Tori Hall Says She Wants to Return to ‘The Challenge’: Says She’s Done Playing For Ex-Husband Brad Fioranza

“If you put me back on the show, MTV, I’ll bring the heat…and probably some DAMN good tea!”

If MTV plans to put together yet another “Battle of the Exes” season of The Challenge, now might be a good time to make that happen!

Tori Hall, who married (and divorced) current ‘Challenge’ star Brad Fiorenza, recently revealed that she is ready to suit up in a ‘Challenge’ jersey and return to the show after an eight-year hiatus. She was last seen on 2010’s “Cutthroat” season, in which she and her then-husband Brad took home the win together.

This time, however, Tori says she done “playing for Brad!”

“I want to go back and play for me,” she said in a recent interview with Us Weekly.

In early January, Tori made her desire to return to ‘The Challenge’ known by tweeting to MTV.

“Im in…@ChallengeMTV make it happen. 2018 I’m saying yes, and playing for me(for once)and a charity…” she wrote on January 9.

As The Ashley previously reported, Tori and Brad divorced in 2016. Brad, who made his comeback on the current “Vendettas” season, quickly began dating Britni Thorton on the show.

Tori said that, after witnessing former players (who are now fathers) come back to the show, she was motivated to consider returning, too.

“I think that all these dads keep coming back and playing and they get the opportunity and I’m a firm believer that women can have it all: a career, strong education, raise babies, do challenges,” Tori told Us Weekly. “I want to do that for the moms out there.”

Tori, who shares two sons with Brad, also told the magazine that returning to ‘The Challenge’ would help her remember who she was before she was simply “Brad’s ex-wife.”

“I think that I lost my identity when I lost my marriage,” she said. “Then I went from that to being Brady and Chase’s mom. So this year, I woke up and I was like, ‘I’m gonna start playing for me. Eventually my kids are gonna go off to college and Brad’s not here anymore.

“I’m not Brad’s wife,” she said. “I need to figure out who I am and what’s left at the end of the day.’ The problem with putting your identity in someone else is that they eventually leave in one way or another. So I want to go back to my roots.”

While Tori told Us Weekly that she’d most like to participate in a “Champs vs. Stars” season and play for charity, she admitted that she would consider doing a “Battle of the Exes”-type season with Brad.

“Brad and I would be able tolerate each other in that situation,” she said. “Would it be ideal? No, but we could tolerate each other. He’s an athlete and I’m competitive. We could do it for money and for the game, but it wouldn’t be ideal.”

(Photo: MTV)

11 Responses

  1. I’m in the minority but I didn’t care for her. I didn’t see what she brought to the challenges she would always seem to cry and throw a hissy fit when her name was brought up for elimination and Brad would go all bug eyed crazy. I personally don’t want to see her back but would rather have some OGs than all these new randoms they keep bringing in.

    1. I would have to agree with you….when her and Brad did that one challenge together, she was so self righteous and whiny, and came off as pretty mean. I liked her the first season she was on the show, but once she got with and married Brad, I didn’t care for her at all. Hopefully this time she’ll get her attitude in check.

  2. They want to keep bringing old school competitors because new one don’t bring anything to the table. And now they keep on insisting putting all people from different shows in and it’s not even Real World/Road Rules Challenge anymore. I’d love to see Mark back even if he is “old” now.

    1. I agree. I stopped watching once they started adding people from are you the one. It just wasn’t the same…They should try to do an entire old school season, with Coral (loved to hate her), Anissa, Veronica, Derek, Bananas, Eric (the one that insisted that he could compete and win, and when time came for the prize he was “weeble wobbling” down the stairs, and pretty much passed out and lost it for his team) Rachel, and some other old ones….I would definitely watch that.

  3. I wouldn’t mind having Tori back, she may be a little “bitchy” but she is a decent competitor and I prefer the old school girls to the new school.

  4. I’m so glad when my parents divorced neither of them ever spoke negatively about each other. On tv. In public. Or in magazines. But they weren’t fame wh0res soooo #prayforthechildten

  5. Back in the day when Tori did challenges, I didn’t really like her. I thought she was kinda bitchy. And now she’s running her mouth on twitter about Brad and airing exposing their dirty laundry about their divorce. I hope she doesn’t come back to the show. But knowing MTV and how they love drama, they probably will have her back.

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