‘Teen Mom 2’ Dad Devoin Austin Arrested; Delivers Stellar Mugshot

“I forgot about that time I got arrested for being HIGH! HIGH!”

Briana DeJesus‘ [first] baby daddy is back behind bars!

Devoin Austin, who has been starring on the current season of Teen Mom 2, was thrown in the clink on Friday morning. (He was arrested at 5:59 a.m., so he was either getting a very early start to his day, or a very late end to his night out!)

It was discovered that Devoin (who is the father of Briana’s oldest daughter, Nova) had a warrant for his arrest for not showing up in court last year to deal with cannabis possession and drug parapahnelia charges. 

Devoin is currently being held at the Orange County jail in Florida. No bond amount is given.

He’s clearly just very, um, tired…

This is, of course, not the first time that Devoin has found himself behind bars. Back in September 2013, he was arrested and charged with burgling a house (unarmed), as well as possession of under 20 grams of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. In March of that same year, Devoin pleaded guilty to marijuana possession.

His current mugshot takes the cake for his best one yet!

TMZ was the first to break the story of Devoin’s arrest.

(Photos: MTV, Orange County PD)

41 Responses

  1. What a stupid piece of shit. I have a warrant I should go on TV. Welcome to the trashy world baby whatever its name is going to be. That kid has no chance with all of these idiots in its life…
    Put it up for adoption and have everyone involved sterilized.

  2. Brianna’s mom is so annoying. She always talks like Brianna is the victim and oh…poor Brianna. Um..Brianna brought this upon herself!!!! The way they talk in front of Nova is absolutely disgusting. Brianna is a terrible mother. Her segments are so boring….take this trash family off already!

  3. Looks like he borrowed that hoodie from Jenelle’s “Kieffa.”

    Im so over MTV bringing back Briana — and pray for little Nova.

  4. Man, Nova’s parents are both trainwrecks (well, Stella’s are too). Anyone knows how long she was with Devoin before he made her pregnant? Didn’t watch her 16&p episode.

      1. Well said! The first generation of positive pregnancy tests will surely think getting pregnant at age 16 brings fame and fortune and a camera crew. Getting pregnant at 16 also brings an instant ticket to pursue one’s lifelong dream of becoming a fashion designer, author, make-up artist, or entrepreneur, etc. Proceeds from the Next Generation’s reality show can be used to purchase cars, animals and plastic surgery. Proceeds can also be used for drugs, bail, attorneys and legal feess, child support and the financial needs of any future boyfriend/girlfriend. “16 and Pregnant: The Next Generation.” Is exactly what I need. Sadly, I will likely watch that train wreck of a show as much as I have the current train wrecks on MTV that explore this topic! Can’t wait to see the type of boyfriend Sophia chooses (or the type of boyfriend Farrah chooses for Sophia). Great suggestion Davel!

          1. I think I’ve got the name for the next program in the series: “32 And A Grandmother.” (With some 48-year old great grandmothers playing their roles as well, seems to me many of the 16 & P girls’ mothers were also teen moms. Discouraging.)

  5. Does anyone else not see how the spelling of his name pronounces Dev-Vaughn? Every time I read it, I say Dev-Voyne…the Voyne part rhyming with coin. It boggles my mind. Anyway, I’m also not digging the Briana part of this show. She worst part of Teen Mom 3 as well. All 3 of those women just like to sit around and talk trash all day, which is fine but not ok in front of Nova. It’s disgusting how they cuss and and carry on and just act like she’s not there. Then in the same sentence Sa how Nova is older and can understand what’s going on now. No kidding ladies so what your mouth around the poor kid.

    1. Why would you say that? He’s a student who doesn’t like to be in the spotlight and if he has a criminal record, hatters would have found that by now, so I’d guess it’s safe to say he hasn’t.

  6. This would be amusing if not for the fact that this man has a child he should be taking care of instead of doing drugs and burglarizing peoples homes. Get your s*** together Devoin

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