‘Happily Ever After?’ Season 2 Catches Up With “90 Day Fiance” Couples After Their Weddings: Watch the First Trailer

Aww, they look so happy together!

Whatever happened to the couples from 90 Day Fiancé? TLC will finally answer that question with its new season of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?

The show, which premieres in June, gives us a glimpse of what happened to five of the show’s most memorable couples after they walked down the aisle.

The series will follow one of the show’s most controversial couples, Jorge and Anfisa of Season 4. As the show’s fans will remember, Jorge met his Russian bride on Facebook and everyone (except him) could see she was just in it for the money. She actually told him in an episode that she would leave him if he went bankrupt, and was not afraid to admit how big of a part money played in her relationship with Jorge.

“People think that I’m a gold digger, but who would want to date a broke man, really?” she asks in the trailer for ‘Happily Ever After?’

Jorge’s sister, however, isn’t having any of it. In the trailer we see the sister tell Jorge, “When you have money, that’s when she spreads her legs.”


Things end with Jorge getting slapped by his wife. Jerry! Jerry!

Also starring on ‘Happily Ever After?’ will be the most talked about couple in ‘90 Day Fiancé’ history, Season 2’s Danielle and Mohammed. Their drama played out on social media after their season ended, with Danielle claiming that Mohammed (who is from Tunisia) just married her for the green card (duh) and then immediately took up with other women.

The couple is now separated, and it appears that ‘Happily Ever After’ will follow their battle for a legal separation. During this time, Mohammed is shown trying to keep himself from being deported back to Tunisia. In the trailer, we see Mohammed visit an attorney who tells him he’s “in trouble” and that he could get deported at any time.

The third couple featured on ‘Happily Ever After?’ will be Paola and Russ of Season 1. Paola moved from Columbia to Oklahoma to be with Russ, but after the wedding, she realized that she didn’t feel at home in the sticks at all. She later moved to Miami to try and get her modeling career off the ground. Russ is extremely jealous of all the attention she was getting from men, and is now stuck at home while his wife chases her modeling dreams in Miami.

“She’s a completely different person when she’s in Miami,” he says in the trailer.

‘Happily Ever After?’ will also feature Season 3’s Loren and Alexei, who met while Loren was on a birth right trip to Israel. Alexei was the medic on the trip. After falling in love, Loren left New York City and Alexei left Israel and they eventually moved in with Loren’s parents in Florida. Alexei struggled with leaving behind his family and job in Israel and Loren struggled with revealing to people that she suffers from Tourette’s Syndrome.

The trailer for this season tells us that the two will “face new revelations that will affect their relationship.”

The last couple we will catch up with is Chantel and Pedro of Season 4. Viewers will remember that Chantel lied to her family about being engaged to Pedro. She told them Pedro was here on a student visa and didn’t reveal they were getting married until the day before the wedding. In an effort to bring their two families together, Chantel and Pedro have decided to take her family to the Dominican Republic to meet up with his family for a second wedding. However, Chantel gets mad when she realizes that Pedro’s family is living large (on the money he sends them each month), while they are struggling in the United States.

“90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?” premieres June 25 on TLC.

Click here to watch the first trailers for Season 2!

9 Responses

  1. Chantel should look like a fool. He didn’t have any money when u met him, he ain’t got nothing to give but bubble gum and d**k!

  2. Is it awful that I wish they would skip Alexi and Lauren, Paola and Russ and Chantal and focus on Danielle and Mohammed, Nicole and Azam, Jorge and anfissa, and the crazy catfish story with the dead/alive baby mama. Also the couple who had the arrest a while back lol my reality tv brain has no time for semi normal people. It’s why I typically fast forward over Chelsea. I say ohh how cute and move it along to see what’s happening to jenelle the train wreck or fertile Murtile kail

  3. Chantal seemed very selfish and “off” during her scenes. I’m sure living “well off” in the DR is a stretch remark, and its not even comparable to being wealthy in the US.

  4. Paola starting a modeling career at her age? ? Sure, why doesn’t she try to be an astronaut too. The only modeling she’s doing will be in front of a web cam.

  5. Literally just searched for an update on 90 D couples this morning. The Ashley, you anticipate my trashy reality show needs!

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