Over the past few years, several Teen Mom cast members have dipped their feet into the apparel business, with Amber Portwood launching her “Be Forever Haute” line this year, and Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra about to launch their own “Tierra Reign” line of kids’ clothing very soon. They follow Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney, who got into the T-shirt business several years ago when Taylor purchased the TTM clothing line.
Farrah Abraham recently announced that she, too, is starting an apparel line, so The Ashley decided to go through the various lines and pick out her favorite (i.e. the strangest) offerings. Here, in no particular order are seven weird pieces of clothing you can buy from a clothing line belonging to a ‘Teen Mom’ cast member…
A basic T-shirt for your kid…that costs $30 plus shipping:
In order to afford this basic tee from Farrah Abraham’s new clothing line, you better be a boss. The white T-shirt (which is your basic tee, save for the “Boss Like My Mom” slogan on the front) will set you back a whopping $30…not including the shipping costs. However, the shirt does include Farrah’s name under the slogan, so there’s that…
Peggy Bundy’s cheetah-print jumpsuit:
Amber Portwood has been known to wear some of her “Be Forever Haute” clothing on ‘Teen Mom OG,’ but this animal-print jumpsuit looks like it belongs on ‘Married With Children,’ being sported by Peg Bundy! The only good thing about this one-piece get-up is that it actually costs less than Farrah’s kid’s T-shirt.
A camel-colored jumpsuit that comes complete with a camel toe:
From the weird faux suede material to the ill-fitting area around your, um, baby-maker, this jumpsuit can’t even make the Kylie Jenner look-alike model look good! However, if you are trying to appear naked in public without actually stripping down, this outfit may be worth its $37.99 price tag.
This men’s shirt/dress/thing:
Is it a T-shirt? A dress? A tunic? This extra-long tee from Maci and Taylor’s TTM line is not only confusing but expensive. Ordering this “Gator Pocket Bucket Tee” will set you back $28.95, although it appears that the shirt is of higher quality than your average Hanes T-shirt. There is one plus to ordering this shirt: If you knock up your girlfriend (two times in a span of two years, for instance), she can wear this shirt as a maternity outfit.
An oddly-shaped plain T-shirt that costs $27:
Speaking of extra-long tees, this product from Maci and Taylor’s line offers extra length, but not much else! It’s a plain white T-shirt, save for a tiny TTM logo in the upper right-hand corner of the shirt. The lack of design doesn’t make the shirt less expensive, though. It will still run you $27—plus $7 in shipping!
These weird baby booty shorts:
Being a baby is no reason to avoid wearing booty shorts, apparently! These lacy shorts, which Catelynn Lowell recently showcased on Instagram as part of her upcoming clothing line, look more like baby lingerie than kids’ clothing!
A ‘signature’ T-shirt:
Who could resist a T-shirt featuring the signature of ‘Teen Mom 2’ baby daddy Jeremy Calvert? Unfortunately, Jeremy’s fans will not have the opportunity to model this signature T-shirt, as it was part of Jeremy’s clothing line with his now-ex-fiance Brooke Wehr. The clothing line appears to have gone belly-up, just like the relationship.
RIP CalvertWehr…we hardly knew ye….
(Photos: Twitter, Instagram)
20 Responses
To: Annoyed At Negativity – What the actual heck? Are you serious here, you are actually recommending that the person who runs this site educate themselves and read a book? Nah, you can’t be serious, right? First of all, you’re the one that really needs to educate yourself, your grammar is hideous to say the least! No capitalization, you used the wrong “there this is worse than a first graders grammar. The person who runs this blog couldn’t be more accurate in their descriptions of these items. One doesn’t just start a clothing line w/o any knowledge and background experience because, well, it’s pretty obvious from the items they’re trying to sell. One more thing, Is this Terra?
LOL, I was on my way to check out Tyler and Catelynn’s children’s clothing empire! I must say I can’t get my credit card out fast enough to order me some of those “Things That Matter” alligator pocket tees, so HOT….NOT! I love how these uneducated people from this show think they can just jump into a clothing line with not having any actual knowledge whatsoever of anything! Do any of these people hold an actual REAL JOB? I know Cate and Tyler have never had a job, or at least I don’t think so. Cate is barely capable of caring for a kid and keeping a household, she sure doesn’t take any time to care for herself, probably to busy hitting that pipe up.
most horrible and negative blog i have seen recently. so you make a site to bash there efforts? read a book, educate yourself, these clothing lines are a building block to more things to come , most millionaires become rich after mannnnny trials and errors. the world is so full of negativity and This is what you choose to do? ?????? bigggg thumbs down. whack.
I have two points to make:
1.) Guys: If you’re seriously wearing shirts like that, you aren’t guys. You are girls.
2.) I would crawl through a sewer before I allowed my children to wear anything with Farrah Abraham’s name on the label.
Why do caitlyn and Tyler think they should have a clothing line? Neither of them ever look put together especially caitlyn…and that kid of theirs is never even wearing clothes. Actually none of the teen mom people have a good sense of style. Not people I’d look to for fashion advice let alone actual clothes.
First off, extra long shirts went out in like 2006. Guys don’t wear them anymore. Second, those shirts all look the same, cheap tshirt with a pleather pocket. That white one looks like Gary tried to get into it and it didn’t work out. Jeremy’s tshirt looks so cheap, poorly made, and basic as hell lol. Who is itching to wear this bullshiggity? When the show is done so will these lines. If people want to spend $30 on a shirt they will not get it from a no name place. If I spend $30 on a shirt you best believe it came from Macy’s or H&M or something.
Thank heavens I never knew men ever DID wear shirts like that one (Perhaps I passed them on the street and thought they were girls). What the…actual…?!! If my husband was dressing like that, I’d legit say we aren’t going out in public together. And I am not a shallow person. Just H*LL. NO.
How did Gary’s condoms not make this list?
Why on earth did Kail’s ridiculous “peace love breastfeed” shirts not make the cut for this list?
They are selling their things with a high prize because they are “celebrities” and think people will pay up just cuz it’s from them. (Other reality stars are no different-Snooki sells necklaces and bracelets for more than 20 dollars!)
That lingerie looks very child inappropriate, omg, what were they thinking?! Also Jeremy really thinks he’s all that, right?!
1) Didn’t Amber say she was going to do a clothing line with stuff that includes – and are the right fit/cut for – larger women? I guess with those clothes she is all-inclusive, because it suits no single body type.
2) Lace hotpants on a baby/toddler. Good luck with that. If they don’t rip the lace of while crawling/falling, it will take them a day to get it grey on the outside (from crawling etc.) and brown on the inside (from diaper oopsies).
1. Who do these people think they are selling these over priced t-shirts?? Nobody is going to buy that crap….all their shirts look like they unwravel in the wash.
2. LOL….Is that really the advertisement Jeremy used to sell his t-shirts? It looks like something he made up in Paint or Print Shop on a 1992 Macintosh.
What a huge waste of money
I’m actually one of the few that likes Maci, but I just don’t get their clothing line. The shirts are ugly, but even if you like them — how many tshirts with leather pockets do you need? They need some variety. Why is it all the same? If they have loyal fans/customers shopping, make more stuff for them to buy!
Amber’s stuff is far from my style, but there’s a lot of girls that are into that style, so I think it will sell. I’m rooting for her. Of course Matt will end up with his paws on that money too, so….
Cate and Tyler’s lace shirts….eh, I don’t think they’re “booty shorts” really. They’re short and small because they’re for a kid. They could be cute with a plain t-shirt. I’m sure not all the pieces are going to be lacy. And even if they are, there’s a market for that style. Walmart is full of hot pink/leopard girl stuff and I can see their stuff being similar. They have a huge fan base, they’ll probably do well. I actually hope they do, Cate could use a confidence boost.
If Farrah could get her head out of her butt and stop making everything all about herself, she could sell some of those cute kid shirts — but no one wants “Farrah Abraham” under the design. What an idiot. People spend $30 for kid shirts all the time — I definitely have and would. I like them with fun sayings on them like the one posted. But I wouldn’t pay a penny for hers, because she just HAS TO add “Farrah Abraham” in there somewhere. Everyone thinks she’s great for hustling, but her problem is that she can’t accept ANY advice, help, or constructive criticism (or as she calls it “negativity”). If she would get herself a business advisor, financial advisor, etc., she’d be fine, but she’s too stubborn and has to do things HER way.
One: who buys a $30 white T shirt for a kid that’s going to cover it in dirt and food stains?
Two: all these T shirts are terrible. My favorite T shirts are soft and hAve no labels or printing, much less some random guy’s signature! O buy good solid T shirts and I don’t even pay $30/each for those.
I don’t understand the appeal of the TTM shirts, but I guess I have to have a couple of Bud Lites in me before I get it.
Oh my gosh I’m so happy to hear you say that same here I feel like the guys look so weird in extra long t-shirts
I wish them luck on all their businesses they’ve decided to try their hand at however I can’t imagine paying that much for a T-shirt I can get at target for nine dollars if not less