Kail Lowry & Javi Marroquin Talk About Their Divorce & Javi’s Breakup With Briana DeJesus on Kail’s Podcast: See Briana’s Reaction!

“Girls, can’t we all just get along!?”

Exes Kail Lowry and Javi Marroquin are never, ever getting back together…but they are at least on good enough terms that Javi appeared on Kail’s Coffee & Convos podcast on Thursday. The divorced Teen Mom 2 stars chatted it up about everything from their own failed relationship, to co-parenting their four-year-old son Lincoln, to Javi’s recent breakup with their fellow ‘Teen Mom 2’ co-star Briana DeJesus.

Once Briana heard that Kail and Javi were chatting about her, she was none too pleased and, naturally, posted some scathing tweet-and-deletes to let everyone know how she felt.

Before we get to that, though, let’s review what was discussed on the podcast.

Javi on getting back together with Kail:

Javi confirmed that he will not be whispering sweet nothings (and/or romantic Drake lyrics) into Kail’s ear ever again.

“I just think that there’s a lot of history between us that [neither] one of us will ever let go,” Javi said. “Even if we were to try again in the future it wouldn’t work because I know the type of person I am and the type of person she is. We argue. It just wouldn’t happen.”

He added that it wouldn’t be “healthy” for them to get back together.

Kail on getting back together with Javi:

Kailyn agreed that the pair will never reunite.

“I couldn’t have said it better,” Kail said. “I don’t think we could get back together.”

She said that although they are good at co-parenting, they are not right for each other romantically.

“Javi argues out of passion,” Kail said. “Javi is a habitual arguer and a ‘never letter goer.’”

The pair both agreed that starring on a reality television show “played a huge factor” in their break-up.

Javi on his failed relationship with Briana:

Javi discussed his recent break-up with Kail’s nemesis, Briana. Javi said dating someone your ex-wife works with is “trouble waiting to happen.”

Well, duh.

“I’m trying to learn from my mistakes and not repeat those mistakes so moving forward, I’m not gonna mix that,” Javi said. (I suppose this means we can forget about Javi hooking up with Leah Messer, eh? Farewell, Le-vi, we never knew ye!)

(Updating this to clarify: This is a joke, people. Leah is the only single ‘Teen Mom 2’ cast member that Javi hasn’t hooked up with. They never actually hooked up.)

Despite the fact that he admitted dating Briana was a mistake, he did leave the possibility of a reunion with Briana on the table.

“I don’t know what the future holds,” he said. “There is a lot we have to discuss and talk about before we make any other decisions… But if we do get back together, I would hope we can all get along.”

Kail on the possibility of her getting along with Briana someday:

“It would never happen. We would never get along,” Kail told Javi. “You allowed her to disrespect me to my face, also on camera, also in text messages. When I said what I had to say in a nice way you defended her and not me. We raise a son together; you don’t raise a son with her.”


As stated above, Briana was very unhappy that Javi chose to talk about their relationship and breakup, especially to someone she hates. Before deleting her Twitter account (again) Briana blasted Javi and Kail.

Javi scolded his ex for acting immature.

“Come on, you’re better than this,” he tweeted to Briana. “I know a different Bri so I’ll never turn my back on you like I promised. You don’t do fake s**t but you’re on here…you have my number, we’ve always talked about everything.”

“Apparently not if I found out about the podcast by someone else,” Briana responded. “U let her play the both of us by going on air and that’s exactly what she wanted and u feed into it. So let me talk my s**t just like she did.”

Briana’s tweets have all been deleted, but here’s a fun sampling of some of her spoutings aimed at Kail and Javi.

One thing’s for sure: the next ‘Teen Mom 2’ Reunion taping will be full of drama, based on Briana (and Jenelle Evans‘) tweets.

To read about Briana and Kail’s dressing room brawl at the last ‘Teen Mom 2’ Reunion taping, click here!

(Photos: Twitter, WEtv, MTV)

39 Responses

  1. I’m no kail fan but she’s right. Javi allowed his girlfriend to disrespect the mother of his child. There’s no coming back from that.

    Briana needs to take a seat preferably in an english class. She’s going nowhere fast.

    1. Javi doesn’t control Brianna’s mouth. It was probably stupid to even begin a relationship with someone that hates your baby mama, but it’s not javi’s fault if Briana says stupid stuff. That just seems like a manipulative thing Kail would say to make him feel guilty. Briana says stupid things, Kail blames it on Javi for allowing it to happen, then Javi feels like he owes Kail to make up for it, then Kail uses that guilt to manipulate him into doing something like watching all 3 kids for 2 weeks while she goes for plastic surgery/weight loss spa trip.

    2. So it’s ok to disrespect the father of your child on national tv as long as the new person in your life isn’t doing it?? Ok got it?

  2. Briana is so immature….and “come out of character”….ummmm what is this “character” that she speaks of? Because her popping off and transforming into a “trashy ratchet” seems to be her only “character”…

    **BTW to read the tweets, start from the bottom and work your way up LOL…they’ll make a little more sense if you read them that way

  3. I hope they fix that horror show u call an ass. It looks like you are wearing a diaper with a bunch of lumpy toads stuffed inside. At least caitlin was smart enough to know better than go back to that dr.

  4. Brianna always keeping it classy. Honey u a lot of damn nerve. Please do this planet a favor and keep your mouth and your legs closed. And watch ur damn mouth they way u talk on twitter is how u talk in front of ur kids. Such garbage. Her and her sister and her mother remind me of those three witches that stir the cauldron i forget the play. Double bubble toil and trouble.i think thats how it goes.lol


  6. Ok jenelle, take several seats ? what’s that smell? Drama? Best believe jenelle and her uppercut are getting involved…

    1. Jenelle is just looking for attention. She thinks that this will take all of the negative attention off of her current problems, and make her look like a “friend”to Briana. Well, Jenelle, WE won’t fall for that.

  7. I HATE HATE HATE PEOPLE WHO TWEET AND DELETE. The only thing worse than a messy twitter bitch is a messy twitter bitch who deletes their tweets like Briana. Why make people waste their icloud storage taking screenshots and then make others go through the work of finding those screenshots? If you are going to be a messy twitter bitch, at least LISA RINNA: OWN IT.

    And Jenelle, sit the fuck down. We all know you aren’t going to back anyone up. You don’t even have your own kids back, but you are going to back up some random trick from Florida? Yeah, right.

  8. Briana is straight straight trash! She lives with her mom and doesn’t take care of her children and instead of worrying about getting out of that crammed apartment she is worrying about getting her lopsided butt fixed. The only reason Javi ever gt with Briana was to make Kailyn Jealous Period! As much as people hate Kailyn she has no charges, has a college degree, pays her taxes, isn’t a drug addict, has custody of all her children, her home is always clean, and her children always are well dressed and behaved, she is just terrible at being a girlfriend/wife.

  9. These people are approaching 30….in charge of other human beings….downright scary. Although Brianna made herself look like the trashiest, dumbest idiot for having a profane Twitter meltdown, I hope Kail and Javi don’t think this makes them look any better. If you ask me Javi likes the drama and likes how Kail plays business, they both knew they could rag this dumb little girl he played and it would amp up her followers and make them some cash. I thought Kail was all about mature decisions now huh ? Grow uppppppp ??

  10. Why would anyone care what these three idiots have to say about anything???

    There are five children between these three losers, and if they were parenting their kids, they wouldn’t have time for these inane and juvenile podcasts/tweets!

  11. So let me get this straight. Briana is a 23 year old mother of two — who tells people to suck her d**k.

    And here I thought putting several hundred crickets in one of her baby daddy’s apartment and giggling about it was the “height” of inane immaturity.

    My bad.


  12. Does Briana know you have 240 characters limit on twitter now? She didn’t have to send out so many tweets (most of them pointless anyway). And Javi, DON’T DO IT, IT’S A TRAP! Don’t get back together with her because be sure the next time YOU WILL share a son (or a daughter) together. (I’m actually surprised it hasn’t happened yet because she had a kid with Luis the first second)
    At least Kail and Javi are now getting along for the sake of Lincoln so there’s that. (Anyone else sees the pattern she never gets along with her last baby daddy but with the previous one(s) now? What’s up with that?!)

  13. Wow, Briana’s grasp on the English language is astonishingly bad. Those tweets are even more incomprehensible than Farrah-speak. She wins the award for least literate and least articulate Teen Mom.

  14. Javi is a drama queen. He gravitates toward the most unstable, whores he can find. Then he pretends to act like a stabilizing force but all he really is doing is throwing a rock and hiding his hand. He lives for the drama. Why would you date your biotch ex wifes coworker and then run back to the ex wife to slam the ex girlfriend? Very messy. When Lurch leave Jenelle Im sure Javi will send Jenelle a “Be my Valentine” box of chocolates before Lurches can clear his crap off the land. Jenelle vs. Kail Kong would be epic.

  15. Like DJ Khalid says, Briana you played yourself. You tried to cause drama by dating a friend/coworker’s ex. You got what you wanted knowing he was still in love with her (& always will). Don’t try to play the victim now. Also why let your children be around your man of the week, but not their own father’s?

  16. Please let’s get rid of teen mom and teen mom 2. For girls who are only famous for getting pregnant as teenagers, the attention they try to bring to themselves is ridiculous! If Kail and Javi are getting along that’s great. They share a kid. I think part of Briana’s bitterness is Javi supporting Kail not getting plastic surgery when she is. THEn they both had no problem discussing crap on that podcast. I understand if she’s upset but I find it funny that she acts so quiet and victimized on the show but otherwise she’s just as crazy and vicious as her sister and mother. Jenelle is just glad shes not the center of drama for once but she can’t just shut up and stay out of it. These people are a mess and deserve to figure out and to deal in the real world.

    1. I would love if they cancelled it right now right after they hired brianna. That one would hurt lol. Sorry but it was always a shit show. Now its like really? Scraping the bottom of the barrel much???

  17. These people are 25+ years old!!!!! Come on!!!!
    I listened to the podcast it was cringeworthy and Javi said he called kail and asked to appear not the other way around take that as you will. Not a fan of Kail but Briana is just well you know. They all need to grow up.
    And LOL at jenelle. Sit Down!

  18. Though I hardly ever if ever honestly agree with Breonna and the way she handles things I do find myself agreeing with her kail used Javi and Breonna’s relationship in order to get more ears listening to her podcast it’s one thing if both parties agree to talk about it if not get Breonna’s name out of your mouth… Honestly I thought it was odd behavior from the girl who Just gave an interview saying she felt like she was the most bullied mom on teen mom

  19. Briana is so gross. Javi needs to keep moving forward to a girlfriend who isn’t a dumb rachet bitch. Man that family is going to warp those little girls.

    No single woman out of the three have a healthy relationship with a man. You’d think might ponder that fact than keep putting the blame on every one else.

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