What happened to The People’s Couch? That’s what fans of the hit Bravo reality show want to know!
The show, which features groups of people watching and commenting on recently aired TV shows, has not been on the air since Season 4 ended in May 2016. So far, Bravo has made no mention of the show coming back for a fifth season; however, the network has kept the website page for ‘The People’s Couch’ up and running.
The Ashley reached out to Scott Nevins, one of the show’s long-time stars, to get the scoop on the future of the show.
“I’m continually blown away by how many people come up to me on a daily basis and say, ‘When is the show coming back? It’s my favorite show on Bravo!’ This happens to me every day in LA and every time I travel to other places to perform,” Scott told The Ashley. “I know that it happens to the other Couchers too! We also see it on social media every single day, and I have to believe that Bravo does too!”
The network has not announced a final decision whether or not it will be bringing back ‘The People’s Couch,’ but, according to Scott, this is the perfect time to bring back the hilarious reality show.
“I think with the current political climate, people need something like ‘The People’s Couch’ more than ever to help them escape and laugh!” he said. “To me, it seems like the perfect time to bring us back. Also, if there’s anything that can bring the people of our great country together again, it’s talking smack and serving snark about our favorite TV shows!”
The Ashley has also reached out to Bravo for a comment about its future plans for the show. The network has not yet responded to The Ashley’s comment request. The Ashley will update this story when more information is available.
Until then…relive some of these fun ‘People’s Couch’ zingers from Scott and his pals Blake McIver and Emerson Collins by watching the video below!
(Photo: Bravo)
27 Responses
I loved “The Peaples Couch” please bring it back!
Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BRING THIS SHOW BACK ..DO PRODUCERS ((between counting money) see all the CRAPOLA that is on now!!!!! This was one of the most thought out and sensible shows on TV.PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BRING IT BACK.You will not be sorry and you won’t lose your MONEY!!!!!
Please bring back The People’s Couch! Laughter is the best medicine especially with everything going on in our country. We need laughter in our society!!!! Plz
Please bring back The Peoples Couch…i need to laugh more
Can’t believe this has not come back yet! I still have episodes on my DVR, I loved each of the vignettes and families, they were hilarious!
I want the Peoples Couch back on the air, get rid of the Housewives shit, how can anyone not love that show!
Please bring back “the People’s couch”. It was so funny and entertaining and every single person had their own sense of hilarious moments. We need it back please, please, please!
How did you NOT see the comedic longevity of this type of format.Bravo will keep Trash like the “Housewife” programming on….a bunch of middle aged women drinking ALL DAY in Hooker clothing talking about who acts and looks more like a more like a HOOKER….BUT..have decision problems about the “couch”….ANDY…CALL ME / TEXT ME I would be a better programmer for you…my info should be available…Have a Great Day.
P L E E E E E EASE !!!!!!
We NEED this show to come back!!!!!
Please please please bring back The People’s Couch!!!!!! Such a crazy AWESOE SHOW!
We want “the people’s couch” back on! Everyone is asking about it on Facebook. We Need it!
Dang it. I loved that show!
Please bring it back!! Best show on Bravo..highly entertaining and so funny..we hangg out on our couch watching it ?
Bring it back!! My whole family loved it!!
I love this show!!! Please bring it back.
I need The People’s Couch. You can tell me that with all the mes that Bravo shows that they can’t find a place for this show.
All of those Housewives shows you can’t find space? Really!!!.
Please give us The Peoples Couch back
I miss The People’s Couch.!!! Please bring it back! So hilarious!!!!
My entire family and I miss this show. Please bring The People’s Couch back to Bravo so we can enjoy more belly aching laughter…
Love this program. Please renew. Is fun to see respouse of others.
Please bring back The Peoples Couch!!! It’s my favorite show!
The peoples’ couch was my favorite show. I could not understand when they changed to the childen’s peoples’ couch, it just wasn’t the same.
I Loved watching this show! Bring it back Bravo!!
Why they canceled People’s Couch & put shows on like That stupid Vacation Cabo one & the dating ones is beyond me. I have been wondering what the Reason was behind taking it off when SO many viewers enjoyed it. Just bring it & ALL our Favs on it Back!! We Miss You Guys!!!
Please bring it back it one of my mini favs on bravo
Please please bring it back Bravo! This show has me laugh so much I cry. This show should be on all day!!!
Ugh I love this show I so wish it would come back too!!!!!
PLEASE bring back Couch!!! It’s so damn entertaining. Granted, some of the Couch-ers are funnier than others, but I love the show so much and I miss it.