DeMario Jackson Gives First On-Camera Interview Regarding ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ Scandal

DeMario Jackson is speaking out!

DeMario Jackson‘s life was flipped upside down earlier this month when he found himself in the middle of a sexual misconduct scandal stemming from events that a producer stated occurred between him and Corinne Olympios on the set of Bachelor in Paradise Season 4.

Warner Bros. launched its own investigation into what happened and last week revealed that no evidence of misconduct was found. The announcement essentially cleared DeMario of any wrongdoing, and for the first time, he is talking about how the scandal affected him and his family.

(In a nutshell, DeMario was accused of engaging in sexual acts with Corinne while some claimed she was too intoxicated to consent. You can read all about the scandal here.)

In a sit-down interview with E! News (which will air in three parts, starting Monday night), DeMario revealed how deeply hurt his mother was by the accusations of sexual misconduct made against him.

“It was stressful for me but mostly for my mother. It’s hard to see your mom cry every single day. It was very difficult [for] my grandmother and my aunts,” DeMario said.

“My dad, he kept me extremely strong and kept me grounded and humbled but…having your mom cry every single day for something that you know you didn’t do…” he added.

Corinne has yet to do any on-camera interviews regarding the ‘BIP’ scandal; however, her lawyer announced last week that he and the rest of her team are continuing with their own investigation into what happened, despite Warner Bros.’ announcement that no misconduct took place.

“It comes as no surprise that Warner Bros., as a result of its own internal investigation, would state that no wrongdoing had occurred,” Corinne’s lawyer, Marty Singer stated. “Our own investigation will continue based on multiple new witnesses coming forward revealing what they saw and heard.”

‘Bachelor in Paradise’ Season 4 has resumed filming but DeMario and Corinne will not be part of the revised season’s cast.

Before this sit-down interview, DeMario had only released one statement regarding the scandal.

“It’s unfortunate that my character and family name has been assassinated this past week with false claims and malicious allegations,” he said last week. “I will be taking swift and appropriate legal action until my name is cleared and, per the advice of legal counsel, will be seeking all available remedies entitled to me under the laws.”

Watch a clip of DeMario’s emotional interview below:

Here, DeMario describes his version of events on the night he hooked up with Corinne.

(Photo: E!)

7 Responses

  1. I’ll keep my comment to DeMario since I have found railing against ANY women no matter what she did is a losing proposition. Even though appearing on reality TV is a bit of a crap shoot, DeMario’s reputation took a pretty bad hit (and he supposedly lost his job). I hope he sues ABC/Disney and that producer and maybe Corinne. And I’m not condoning his small part in the fiasco, but it is not fair that he take the brunt of the damage.

  2. I said from the beginning this bitch wasn’t sexually assaulted she just wanted to cover up her whorish behavior. She’s a pig and he should press changes against her. All this shit she put him through after he did nothing. She came on to him and three guys before him shes disgusting human being! She should pay for the hell she put him though!

    1. She wasn’t the one who filed a complaint.
      I know she released a statement calling herself a ‘victim’ but she didn’t actually accuse him of anything so I’m not sure what she could be charged for.. the producer is who filed the complaint saying Demario took advantage of a drunk Corinne.

      1. Um she hired a lawyer and basically said some shit like the worst that could happen to her happened….So yeah she thinks shes a victim and shes the reason people who actually get sexually assaulted don’t speak up shes a waste of space!

      2. But that producer reportedly did not even see the incident or view the tapes afterward. She was going off info Corrine told her, and was reported by other sites to be “best friends” with Corrine and was her producer last go round. So even though Corrine didn’t technically file the complaint, she did so in an even more devious way, IMO. If she had been shown the tapes the day after and then filed her own complaint, I would respect it more than having your bestie cover your ass so your boyfriend didn’t find out about it.

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