There’s a new update in the ping pong game that is Teen Mom 2 star Javi Marroquin‘s love life!
Just weeks after hinting that he and ex-wife Kail Lowry may be getting back together (a theory that Kail promptly shut down), Javi has announced that he is back in a relationship with his ex-girlfriend Lauren Comeau!
Lauren, who was Javi’s girlfriend for a very short period last summer, reappeared on the ‘Teen Mom 2’ dad’s social media accounts earlier this week. Javi later confirmed to Radar Online that he and Lauren are officially back together.
For those of you trying to figure out where Lauren fits into the “Javi Marroquin Timeline of Lovers,” she came after Javi’s divorce from Kail and after his breakup with The Real World star Madison Walls. Javi dated Lauren before he dated ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Briana DeJesus. Right before Javi hooked up with Briana, though, he told In Touch Weekly that he wanted to get back with Lauren.
“I love Lauren, but unfortunately it didn’t work out,” Javi told the magazine. “I’m learning not everyone wants the attention. Dating someone on a TV show is tough. I think Lauren had a hard time adjusting to that and I had a hard time understanding that. I never believed in love at first sight, but when I saw Lauren I definitely did. I’m hoping Lauren and I can figure this out because she made me the happiest I’ve ever been.”
Javi didn’t get Lauren back at that time. Instead, he chose to date Briana. Like all of the previous relationships before it, Javi’s relationship with Briana lasted just a few months.

Lauren and Javi met through a mutual friend and finally came together at a wedding that took place last summer. Javi quickly went public with his relationship with Lauren (who has never appeared on ‘Teen Mom 2’ or any other reality show…yet.)
The fact that Lauren isn’t a reality TV star is one of the things that Javi likes most about her, apparently.
“I want to do things differently,” he recently told Radar Online. “I just want to enjoy it. She’s the only girl that’s been on no TV. It’s just real stuff.”
Lauren currently lives in South Carolina, while Javi is residing in Delaware. They split the last time due to the distance between them but apparently they’re willing to try things again.
See Lauren’s Instagram post about reuniting with Javi below:
Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together
A post shared by Lauren Comeau (@lauren3elizabeth) on
(Photos: MTV, Instagram)
21 Responses
Ugh this bitchass is so ugly inside & out
He has bad codependency issues. SMH
Javi has always seemed very clingy to me. People seem to think he’s great, but I see something else.
Honestly at this point it seems like he has radar online on speed dial… Take a minute relax you don’t have to tell everybody everything all the time
None of these ppl can be single for longer than a month. The codependency is so sad & pathetic! Y’all have fucking kids for crying out loud, and more than just one! Get your shit together & get the fuck off t.v. already.
Javi needs to get himself a fleshlight or something.
I literally could not care about this. Meh Javi…
***when I split with my kid’s dad***
God. Can’t these people remain single for awhile??? What I split work my kid’s Das, I was single for 3 years, dated one person and we became serious last year… Now we live together… We took our time…
I don’t see, nor understand how you can go from one relationship to the next and have intense feelings for each person and claim to love that person EVERY SINGLE TIME. Yuck!
Codependecy and fear of being alone is what drives these idiots. Grow some f^cking balls and learn to be alone already! You’ve got kids watching you…
Good Grief Javi! How about taking a break from relationships for awhile? The more you act like this, the more we can see that you enjoyed the DRAMA just as much as Kail.
Too funny, Ashley!
Maybe Barb really stands a chance. Especially with Debz “OG” Danielson officially off the market.
Wait, she doesn’t want attention but she has Instagram? How does that work exactly? Don’t you make social media (esp Instagram with posting pictures) to GAIN attention?!
Or maybe to reconnect with friends?
Just bc she has an ig doesn’t mean she wants “fans” bashing her looks, or criticizing her every move.
IG is not about attention, at all. First of all, you can keep your account private, so no one but your followers can even see your pictures and secondly, Instagram is way less drama than Facebook. And as someone else has already mentioned, many people make social media accounts strictly to stay in touch with friends and family members; it has nothing to do with attention or followers.
Oh Barb, Javi only deserves your itching powda’ not your love!
Babs, just be patient girl!
Trying to stay relevant… Can’t these people put their kids first instead of bouncing from relationship to relationship?
Barb, you deserve so much better!
Lol thanks caption of Barbara!!
The caption of Barbara really made me laugh.
lol @ barb..be patient barb..