‘The Challenge’ Star Britni Thornton Discusses Her DUI & Explains Why She Smiled For Her Mugshot

“I wasn’t driving drunk, I was driving STONED! Get it right!”

Earlier this week, The Ashley broke the news that Britni Thornton, star of The Challenge, had been arrested for DUI. The arrest, which took place near Augusta, Georgia, on Saturday, came after Britni was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs (over .08 grams or more) and Failure to Maintain Lane.

Britni has remained relatively silent about the incident, but on Friday, she took to Twitter to explain herself. She even revealed why she had a big goofy smile while posing for her mugshot.

“I smiled Bc unlike you my mugshot will go worldwide,” Britni told one nay-sayer.

(Perhaps her granny will make her a scrapbook of all the stories about her arrest? I think that would be nice…)

She denied that she had been drinking on the night she was arrested, and stated that she is “a stoner not a drinker.” In a series of tweets, Britni revealed more of what went down on Saturday, stating that she was making a U-turn when she was busted.

“For one.. I was busting a U-y to park the car so I DIDNT have to drive,” Britni tweeted, adding, “The only people I NEED to explain myself to is my family, my lawyer and the judge.”

She may also need to explain herself to her boyfriend, Brad Fiorenza, who is currently out of the country shooting the next season of ‘The Challenge.’

Brad’s ex-wife, Tori Hall, tweeted that she was “livid” when she found out about Britni’s arrest.

However, Tori later apologized for her angry reaction, telling Us Weekly, ““My emotions got the best of me because of a deep pain in my past from losing a friend to drinking and driving…Moments like this are opportunities for both Britni and I to learn and grow from. We both made mistakes, but one of the most beautiful things about being a spouse/mother/woman is the courage to admit when we are wrong. Bad moments don’t make bad people, so in the midst of chaos, I think it’s best we just show people grace.”

Anyway, Britni continued to post about her DUI, while simultaneously stating that she couldn’t really post about it.

“Everyone needs to realize. I will address the DUI issue once I get permission and more details from my lawyer,” she tweeted. “I love you all. But I love myself and my clean record more. I made a mistake but that’s life. We learn and grow and there’s ALWAYS more to the story. Talk soon my loves.”

Britni hinted that she’s had a rough 2018.

“Sad part is is that I’m really not a drinker haha. This year just unfortunately hasn’t looked good lol..,” she tweeted.

This is not Britni’s first arrest. Back in 2009, she was arrested for shoplifting.

(Photos: MTV, Instagram)

8 Responses

  1. Do a lot of people still watch these shows?? I haven’t seen one since the very beginning ones years ago… idk I’m actually curious cuz they seem to be ALWAYS coming out with new ones..

  2. *spoiler about final reckoning*

    Britni was also on this season of the challenge also and got eliminated already. I can’t stand her. If you want people to stop talking about it then you stop talking about it too. She thinks she is something special and she’s not.

  3. Who cares what you look like if your mugshot goes viral – it’s a MUGSHOT! You just drove drunk/high and could’ve killed a slew of people. Don’t smile and try to look cute, you effing moron! At least PRETEND to have some remorse. I can’t believe that was her excuse. What a waste. I’m sure your family is embarrassed of you smiling in a mugshot when you could’ve killed people. How about worrying about how they feel and not about if you look cute because your picture is going to apparently circulate the world because you’re a Z list celebrity. GROW UP.

  4. Uhm, why so condescending tho?! Does she really think she’s something special now that she is dating a Challenge vet?!

      1. Oh, thanks. Never heard of her before.

        And I take back what I said about Tori. Ofc she reflected on what happened to her friend if that was the case.

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