Baby Bump-o-Meter: Which “16 and Pregnant” Stars Are Currently Pregnant?


It seems that every week, another 16 and Pregnant star is announcing that she’s pregnant! With so many girls from the MTV reality show in various states of pregnancy, it’s hard to keep track! To help you keep it all straight, The Ashley has created this “Bump-o-Meter” to track the pregnancies.

From baby-sized bumps to big bellies, here’s the progress of all the “16 and Pregnant” girl pregnancies. 

‘Bout to Burst

Kail Lowry (Season 2 & ‘Teen Mom 2’)

Kail is ready to give birth any day! The ‘Teen Mom 2’ star, who got her start on the second season of “16 and Pregnant,” first confirmed her pregnancy to The Ashley back in February, and since then has not shared much information about the baby, except that it was fathered by her ex, Chris Lopez. Kail has not found out the baby’s gender, but fans will know soon enough, as the baby could come at any time.


Danielle Cunningham (Season 3)

Danielle is about 36 weeks pregnant with her third child, a girl whom she and her boyfriend plan to name Aurora. Danielle is already the mother of two children—son Jamie (who she gave birth to on “16 and Pregnant”) and daughter Jayleigh (who was born in 2013). She has not posted a baby bump since April.


Big Bumpin’

Jordan Ward (Season 3)

Jordan of Season 3 is currently pregnant with her third child, a baby boy. She is the mother of son Noah and daughter Arri, both of whom were fathered by Jordan’s ex-husband, Brian Finder. (The couple divorced last year.) The father of Jordan’s third child is her boyfriend Manny. She has not revealed what she plans to name her unborn son, but she is due to give birth to him in September.

Courtney Ames (Season 5)

Courtney is currently pregnant with her second child. Back in May, she announced that she and Scott Snody (who is the father of Courtney’s first son Dayton as well as the new baby) got married back in January and that they are now expecting their second child. Courtney is due to give birth on October 14 to a little boy.

Lindsey Harrison (Season 4)

Lindsey is sporting a large bump but she can’t help it—she’s carrying twins! The Season 4 star is around 24 weeks pregnant, and just revealed on Instagram that she is having one boy and one girl. She and her husband plan to name the babies Paisley Lee and Jackson James. They will join Lindsey’s daughter, Aniyah, whom she gave birth to on her “16 and Pregnant” episode.

Millina Kacmar (Season 5)

Season 5’s Millina only recently revealed that she was expecting her second child, but she’s already at least 23 weeks pregnant. Millina is the mother of son Kayden, but this time she will be welcoming a baby girl. She is no longer with Kayden’s father, and the father of this baby is Millina’s fiancé Dylan.


Aleah LeBeouf (Season 5)

Aleah of Season 5 is currently four months pregnant with her second child. She recently revealed that she and her boyfriend are expecting a son. She is already the mother of her three-year-old daughter Peyton, whom she gave birth to during her “16 and Pregnant” episode. She announced her second pregnancy in May.

Barely a Bump

Jennifer Del Rio (Season 3)

Jennifer, who gave birth to twin boys during Season 3, is currently expecting her fourth child. (She gave birth to son Sebastian in 2014.) Last month she announced her pregnancy via a cute video posted to her YouTube channel. She is currently about 11 weeks pregnant and due February 7, 2018. She has said that she and her husband are not finding out the gender of the baby until it’s born. When she gives birth, Jennifer will be the first girl from the show to have a fourth child.

(Photos: Instagram, MTV)

38 Responses

  1. Lindsey’s probably going to pop any way now. Twins usually come at least a month early, and she’s about 28 weeks pregnant now. Hopefully she doesn’t give the kids those names though. They’re cute, but pair Paisley with literally any other middle name, and for the love of god, don’t name your son Jack Nicholson.

  2. I love how the teen mom/16 and pregnant franchises have helped deter so many teen pregnancies and 2nd 3rd 4th pregnancies NOT!!!!!!

    Shocking this out dated show has done fuck all to reduce teens getting knocked up and older teen moms having Several more pregnancies most with various men.

    My you should be ashamed of hiring the Statistics and not lowering them, not teaching kids to stop having kids, funding them so they have no idea what an actual real fkn job is, in most of these girls you have createrd lazy uneducated morons all to benefit tv ratings

  3. How is it that Kail has the cutest, most well-behaved boys??? She sure as hell aint the least bit attractive & her whole attitude & personality sucks a$$!!!! I feel sad for them. I think when they’re older & see any of the TM episodes they’ll distance themselves from her! I sure as hell would!!

    1. Maybe because Javi and Jo are actually good fathers and can make up for her crappy parenting? Maybe. Kail definitely doesn’t make their job easy. She’s miserable.

    2. Because their fathers and fathers families are good people with possative influences of these two boys

  4. Well, it sure looks like 16 & Pregnant did an astounding job at helping to prevent teen pregnancy. ? WTG MTV

  5. I feel like Kailyn’s been pregnant for so much longer.. maybe she has the 18mth gestational period like an elephant.

    1. Maybe because Javi and Jo are actually good fathers and can make up for her crappy parenting? Maybe. Kail definitely doesn’t make their job easy. She’s miserable.

      1. Did not mean to post this comment there. Sorry!

        But I literally laughed out loud at your comment!!! Love!

  6. It’s such a shame the lindsay felt she needed to have such a drastic boob job. They definitely don’t suit her and if anything make her seem so disproportionate to her baby belly and head

  7. Lindsey, did you actually say those names out loud? PaisLEY LEE and JackSON NicholSON? A little redundant ?

    1. Why do they insist on having double barrelled names too! As a reception teacher (4-5 year olds) it’s difficult enough trying teach them to write their name, but TWO names?!? My children are Joshua, Matilda and Clara- easy to spell! X

      1. Do you mean middle names? I can guess by you referring to yourself as a “reception teacher” you are outside the US. Middle names are the norm here but the child is only called by their first 99% of the time.

        1. Yes, me from the UK. Most people have middle names over here too, I thought that they’d given them two names, i.e. Ella- May xx

          1. Oops, auto correct! Should have said I’m from the UK, not me from! I sound like Farrah!! X

          2. Yes, I actually wouldn’t be surprised if she did. I think she lives in Nevada but I live in the southeastern United States (Tennessee) and there are a lot of people in the south are known by first and middle names. I think this is more regional though than national. Oh, and I lol’d at your Farrah comment!

        2. Middle names and double barrel names aren’t the same. You can have a double-barrel first name and a middle name (e.g. Sarah-Louise Rebecca Smith, with Sarah-Louise being the first name, Rebecca being the middle name, and Smith being the surname)

          1. Ah. My cousin’s daughter has a double barrel name plus a middle name and I find it a bit silly personally. Three names plus her last name! I thought the other poster meant a middle name. Thanks for clearing that up?! Sincerely in case that sounded sarcastic! Lol.

      2. I have a double barrelled first name because my parents couldn’t pick a name (so went with both…), and while I like it as an adult (although it is frustrating when people assume it’s my first name and middle name, not just my first name), it was definitely a pain in the ass as a kid, especially learning to write and then having to put it everywhere.

        So I sympathise with you as a teacher! I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be on a daily basis!

        1. I had one parent who changed the spelling of her daughters name halfway through the year- Charleigh to Charlie!! Poor girl was so confused xx

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