‘Teen Mom’ Mackenzie McKee Announces Her New Podcast “Mack: Raw and Unfiltered”

“Listen to me talk!”

Move over, Kail Lowry— Mackenzie McKee is getting into the Teen Mom podcast arena!

(Just the fact that there actually is a ‘Teen Mom’ podcast arena is kind of scary, no?)

Anyway, the former Teen Mom 3 star announced that the first episode of her podcast/vodcast will premiere on Monday night. The show, which is called Mack: Raw and Unfiltered will cover fitness and health topics, and will allow fans to call in to talk to Mackenzie. 

The podcast/vodcast will be part of the Gonzo Podcasts Network, which also hosts the podcasts of Lauren “Pumpkin” Shannon (of Honey Boo Boo fame) and p0rn star Mary Carey.

“I am so excited to join the Gonzo Podcasts Network and be able to interact with my fans on this platform,” Mackenzie said in press release sent on Monday. “I also look forward to sharing my fitness knowledge as this is something I am very passionate about.”

The first episode of Mack: Raw and Unfiltered premieres on Monday night. You can watch the vodcast at GonzoPodcasts.com.

Does this mean Farrah Abraham can’t use the ‘Raw and Unfiltered’ tagline for her next celebrity sex tape?

Mackenzie recently appeared on Kail’s Coffee Convos podcast but made no mention on the show that she was about to get her on podcast.

If you’d like to watch Mackenzie build herself a desk to use for podcast (and why the hell wouldn’t you want to watch her attempt to use power tools?) click the video below.

(Photos: Instagram, Gonzo Media)

16 Responses

  1. Wow, for someone who reckoned that MTV had ruined her life, she is riding her latest gravy train harder than her husband does at the rodeo!

  2. Ok. It’s a major pet peeve of mine when minor (or rather, any) celebrity makes mention of “my fans”. Sit down. Stop trying to make yourself sound important. If you must make mention of fans, please say “the fans”.

    And that’s my soapbox for the night. ??

  3. I can’t for the life of me figure out how these girls who are younger than me and having multiple kids even have time for their kids considering they spend the majority of their time Fighting on social media, taking personal vacations or having multiple interviews on podcasts. I’m a single mom to a 9 year old and would love more kids one day but omg just trying to work a fulltime job and juggle appts and sports I can barely take time to even catch a workout for myself. Unrelated topic but if I remember correctly didn’t David’s ex state her son wasn’t allowed to be shown on social media or teen mom as part of their agreement? Why is it now Jenelle is posting tons of pics trying to prop up David as a good father all while showing Davids son? I’d be so mad as his mother.

    1. That would so make me so mad if that was my son and he was posting his picture or they were posting his picture all over the internet and while I’m at it I get so mad that Jenelle calls Marissa David’s daughter why can’t she just call that poor girl by her name instead of calling her out as David’s daughter that is so wrong

  4. The Ashley, this is a technical comment. I don’t know what you did to your domain/hosting provider but it worked!!! I got a 503 error a few times earlier today but things are working fine now and FASTER! I didn’t want to mention it before but the site used to load kinda slow. Kudos!
    Feel free to delete this comment as it is not really pertinent to Mack’s podcast just wanted to let ya know what us end users are experiencing 😉

  5. I’m honestly surprised she’s even got enough interested “fans” to get somebody to even back her for a podcast series. How many will she make before it fizzles out? 2 maybe three?

  6. Ugh, WHY. You are already rumored to be on Teen Mom OG and now this?! I wonder how many people will actually listen to it.

    Also, stop using your mom’s illness for “fame”. That’s sick.

  7. Give this girl ten glasses of water, please. My heart breaks for her family as they go through seeing a loved one battle cancer, but good lord Mack is THIRSTY. I don’t think she ever mentally recovered her loss of a chance at fame with the cancellation of TM3. ?

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