Former ‘Survivor’ Winner Jenna Morasca Reportedly Overdosed on Drugs, Bit a Cop & Got Arrested Last Month

Jenna in 2003 during “Survivor: The Amazon”…

Survivor winner and fan favorite has fallen from grace, according to a new report by TMZ and US Weekly.

The sites are reporting that “Survivor: The Amazon” winner Jenna Morasca was arrested in late January for DUI and possession of narcotics paraphernalia after allegedly being found passed out at the wheel of her SUV while stopped at a traffic sign in Pennsylvania. Her car (with its custom vanity license plates that read “AMAZON”), was still running when cops approached.

“Upon arrival, cops determined [Jenna] was under the influence…They administered Narcan but she woke up on the way to the hospital,” US Weekly reported of the incident, which occurred on January 25. “When an officer tried to subdue her, the reality star allegedly bit [the cop] on the forearm.”

TMZ obtained the police report from the incident, which stated that a passenger in Jenna’s car was allegedly seen by cops “trying to hide several syringes in a large Ziploc bag in her purse.”

Jenna, 37, was reportedly taken to the hospital, but on the way there she allegedly tried to bite paramedics as well.

Both sites report that, in addition to the possession and DUI charges, Jenna will also likely be charged with assaulting a police officer for the bite.

Jenna is best-remembered for taking home the $1 million prize for winning ‘Survivor’ in 2003. During the season, Jenna and her co-star Heidi Strobel memorably got naked during an immunity challenge in order to get peanut butter and chocolate. (They both went on to pose for Playboy.)

After winning ‘Survivor’ in 2003, Jenna appeared on ‘Survivor: All-Stars’ in 2004. She also starred on the 19th season of The Amazing Race in 2011 alongside her then-boyfriend (and fellow ‘Survivor’ contestant) Ethan Zohn. The couple finished in 10th place.

Jenna and Ethan dated for 10 years, with Jenna supporting Ethan through two battles with cancer. They broke up in 2013, and Ethan is now married to Lisa Heywood. He has not yet commented publicly on Jenna’s arrest.

Over the years, Jenna has appeared on a variety of reality TV shows, but more recently, she has kept a low profile. Her Twitter account has not been updated since September 2017, and her last post on Instagram was from October 14, 2017. At the time of the post, she was a veterinary school student.

According to local newspaper Observer Reporter, no charges have been filed against Jenna as of Thursday. However, that will likely change.

“Police will obtain a search warrant for Morasca’s medical records to determine if she should be charged with driving under the influence,” the newspaper stated.

Several former ‘Survivor’ players who know Jenna expressed their shock over the situation.

“I am heart broken,” Coby Archa, who competed on “Survivor: Palau” tweeted after the news broke. “I have reached out to her many times the last month and never heard back….now I know why…”

“TONS of love, Jenna. Call me,” Richard Hatch, another ‘Survivor’ winner who competed on “All-Stars” with Jenna, tweeted. “Come spend time with me in Rhode Island. I’m lonely.”

(Photo: CBS)


11 Responses

  1. Why do they need medical records to charge with a DUI?
    I thought you only need a tox screen (blood work to see if there is drugs/alcohol in her system)
    Prescribed or not if your are driving while intoxicated you should be charged.

    You need to take Xanax to function fine get a script & take as prescribed but that does not give you the right to put people in danger. Don’t drive while taking it.
    Plus if you are passing out like that on any drug you are probably taking too much or mixing with drugs/alcohol that you shouldn’t be

  2. Jesus, I hope she does get charges. Passed out at the wheel of an SUV on the road – who cares if it was alcohol, heroin, or both, she’s lucky she didn’t kill a whole slew of people including herself.
    Jenna was never a Survivor I liked at all, but a lot of people did like her. Regardless I never pictured her as an addict. She always seemed to act like she had her shit together, in interviews and stuff. Huh.

    1. Exactly, even if it is a prescribed drug they all say don’t operate heavy machinery. And I doubt she is taking as prescribed if she passed out while driving.

      By the way, where was the passenger while she was sleeping at the wheel? Was she sleeping too? So they both fell asleep & didn’t wake up?

      1. Yeah and I highly doubt it was anything prescribed. If it was she’d be all over social media explaining what happened. She’s been silent. Plus, a bunch of her Survivor friends have tweeted to her mentioning her “issue”, “helping”, “addiction”, “heroin”, etc. But regardless, it’s insane that they need medical records to charge her. They have the tox results! Unless the article was incorrect.
        And seriously – the friend must have been high as a kite to 1) not take over when Jenna went unconscious, and 2) to get in a freaking SUV with a driver high off her mind.
        People freak about texting and driving and here we have an unconscious driver behind the wheel of a 2 ton weapon and everyone’s all “Oh I hope she gets help”, “Thinking of you!” WTF?! Get a freaking Uber before you kill half a block of people.

  3. Oh wow, Jenna seemed so down to earth. I remember when she left Survivor to be with her mom who died a few days after Jenna left the show to be with her in her final days.

    This is real sad to learn, she is still young. I hope she can overcome whatever demons she has and gets healthy again ❤

  4. Oh crap. I don’t know she is. But she’s lucky if she doesn’t get a dui, her friend had needles too. If they gave her Narcan she must of been very messed up. Hope she gets it together.. where I’m from, if the cops or FD have to give you Narcan, you don’t get arrested. Which is bad for the family bc you may never know how bad your loved one is really doing. If you’re arrested afterward then there’s a better chance your family can find out and try to get them help.

    1. What exactly is Narcan? I had a friend get alcohol poisoning and she got flushed with charcoal, but I never heard of Narcan.

      1. Narcan is a drug that a lot of EMTs/Police/
        Firefighters carry – it is to reverse efects of an opioid overdose and can revive the person who has overdosed.

    2. Well I don’t think you get arrested anywhere for getting narcan however she happened to be passed out driving a car on the road-that’s what she’s in trouble for.

    3. They don’t charge/arrest for administering narcan because they don’t want people to be scared to call 911 if a friend needs help. I agree with that
      BUT this idiot should be charged with DUI, passed out behind the wheel of a running car. I don’t care if the medication was prescribed or not. Plus the assault charges.

      Safe to say that money is probably gone with nothing but a dope habit to show for it

    4. They probably don’t arrest when Narcan is administered because they don’t want to scare people away from call 911 If a friend is in trouble, so it does make sense.
      But this idiot should be charged with a DUI (prescribed or not) she was under the influence of something.

      You know that money she won is long gone & the only thing to show for it is a nice drug addiction

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