Tony Raines’ Girlfriend Reacts to Footage of Him Hooking Up With Camila Nakagawa on Upcoming Season of ‘The Challenge’

“We’ve got that love/hate thing going on!”

Tony Raines got down and dirty (pun intended) with cast mate Camila Nakagawa while filming the upcoming “Dirty 30” season of The Challenge. The only problem? He had a girlfriend back at home who just happens to be the mother of his child!

Tony’s girlfriend (and second baby-mama) Alyssa Giacone took to Twitter on Saturday to express her disgust as she watched her (now ex) boyfriend Tony making out with his former rival Camila in footage that will be shown in a trailer for the second episode of the show.

A screenshot of the footage showing Tony and Camila hooking up…

“I may not wake up with a man but I wake up with coffee doesn’t lie about a cell phone or kissing other women on TV,” Alyssa, who is the mother of Tony’s eight-month-old daughter Isla, wrote on Twitter on Saturday. (Tony is also the father of 15-month-old Harper, whose mother is ‘The Real World: Skeletons’ star Madison Walls-Channing.)

“I’m not bashing him!” Alyssa also tweeted on Saturday. “He did it to himself! It’s going to be on tv and he will have to explain that to his children!

“All it takes is one moment to ruin your entire life!” Alyssa wrote.

You don't always get second chances but we did and with that we created a beautiful life.

A post shared by Tony MTV (@t_raines) on

This is not the first time Alyssa heard rumors of a Tony/Camila hook-up. (It may be the first time she had visual confirmation of it, though.) In June, she discussed the situation on Twitter, before posting on June 22 that it was time for a “fresh start.”

“One day my daughter will look up to me and say thank you for being so strong for us!!!! #shesmypriority,” Alyssa wrote, before adding “And as far as the Camilla stuff goes…it will air on television! It’s not like we all won’t find out.”

This is not the first time Tony has cheated on a girlfriend while filming a season of ‘The Challenge.’ While filming ‘The Challenge: Bloodlines’ in 2015, Tony hooked up with his cast mate Christina LeBlanc, despite the fact that he was in a relationship with Madison at the time. Madison and Tony broke up shortly after he returned home from filming, and Madison soon found out she was pregnant with Tony’s child. Tony’s hookup with Christina was revealed when the episode of ‘The Challenge’ aired.

As faithful fans of ‘The Challenge’ know, Tony and Camila were partners on 2016’s “Rivals III” season. They hated each other so much that they ended up getting into a nasty fight that turned physical, and both were sent home early. It seems that they have kissed and made up since then, though!

‘The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30’ premieres Tuesday on MTV.

(Photos: MTV, Instagram)

31 Responses


  2. wat cheating asshole ..Maybe his bby and bby mama, will find someone who will respect them..If he is cheating on his girl then he is disrespecting his precious bby girl..YOU FUKED UP TONY….TOO BAD …

  3. Did the footage of Tony and Camila hooking up actually air?? I can’t find it anywhere and only remember her hooking up with Cory on the beach this season

  4. I knew it was only a matter of time before he cheated on tv again. What a douche. His girlfriend was stupid for getting knocked up or even just getting her boots knocked by him (again). He’s far from “a good catch”.
    I can’t wait to see him whine about his bad behavior and how drinking made him cheat with Camila.
    Camila is far from one of the hotties on the show and I laugh every time she talks with her weird accent. I loved when Amanda called her out on that last season “you were born in America, what is this accent of yours” (Or something like that)
    I do find Camila endlessly entertaining though.

  5. I dunno why she’s so shocked and hurt by this….he did it to Madison a long time ago….I dunno why she thought she was exempt? She should’ve never taken Tony back in the first place….Tony is stuck in his ways and is a disgusting whore that’s never going to change.

  6. I’m sorry but WE TOLD YOU SO! Alyssa, you got pregnant by him while he was STILL IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS PREGNANT EX! Do you have no self respect?! I am doubting Camila’s self-respect now too, who hooks up with a guy who constantly cheats and knocks up his exes, ugh, I hope Camila is smart enough to not fall in the same trap. I know I said it a lot of times but I find this man completely despicable how he is playing with women and getting them pregnant one by one, he is not even THAT good looking!

    1. You’re just NOW doubting Camila’s self-respect? Homegirl has done 10 challenges – 12 if you count her debut “season” and Champs vs Pros – in 7 years. She’s like the female Johnny Bananas (and that is NOT a compliment).

  7. This is a little off subject but I’ve always had a feeling Alyssa got pregnant on purpose to keep Tony from getting back together with Madison. I don’t think it was a coincidence that she got pregnant the same time Madison gave birth to Harper.

    1. I was just thinking today, that’s the girl who surprised him on his Real World season and he told everybody she was a psycho stalker. MTV really seemed to play into it. Maybe it’s not that far from the truth? Not to say Tony isn’t King Douche, because he certainly wears that crown proudly, but I really think you may have a point.

    2. Oh she got pregnant by Tony on purpose while Madison was still in the picture FOR SURE. That’s part of the reason why I’ve never really liked her. Plus any woman that gets involved with Tony is pretty delusional. The guy is the definition of a slut, and no woman….kid included….is going to change him. He has 2 daughters and still acts like a dog in constantly in heat….I guess he doesn’t believe in karma

  8. What a shitty partner, father & friend this guy is. He can’t get out of his own damn way. Camila….really Tony?! Way to add insult to injury.

  9. PinkRose is a liar. That is clearly photo shopped. Until Tony or Camila talk about it don’t believe the rumors.

  10. I’m not surprised by Tony hooking up with someone because he seems to be a womanizer and serial cheater. I always knew Tony had the hots for Camila. I think he hated her before because she wasn’t interested in him that way and that bothered him. But I guess she had a change of heart.

  11. Camilla is an angry mess, but she doesn’t owe Tony’s girlfriend anything. He is the one that broke that trust, again. He sucks and needs a vasectomy.

  12. Wait, he has a 15 month old son and an 8 month old daughter? That’s 7 months in between, so the second baby mama was pregnant before the first gave birth? This guy is making babies like there’s no tomorrow, that’s for sure…

  13. Camila better watch out or she’s gonna be baby mama #3!

    However I’m already sad at how much she’s going to get slut shamed for this. I’m not a Camila fan but I already predict everyone coming after her even though Tony is a total D O G & always has been.

    She’s not innocent but I hope he takes just as much blame for the hook up.

    1. He should have more blame! He is the one that cheated, not Camila. I hate it when people always blame other woman and not the man. It’s not right.

      1. I blame them both…they’re both sluts. He’s a cheating douchecanoe, and she’s simply an immoral whore. She knew he was with someone, and what self respecting woman would sleep with another woman’s man? Yeah, they’re both guilty, plain and simple.
        Most people blame BOTH parties, not one or the other.

      2. very true, but it’s no secret that he was in a relationship with his baby mama….Until the pictures come down from social media, they’re still in a relationship lol. Once pics come down from social media that’s when you know its completely over…But until they do, theres always a chance of reconciliation….Him and Camilla are both in the wrong.

    1. No, she doesn’t. She’s only hooked up with Johnny Bananas and Corey. That’s a lot less than the number of people CT, Corey, Nany and Ashley have hooked up with lol.

  14. That’s really too bad. Camila is way too good for Tony, and Tony thinks he deserves the money because he couldn’t stop putting his d*ck in people and making babies. Gross, Camila.

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