks, so I feel a bit shitty, but looking back…I felt almost like an anthropologist or something. The other “non-throuple” roomie and I sat back and observed them and their lifestyle. Through these wonderful, loving people I was introduced to a large Poly community. It’s certainly not for me- err, I’m not for it or whatever, but I do know a few people that make it work. Only a few. Mostly I’ve seen relationships implode spectacularly. My roommates? Didn’t work out. Really really didn’t. That’s not an easy situation to thrive in as a family. Forever. Everyone has to be on the same page from the start, not just think they’re on the same page. That’s the pinhole in the sail that I witnessed.
It was a weird time in my life. I learned a lot. Eyes opened.
FYI – Chad from the show is apparently commenting on the starcasm article:
“Hello! I’m Chad, from the show. I am bisexual. Jeremy is straight. To clear up the confusion. We are all emotionally committed and connected. But I only have a sexual relationship with amanda, and jeremy and Amanda’s is there own as well.
We also are technically ‘co-husbands’ not brother husbands. I believe that is made up term for the show haha! We are not religious.
We do both dress well, and have great hair. 😉 and if being called gay is the worst thing you can think of….I think we will survive. Most of my friends identify in the community.
We are a family together with amanda as the leader and main bread winner of our family as well. Jeremy and I split the majority of the child raising at home while she is at work. Since my children are school aged I now work when they are in school.
As far as DNA of the triplets and how we decided and how they were convinced you can see the episode. It’s addressed there, but they were a total fluke and conceived the good old fashioned way.
Being confused about our family and sexuality is natural. I enjoy the conversation you are having and I hope this show can spark many many more. And challenge everyone traditional views of marriage, family, sex and sexuality.”
It’s just like Sister Wives but with men. Tbh, if Kody can do it, why can’t a woman?! I bet he will be fuming if they get picked up for a full series. And waw, triplets, that is rare.
If you’re gonna pick out another husband, why marry someone who looks exactly like your current one?
“Brother husbands?”
I prefer the old term: “cuckolds”. It’s shorter.
Seriously I really don’t understand why she would want more than one husband? It just seems like a lot of work.
At one point you state that polygamy is illegal. True, but not relevant–polygamy is multiple wives. Polyandry is multiple husbands.
And polyamory is multiple lovers. The way they call themselves polyamorous rather than polyandrous does make it seem like the husbands are bi and also have sex.
Phew…thank goodness you cleared that up. I was so worried that The Ashley was using the wrong terminology for their situation. Now that we have all the correct terms, I think we will all be able to sleep better tonight.
Wait a minute…what’s this from the dictionary:
polygamy (noun): the practice or condition of having more than one spouse, especially wife, at one time.
polygamy (noun): the practice of having more than one wife or husband at the same time
Omg I can’t wait to watch this craziness. I bet Kody is freaking out that a woman is the center of a plural marriage instead of a man.
I hate myself for being so excited about this show lol but I have been dying for updates about the engaged and underage couples!!!
I would take a guess that the guys also have a relationship with one another. Just my guess by looking at their photos. lol
I don’t remember this couple from Engaged and Underage. Does anyone remember what was memorable or dramatic or what from their episode?
I don’t remember them either. The only couple I vaguely remember is the morman couple that lived in a trailer in the husband’s parent’s backyard and would still go in the house to cook and eat.