
**NOTE: This post has been updated as of November 2019 to include the birth of Josh’s daughter Maryella**

Babies and the Duggar Family go hand-in-hand. Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar‘s extra-large brood has garnered them two reality shows over the years: 19 Kids and Counting and Counting On.

Now that Michelle is basically passed child-bearing age, her offspring have taken over the task of “being fruitful and multiplying.” Since 2014, there has been been at least one pregnant Duggar daughter (or daughter-in-law) at all times.

This seemed like a good time for The Ashley to take a look at all of the Duggar babies…by the numbers!

0         Number of unmarried virgins who are not virgins

1          Number of Duggar babies that were born on the toilet (It was Josh and Anna’s son Michael, and the birth aired on “19 Kids & Counting.”)

         Number of times Michelle and Anna were pregnant at the same time (This happened in 2009, when Michelle was pregnant with Josie and Anna was pregnant with Mackynzie.)

2          Number of sets of twins Michelle has delivered (The twins are Jana and John-David, and Jedidiah and Jeremiah.)

3          Number of months it took Jessa and Ben to conceive after their wedding

3          Number of babies Jim Bob and Michelle named after themselves (Josh’s middle name is Jim Bob’s real name, James, and Jill’s middle name is Michelle. They also have a son named James.)

4         Number of years Jim Bob and Michelle waited after getting married to have their first child (Michelle was on birth control but quit using it after suffering a miscarriage around 1989. She hasn’t used it since.)

4          Number of C-sections Michelle has had

4            Number of Duggar women who share the middle name Renee. (They are Anna and her daughter Mackynzie, and Kendra and her daughter Addison.)

5          Number of Duggar offspring over the age of 18 who have not yet reproduced. (They are Jana, Jeremiah, Jedidiah, Jason and James.)

         Number of months it took Michelle to get pregnant with Josie after Jordyn’s birth

6          Number of married Duggar daughters who have been pregnant at their siblings’ weddings (Jill was pregnant at Jessa’s wedding and Joy’s, and Jessa was pregnant at Jinger’s wedding. Joy was pregnant at Joseph’s wedding. Jinger was pregnant at Josiah’s wedding and Jessa was pregnant at John-David’s wedding.)

9         Number of Duggar grandkids that are boys. 

10.3     Number of pounds the largest Duggar grandbaby was to date (It was Joy’s son Gideon.)

11.9     Number of months from a Duggar’s wedding date to the day they welcome their first child, on average

12        Number of months between Josh and Anna’s wedding and the birth of their first child, Mackenzie

13        Number of “regular” (non-Cesarean) births Michelle has had

15        Number of sons that Ben and Jessa said they hope to have (They made the statement before the birth of their first child in 2015.)

16        Number of Duggar grandchildren born to date

18        Number of months (on average) between each of Jim Bob and Michelle’s children

19        Number of years old Kendra was when she gave birth to her first child, Garrett

20        Number of years old the youngest Duggar offspring was when she had her first child (It was Joy, by the way!)

21        Number of years old Anna was when she gave birth to her first child, Mackynzie

21        Number of years old Michelle was when she gave birth to her first child, Josh

22        Number of ounces Josie weighed at birth. (She was born at only 25 weeks.)

23        Number of years old Jessa was when she gave birth to her first child, Spurgeon (She turned 23 one day before giving birth.)

23        Number of years old Jill was when she gave birth to her first child, Israel

24        Number of years old Jinger was when she gave birth to her first child

25        Number of babies Josh “jokingly” predicted in 2010 that he and Anna would have

25        Number of years, at a minimum, that Michelle has spent breastfeeding babies

29        Number of years a Duggar girl has made it to without having a baby (It’s Jana, by the way, who is also the only Duggar woman to reach her 25th birthday without having a pregnancy.)

30        Number of years old the oldest father to a Duggar child was on the date his kid was born. (It was Jinger’s husband, Jeremy, by the way!) 

30        Number of pounds, on average, Michelle would gain during a pregnancy

31         Number of years old Anna was when she gave birth to her sixth child, Maryella

40        Number of hours Jill spent in labor at home with her second child, Samuel, before going to the hospital to have a C-section

40        Number of days Michelle and Jim Bob say they abstain from sex after Michelle has a baby boy

43        Number of years old Michelle was when she gave birth to her 19th child, Josie

70        Number of hours Jill spent  in labor at home with her first child, Israel, before going to the hospital to have a C-section

80       Number of days Michelle and Jim Bob would abstain from sex after Michelle had a baby girl

150      Number of months that Michelle has been pregnant for over the course of her lives. (That’s equal to 12.5 years!)

273       Number of days after Joy’s wedding that she gave birth to her first child, Gideon (That’s nine months exactly!) 

273       Number of days after Joseph’s wedding that his wife, Kendra, gave birth to their first child, Garrett (That’s nine months exactly!) 

289      Number of days after Jill’s wedding that she gave birth to her first child, Israel

369      Number of days after Jessa’s wedding that she gave birth to her first child, Spurgeon

624        Number of days between Jinger’s wedding and the day she’s due to give birth to her first child


Did you enjoy this post? Click here to read The Ashley‘s “Duggar Weddings: By the Numbers” post!

27 Responses

  1. 273 Number of days after Joy’s wedding that she gave birth to her first child, Gideon (That’s nine months exactly!) That’s not exactly true. Joy and Austin were married May 26, 2017 and Gideon Martyn Forsyth was born
    February 23, 2018.

    Three days short of being “nine months exactly”.

  2. Why are Jed and Jer counted as one person? “4 Number of Duggar offspring over the age of 18 who have not yet reproduced. (They are Jana, John-David, Josiah, Jeremiah and Jedidiah)”.

    It should be five, not four.

  3. number of sons Ben said he wanted on the TV series was 19, not 15.
    average number of months from wedding to first Duggar spawn arrived, if you count only the children of JB and Michelle, it is closer to 9 months. Josh and Anna took 4 month, Jill and Joy and Joe and Kendra’s, 9 months. Now we shall see how long before Josiah’s 1st arrives.

  4. I’m going to leave a comment on every recent post simply saying, I love the newsy stories but it’s been like 3 weeks since you guys posted a recap of Teen Mom OG. Come on now!! We need the recaps.
    Thank you for your time!!

    1. This is so annoying. We get it, you want a recap. Please continue to spam the crap out of non relevant articles so that the site owners get annoyed and never post one. You sound 14.

    2. Dude The Ashley has a life too. And if you have been reading this site for awhile, she doesn’t recap every episode.

  5. I know she’s trapped in the house because of that but YAY JANA, YOU MADE IT THROUGH 25 WITHOUT BEING PREGNANT! (Which is normal irl, I haven’t either but in their world that means she is going to have way less children than her siblings and parents so I hope she’s still glad she isn’t a mother yet even if she was brought up thinking it is her only purpose in life.)

    1. Ashley does her share, be grateful there might be one Kardashian article per year. I scroll the pop culture sites and avoid any KTrash articles, but I did click on Ashley’s article over Kylie’s new kid.

    1. Supposedly it’s biblical, I’m pretty sure it’s not medically safe to have sex just 40 days after giving birth no matter what gender to my understanding (I don’t have kids but I’m pretty sure it’s like an 8 week wait before it’s medically safe)

  6. It’s in Leviticus and has to do with the uncleanliness and impurity of women after birth (of course). It also says that the couple is supposed to bring a lamb to a priest for slaughter after this purification period or 40 or 80 days, but the Duggars pick and choose the verses they follow ?

  7. Jill would have (most likely) been pregnant at Jinger’s wedding, too, based on the timeline, although only a few weeks along. And if you count middle names, there are even more Duggar kids names for their parents, because the twins Jedediah and Jeremiah were both so originally given the same middle name – their dad’s – Robert. I had to look these facts up, but I admit I thought I was correct, which is incredibly depressing. ?

  8. Can we get a reason why they wait 40 days after having a boy, and 80 days after having a girl?? But you know what I bet Jim Bob doesn’t know that boy and girl babies come out the same.

    1. I think it’s some messed up thinking from the Bible or their cult that says girl babies are unclean. At least that’s what I’ve heard.

      1. It’s from the Bible- but not based on a believe that baby girls are “dirty,” rather, in Ancient Israel, giving birth to another “birth-giver” was something special and so the mothers time in isolation and contemplation was double what would have been had she given birth to a son.

        1. Errr no. The verse specifically says that the “unclean” period is twice as long after a baby girl is born.

          1. Yes….the uncleanness of the mother. Not the baby. Anytime a women was bleeding was considered an unclean time- so after births, while the women was experiencing lochia, she would be considered unclean. The baby wasn’t unclean. The length of days was to honor the life of a life-giver.

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