You’ve Been Served: Josh Duggar Officially Sued By Man Whose Photo He Used on Cheating Website

“So there’s no chance you’d believe that’s me in the pic…right?”

Extra! Extra! We have more Duggar Family news to report!

According to In Touch Weekly, disgraced Duggar son Josh was recently served with legal papers that state that Josh is being sued by LA-based DJ and photographer Matt McCarthy. While Matt’s name may not ring a bell, his face surely will. Matt is suing Josh for using his photos to troll for ladies on the cheating website Ashley Madison, as well as the dating website OkCupid! Matt first filed legal papers against Josh in August 2016.

In 2015, it was discovered that Josh was using Ashley Madison to cheat on his wife, Anna Duggar. After a website leaked the bombshell report, Josh came clean and admitted that he had “been unfaithful” to his wife. Josh used a fake name for his account, and Matt’s photo instead of his own.

In his lawsuit, Matt claims that Josh’s use of his photo caused him loss of work, harassment from the public, and prolonged pain and embarrassment. He also claims that when the news broke people began referring to him as “DJ Duggar” and “Duggar’s boy toy.”

Matt states in the lawsuit’s legal papers that the harassment caused him to suffer from “prolonged pain and suffering, anxiety, depression, embarrassment, humiliation, loss of self-esteem and extreme and severe mental anguish and emotional distress including but no limed to: frequent panic attacks, disruption of sleep and insomnia, mood changes, fits of anger, a loss of interest in pursuing both professional and personal endeavors, and a complete loss of self-confidence.”

“Oh, sure, Josh, people will think that’s you in the photo. And also, I’m a Victoria’s Secret model…”

In short, Matt doesn’t want to be mistaken for a Duggar…especially a Duggar who is now notorious for being at the center of two scandals—the cheating scandal, as well as a 2015 scandal that erupted after it was discovered that Josh had molested four of his sisters while he was a teenager.

Matt claims that he wasn’t bothered that Josh had used his photo –until he started reading up him and his actions.

“Initially, I just kind of thought it was funny,” Matt told Gawker in 2015. “But then I started reading. Now that I’ve found out that this guy’s a child molester, and he’s been unfaithful and all those other things-it’s awful! Especially since he’s supposed to be this stand-up religious guy. I mean, I’m not all that religious, but I do-I am very close with my family. And am basically the exact opposite of him and now, this maniac is using my pictures online to try to get laid. It’s just crazy-it’s surreal.”

Josh was personally served with the legal papers at his work in Arkansas on March 13. The case is set to go to court on May 15.

This isn’t the first lawsuit to be filed against Josh in recent years. Last year, adult entertainment star Danica Dillon sued Josh, claiming he roughed her up during several sexual encounters they had. Danica eventually dropped the lawsuit against Josh, however.

Since completing rehab last year, Josh has kept a very low profile. He only recently emerged from the shadows to announce that he and Anna are expecting their fifth child, due later this year.

(Photos: TLC)

22 Responses

  1. I can’t believe his poor wife is having another child. I find it just as shocking that she didn’t kick his pudgy ass to the curb. What a terrible example of young womanhood!

  2. I know this is never going to happen but… I want Anna to divorce his sorry ass and get her own reality show. A former fundie woman leaves her cult, becomes a single mom and gets a real job. Now that’s a show I’d like to watch! She could also write a tell all book about the Duggars. She would make enough money to support her 5 kids all by herself.

    1. “gets a real job”…? On behalf of housewives and mothers across the globe, I assure you, Anna Duggar WORKS. She has five children. The lady works.

  3. LOCK HIM UP! Oh wait, it wasn’t such a crime…….but still, I would do anything to never have to see this face again. This man is a disgusting douche bag hiding under his religion and now thinks everything is forgiven because he made another child.

  4. Didn’t bother him until he read up about Josh, also known as I want a piece of the Duggar millions for myself. But that’s what Josh gets for making horrible decisions.

  5. When I think of Josh, I want to say sue him for all he’s worth! Then I think of Anna, with no income of her own and zero profitable skills, and their soon-to-be five kids, who don’t deserve this…

    1. She was offered a way out, denied it and chose to stay with Josh and have more children with him. I don’t feel too sorry for her.

  6. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: That Matt guy is totally just looking for money, and I don’t mind it one bit.

    1. That’s my thought, too. Totally frivolous lawsuit, but I’m all for whatever karma has up her sleeves for Josh.

  7. Not a Duggar fan, but I mean come on a lawsuit, really? I doubt anyone even recognizes this guy from the profile photos used. I’d be willing to be the “nicknames” come from close friends as a joke. This lawsuit will be dropped just like the girl who lied about “not technically being raped, but felt like being raped by Josh Duggar”. Anything for fame and a quick dollar?

      1. I’m sure the Christian community has probably rallied around them and someone has employed him. They love redemption stories.

  8. honestly you cannot think you’re in a bubble and do things like that and think there are not real world repercussions to your actions

  9. Anna desperately needs help too. Her family pushed her right back in to Josh’s arms. This baby making robot has probably never been allowed to make her own decisions in life. Between her parents and in laws; this girl never stood a chance. She’s easily manipulated. So Josh knows that he can do pretty much anything and Anna will put up with it

    1. If there is any truth in it, her brother Daniel was willing to take her and the kids to stay with him. I’m sure Susanna, the sister who broke free and had a baby out of wedlock, would willing to help her out too. It’s not like her whole family is nuts. It’s just that she decided to listen to her fame-hungry parents and in-laws instead of her siblings who make more sense.

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