‘The Willis Family’ Star Jett Willis is Engaged to Cory Piatt: Get Wedding Details!

“We’re getting hitched!”

The Willis Family is trying to move beyond their recent pain to happier things.

The family is currently celebrating the engagement (and preparing for the upcoming wedding) of daughter Jeanette (aka “Jett”). The 21-year-old became engaged to fellow musician Cory Piatt in August.

“Couldn’t be more excited to marry my partner in crime in a few short months,” Cory captioned a photo of him and Jett posted to Facebook on October 9.

Cory is the mandolin player for the Mountain Faith Band, and was seen on Jett’s family’s (now cancelled) reality show, The Willis Family last year going on a (chaperoned) date with Jett.

The Ashley did some sleuthing and it appears that Jett and Cory are set to tie the knot in January at the Willis Family home in Ashland City, Tennessee. (Wanna see their wedding registry? Of course you do!)

Jett’s older sister, Jessica, recently got married herself. She quietly left the family band last year right before her father, Toby Willis, was arrested and charged with child rape. (He was sentenced to more than 40 years in prison earlier this year.)

The entire family seems to have cut all ties with Toby. On Jett and Cory’s wedding website, it’s revealed that Jessica will be one of Jett’s bridesmaids, as will her sisters Jasmine, Jennifer and Juliette. Her sisters Joy Anna and Jamie will be junior bridesmaids and her little sister Jada will serve as flower girl. Jett’s brother Jaeger will be the ring bearer.

The wedding location is very tellingly listed as “Brenda Willis’ Property.”

From the sound of the event description, the wedding reception will be a lively affair!

“Bring your instruments and dancing shoes for a fun time of celebration following the ceremony,” the website reads.

Currently Jessica and Jett the only ones of the Willis’ 12 children to have taken the step toward marriage. Their brother, Jeremiah, was previously engaged but that engagement ended in 2016.

“We disagreed on some things and so she gave me back the ring,” Jeremiah later explained. “I decided that I was going to work with my family, tour with my family. She didn’t want that, and so that’s where we broke it off. Unfortunately, we don’t even see each other or speak anymore. And I think that’s very sad.”

The family recently announced a new concert date. However, they have made no announcement about whether or not they will ever return to television.

Watch a cute video (made by Jett’s brother Jackson) of Jett and Cory getting engaged:

(Photo: TLC)

9 Responses

  1. I just want to say that I am so sorry to hear what the family had to go through. The girls, please get help. I was sexually assulted at age 3 from one uncle then my brother for many years until we got caught by my mother. My mother blamed me and beat me with a jump rope with wooden handles. Then I got the sure pleasure of helping to make a room for my brother. He actually was in love with me and wanted to marry me. The another uncle after my brother. Then two teachers in Junior/Middle school (8th grade). Had to go to tril and testify for that. That was hard on my entire family especially my mom. Whenever I had to go to the bathroom my mom was to stand outside and make sure no one came in to talk with me since I was a witness. I came out one time to see a male classmate finish threatening my mother and putting his machette back into his pants. Back in the 70’s there were no metal detectors. I talked with the DA and he told me they couldn’t do anything about it since they didn’t see it. I then told him that I would take care of it and they were not to come after me since they couldn’t protect me much less my own mother. I had to go through court 3 different times. Finally, I took things into my own hands again to protect my family and changed one date in my testimony to stop the proceedings. The jury came back with a hung jury. The DA asked me, not my mother nor the other girl’s mother if we should go ahead with another court date. I told him no. I needed to go on with my life. Going back to school was hell as long as I was in that school. Male teachers came out of the wood work looking for me on the weekend to get at me. Some other men also came out of the walls. One told me that I was not the only one that these teachers sexually assualted. I went to collecge and finally moved out of that town my last year. That was the best thing I could have ever done. My grades shot up so high it was unbelieveable. I knew I knew the subjects but it was hard to concentrate with everyone talking about me without even wishpering. I have been attacted many other times through out of life even as 5 years ago. I just took things into my own hands. One thing my dad did was take care of things when he knew what I was going through if I told him and he would never say a word to me. I later found out in life that he backed me up each and every time. My mom and dad were my best friends. We could and did talk about anything. Nothing was off limits. I did get married and we are going on 40 years this year. I had to get some help just so I could live my own life. So I called my insurance company and demanded that they help me find a therapist that would allow me to say what I needed to say in the way I needed to say it. I couldn’t go to one who had all these rules where you can’t cry, you can’t cuss, you can’t yell, etc. That was not going to help me. I found one and he was very understanding. He has helped me out a lot. I really hope the girls get the help they need. Mom, that includes you since it just shocked you into somewhere you probably haven’t come back all the way. Yes, you are taking care of your kids but I bet you feel like a robot. Please feel free to contact me at anytime and I can give you more information.

  2. I have a hard time understanding how this mother could allow this to go on! Your children are precious and it is your responsibility to protect them! You knew and did nothing! Shameful!

  3. Congratulations Corey and Jett! Jett was always my favorite Willis… but my-oh-my that girl loves to talk! Hope you have a lifetime of happiness together. John

  4. I agree with what Curious stated, but I think that part of the issue, knowing what we now know by Jessica’s statements…the whole family was walking on eggshells and each one of them were living a lie because of Toby’s gross behavior and his maniacal control and manipulation of each and every one of them. Jessica has made a very long post on her new webpage: jessicawillisfisher.com. she briefly mentions it on her bardcraft fb page. I hope they can continue to heal and make music. They are all so talented.

  5. I’m happy for her. I loved the show (well, the first season. The second season—something was clearly off within the family, as proven shortly after by the shit show that is Toby) and though the kids were incredibly talented. Best wishes to the happy couple.

      1. I couldn’t put my finger on the difference, and not for a lack of trying. The first season, the family seemed so warm and happy. The second season, it felt like they were holding back. Episode after episode about black mold in their house but the family dynamic seemed off. I kept thinking that maybe the difference was because they had felt burned online with harsh criticism after season one so they were protecting themselves by sharing less with the camera. Or maybe they regretted committing to a second season so they tried to fulfill their contact but withheld a lot from the producers. Or, maybe it was the secondary affects of bad health and living conditions. I don’t know. These are just the guesses I had after watching the second season. Once I saw that Toby was in prison for being disgusting and heinous, the second season made a bit more sense but I’m still not sure that his actions was the issue with season two. I don’t know. I don’t know the family so I can only make guesses based on my limited observations.

        I remember feeling disappointed by season two because I loved the first season and I had been so excited for a second season.

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