Chris Harrison Says We’ll Get to See Controversial ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ Footage Featuring DeMarion Jackson & Corinne Olympios

“Of course we’re going to show it! Would you expect anything more from us?!”

Bachelor in Paradise was almost ruined just one week into the taping of the fourth season in June…and apparently fans are going to get to see the footage that almost killed the show for good.

As The Ashley previously told you, the filming of Season 4 (which is set to premiere next Monday) was halted after it was reported that cast member Corinne Olympios engaged in down ‘n’ dirty sexual activity with fellow ‘Paradiser’ DeMario Jackson while being too intoxicated to consent.

Production of the season was stopped one week in, and the production company launched an investigation into what happened. After watching the footage, it was determined that no wrongdoing had occurred.

Chris Harrison said that ‘BIP’ viewers are going to get the chance to watch the footage of Corinne and Demario’s encounter for themselves!

“We’ll start talking about it right away and start dealing with it,” Chris told Entertainment Weekly of the encounter. “If you don’t it’s the elephant in the room and then it will taint the entire season.”

“You’re going to see more than enough to show you what was happening that led up to the shutdown,” he added. “We want to show everybody [what happened] and then get on with ‘Paradise.'”

EW states that the “moment that launched the controversy” will not be shown, but the footage filmed before and after will. (Sorry, guys, apparently even ‘BIP’ has some level of decency. Who would have thought?)

“I think people have this preconceived notion of what it was like and what was going on and really the only way to prove anything or show you anything is to all watch it and you can judge for yourself” Chris said.

‘Bachelor in Paradise’ Season 4 premieres Monday on ABC. To see the season’s cast list, click here!

(Photo: ABC)

6 Responses

  1. I’m glad they are going to show (most of) it. Demarion has a right to truly clear his name. Those are horrible allegations to levy against someone.

  2. Corrine makes me sick. One minute she’s like I was a victim, the next she’s all like well since it was proven that he actually didn’t sexually assault me and I threw my platinum vagina in his face, I just want everyone to know that I wasn’t the one that accused him first….so can I come back to the show? Women like her are the reason why REAL victims aren’t taken seriously, and why they won’t come forward…..AND why there are a lot of men falsely accused of sexual assault.

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