‘Southern Charm’ Cast Reacts to Ashley Jacobs’ Attack On Kathryn Dennis: “I Just Felt Sick To My Stomach!”

Ashley’s head keeps swelling…and so does her hair, apparently….

Viewers watched as the “charm” was taken right out of Southern Charm, with all credit going to Thomas Ravenel and his new girlfriend, Ashley Jacobs. On this week’s episode, the cast took a trip to Hilton Head, where Ashley took it upon herself to wage a full-on attack on Thomas’ ex and baby mama, Kathryn Dennis.

Ashley called Kathryn a bad mom, and stated that she spends more time with the two children than Kathryn does, to name just a few of the hateful things Ashley spewed at her boyfriend’s ex.

Kathryn, who lost custody of the kids in 2016 after a failed drug test, surprisingly kept her cool while Ashley continued to flip out. The show’s other cast members, however, were happy to provide their thoughts on the incident.

After Ashley was “escorted” away from the table by Thomas, cast members Danni Baird, Naomie Olindo, Chelsea Meissner and even former fling-turned-Kathryn-critic Whitney Sudler-Smith commended Kathryn for maintaining her poise during Ashley’s verbal assault.

After the episode aired, ‘Southern Charm’ cast members, as well as celebrity fans of the show, responded to Ashley’s hateful attack.

‘Southern Charm’ superfan Chrissy Teigen was in shock at how the episode went down, calling the incident “the meanest s**t I’ve ever heard said on reality television,” on Twitter.

“I don’t know how @KathyrnDennis did it! I’d be in jail,” she added.

“Totally harshed my mellow,” cast member Shep Rose replied to Chrissy. “Crazy thing is, it was more intense than it looked. If you can believe it.”

Kathryn herself later discussed how she kept her cool during Ashley’s attack.

“I blacked the f**k out, disassociated, and was in like, shock, panic,” Kathryn said during a Bravo.com ‘Southern Charm’ After Show. “Old Kathryn would have flipped the eff out and gone ape-s**t on her … but everyone saw that [Ashley] was just trying to entertain. She was on display, she was enjoying it. And when I saw that, I was like hmm, you don’t deserve a response.”

Other cast members also used the After Show to weigh on what happened.

“I just felt sick to my stomach,” Danni said.”Terrible…their kids are going to see that someday!”

“What she said was disgusting,” Naomie added.

Unfortunately for the cast (and maybe the viewers as well) the drama of the episode didn’t stop after the dinner from hell. After boarding the ferry to head back to the vacation rental (where all parties were staying), Thomas lashed out at Chelsea after she made a comment about Thomas and Ashley possibly staying elsewhere to make Kathryn feel more comfortable.

Thomas, who is currently being investigated after allegations of sexual assault, grew so heated during the ferry ride that he lunged towards Chelsea and told her to “shut the f**k up.” Moments later, Thomas apologized to Chelsea (and Austen who was briefly involved in the argument as well) for his “ungentlemanly” behavior.

The same, however, cannot be said for Ashley, who not only didn’t apologize, but also chose to act like nothing had happened the next day.

“I think that’s when we realized she’s really over-the edge-crazy,” Naomie said, with Kathryn adding, “OK, you have zero empathy or regret or anything over that … so clearly, you’re confirming that you really are crazy. But certifiable, not just hypothetical.”

Ashley defended her decision to not make amends the day after, though she added that she had only spoken the truth during the showdown.

“I thought, let’s just put on our smiling faces and enjoy this trip and we’ll just try and let the dust settle and try to readdress it at another time,” she said. “I’m sorry for the way I did and where I did it … but what I said was the truth.”

The following night, Ashley ruffled some more feathers in the Hilton Head House of Horrors when she sarcastically snapped at Shep, “good talk,” after he decided to make an early exit from an awkward conversation with her and Thomas.

“I’ve definitely said ‘good talk’ after an actual good talk. But that one was dripping with sarcasm,” Shep later tweeted.

The strange exchange even caused the usually even-keeled Shep to declare his hatred for Thomas’ lady friend later in the episode.

Amidst the online comments about the action-packed episode, viewers were dying to know what ‘Southern Charm’ matriarch Patricia Altschul — who has been a frequent critic of Kathryn— thought about the incident. In true Patricia fashion, she didn’t disappoint. When asked via Twitter if “anyone in America” liked Ashley, Patricia replied with a simple, “no.”

Patricia, who earlier this season appeared to be in support of Thomas and Ashley’s relationship, noted in another tweet that she was no longer on the T-Rav and Ashley train.

(Can we just start referring to Thomas and Ashley as “Trashley” at this point?)

“And people wonder if we are still their allies……we blocked #AshleyJacobs and #ThomasRavenel from all social media and from our lives,” she tweeted on Friday.

Thomas and Ashley, who began dating in May 2017, are still together, though there’s no sign that the former has purchased that giant diamond ring Ashley has been requesting this season.

(Photos: Bravo, Instagram)

7 Responses

  1. Thinking that Thomas has got to be the dumbest man alive to continue his relationship with such a crazy begging woman who obviously will turn on him once she has completely set her claws on him by intentionally getting herself pregnant. Has the idiot have no dignity? He deserves whatever he gets.

  2. I was sitting there waiting for Kathryn godly across that table and choke that bitch. But gotta hand it to her, she held herself together and that seemed to piss Ashley off even more. 1point for Kathryn – 0point for Ashley, the only thing she won was Kathryn making her look like an idiot and a fool ( which she is ) LMAO ???

  3. I almost think this is staged for tv – that’s how vile she is. But I think she’s really just a thirsty reality tv leach.

  4. Ashley is a gold digger. That nurse job disappeared quick and I think now over a year later she can finally practice in SC. With none of Thomas friends supporting this and now the sexual abuse allegations I bet he’s gone for Good in this group . The two of them behaved so disgustingly .

  5. Ashley should go home already. Uhhh, I guess in light of the situations at hand why not put Thomas in a strong hold. He deserves it. Karma at work…

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