EXCLUSIVE! MTV Has Chosen A Totally Unexpected Replacement For Farrah Abraham on ‘Teen Mom OG’! Get All The Details!

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Teen Mom OG has officially been renewed for another season, The Ashley  can confirm! While Maci BookoutCatelynn Lowell and Amber Portwood have all signed on to star in the next season, they’ll have to share the spotlight with a very unexpected new girl.

The Ashley can exclusively confirm that MTV has chosen a new mom to replace Farrah Abraham, who was fired from the show in October.

The Ashley’s sources tell her that MTV has dipped into the cast pools of some of its other hit shows–Are You The One? and The Challenge— and have cast Cheyenne Floyd as the fourth girl on ‘Teen Mom OG.’ Cheyenne and ‘Challenge’ star Cory Wharton share one-year-old daughter Ryder.

“Yay! More MTV paychecks!”

As The Ashley previously reported, MTV was seriously considering either Mackenzie McKee or Ryan Edwards‘ wife Mackenzie to take the fourth spot, but both options “fizzled out,” according to one of The Ashley’s sources.

“[The network] realized that the fans weren’t going to be excited about either option,” the source said. “So they continued to look.”

(Just to note– many sites stated that Mackenzie McKee was “confirmed” to be Farrah’s replacement. However, MTV never confirmed it, and The Ashley’s sources tell her that MTV made the decision not to cast Mackenzie. She was very interested in the job. She did film a ‘Teen Mom’ special about her mother’s cancer battle earlier this year. It has yet to air.)

The Ashley is not sure if the other ‘OG’ girls are aware that Cheyenne has been chosen. After Farrah was fired, Maci, Catelynn and Amber all made it well-known that they did not feel it was appropriate to hire a new girl to replace Farrah.

“They can’t [bring in another girl to our show] because we’re the OG’s, the original girls,” Catelynn said in March on Kail Lowry‘s Coffee Convos podcast. “If you do that, it won’t be the original girls anymore.”

Regardless of how the other ‘OG’ girls feel, MTV has made its decision and already has the ball rolling on it. The Ashley’s sources tell her a film crew is heading to Los Angeles to begin filming Cheyenne next week.

“It’s official,” the source said. “The only way this doesn’t happen is if Cheyenne or Cory backs out, but contracts have likely already been signed so it’s highly unlikely.”

Cheyenne gave birth to Ryder in April 2017. (Unlike the other ‘Teen Mom OG’ girls, Cheyenne was not a teen when she gave birth. In fact, she was 24 years old.)

For a while after Ryder’s birth, Cheyenne refused to reveal who the baby’s father was. Eventually, she announced that Cory was the father.

Cheyenne made her debut on Are You The One? Season 3, while Cory first shot to fame on The Real World: EX-Plosion. Both later appeared on ‘The Challenge: Rivals III.’

One ‘Challenge’ source tells The Ashley that Cory and Cheyenne have known they were in the running for the spot on ‘Teen Mom OG,’ so they have been playing up the “happy co-parents” role.

“Their co-parenting relationship is nowhere near as happy as they try to make it out to be on social media,” the source said. “They will fit in perfectly on ‘Teen Mom.'”

Stay tuned– The Ashley will have more info on this soon!

**Media Outlets MUST credit The Ashley for this exclusive!**

80 Responses

  1. What is the titles of this show again……TEEN MOM????? What part of 24 qualifies as a teen??? Just what I thought……notta!!! Does MTV really think all of it’s viewers are morons?? The ‘big wigs’ making all of these ridiculous decisions must be males……go figure. The original story line is so far off the mark now and the concept has been lost. Now it’s nothing but a shell of itself and a complete shyte show!!! You can get to steppin now!!!! Good job, MTV, good job!!!! 🙁

  2. Who gives a crap about Cheyenne who was never even on 16 and Pregnant? She was never a Teen Mom! What TF is wrong with MTV????? Do they really thing we will watch this shit? Nah, man, throw the whole damn show away!

    Briana moving to OG even makes more sense, but since that bish quiets every other day…..

    Pfffft. MTV Teen Mom OG is sinking itself.

  3. The ratings should go down from here . First, who wants to see another train wreck in their 20’s? Even the new show, nothing against Jade but, she’s 21 years old.
    Second, there’s soooooo much all over social media about all of them making everything we watch OLD NEWS .. I’ll check in with the Ashley weekly, will not be putting this on my Monday evening agenda. They need to cancel the show and have a special in a few years so we can see how they’re fairing without mtv.

  4. While I do have to admit that I might actually enjoy seeing that coparent relationship play out on MTV, it makes absolutely no sense to do so on a show called “Teen Mom.” Even though the show has strayed from its original purpose, we DO still see some consequences of Teen Pregnancy (even all these years later). Cate and Ty still struggle to cope with Carly’s adoption and their roles in her life. Maci and Ryan still struggle to coparent Bentley. Maci still struggles with the fact that she got pregnant at such a young age with someone who, as an adult, she never would have chosen to be Bentley’s father. Chelsea suffers a similar problem with Aubree’s father, Adam. We still see Amber and Gary learning to coparent and the consequences of Amber’s choice as a teen on her relationship with Leah. Jenelle still faces not having custody of Jace due to her decisions (past AND present). Leah is learning to be a great mom to her girls, but certainly struggled with that having three children so young. If you focus on each individual mom, we can all still see how having a child so young had consequences. Conceptually, it makes much more sense to have someone from TM3 on the show. Corey and His baby mama, although I do like them both, do not fit in with this series. Their situation, at age 24 and already well-known, both with only 1 child, just does not work.

  5. Is this a joke? She’s not even a teen mom! Any of the girls from 16 and Pregnant would have been a better option.

  6. I don’t understand their decision but actually like Cheyenne and enjoy watching Cory. He is a man whore but enjoy watching him and I think he has a good heart above all.

  7. Ugh bad choice. I can think k of at least ten people that would have been ok.
    Cousin crystAl
    Tyler’s sister
    David’s sister
    Jordan (homeless stripper escort. Come on that good tv)

  8. Wouldn’t she have been a better fit for Young & Pregnant since 2 of the 4 girls on there are in their 20s?!

    Also this will probably be the last season for OG.

    1. Did you forget about Kayla? Because I always forget about Kayla. There are 5 girsl on Y&P, Lexi- 17(Now 18), Brianna- 17(Now 18), Kayla- 18(Now 19), Ashley- 20(Now 21), Jade- 21(Now 22).

  9. I for one will enjoy seeing all of the various ladies that Cory will be bringing around his daughter. I’m thrilled that they didn’t pick Mac Edwards. I wish they would kick her off of OG because she’s just awful.

  10. At this point, I’m only watching to see the inevitable- all the train wrecks resulting in the show fizzling out. We don’t watch because it’s a good show, we watch because it’s trashy. Adding this girl we know nothing about who isn’t even a teen mom makes no sense

  11. That’s so stupid! She’s not even a teen Mom. MTV is just grasping at straws now. I’ll not be watching the segments that feature these strangers.

  12. You bring in a girl that’s not even from the 16 and pregnant series? Dumb move. Just cancel the show.

  13. Would have made more sense to add one of the other two girls from the first season of 16 and Pregnant. Or just leave the three and make their segments a few minutes longer.

    1. That’s how this past season ended up with Tyler’s sister, Amber and her felon boyfriend and cousin Crystal getting long segments. Don’t know anything about this girl or boy, never watched either show in the last 10 years. I agree though, that MTV should have brought someone back from that first season of “16 and Pregnant” that Maci, Amber, and Catelynn were all on. I think it would have been great to show where her life is now with an 8 or 9 year old WITHOUT all the MTV money!

  14. Got one of honey boo boo sisters or the Duggars girls in the show they definitely need the money, it would be interesting to see a married religious point of view of teen pregnancy( the Duggars not honey boo boo).

    1. I see what you’re saying but the Duggars and Honey boo boo each have their own show as well. Then again it would be nice to see Anna (Chickadee) again. I feel like she’s probably a pretty good parent. Would love to see how her life is going.

  15. I think at this point MTV is just holding out for when one of the kids on the gets knocked up or knocks someone up. Cause you know it’s gonna happen. My money in on Sophia making Farrah a grandma by 35.

    1. My bet is on on Leah’s daughter, Gracie. And if you think about it, she will be 16 before we know. She’s already about 10.

  16. Whaaa? I wish you could post gifs on here cuz several come to mind at this news… And McKee is probably raging out,getting passed up TWICE now!! I kinda wanted them to put nikkole on.. or At least someone who actually lives with the repercussions of becoming a teen parent.. ya know – the original premise of the show!

  17. So dumb, I am definitely going to stop watching now. This lady that was hired has nothing to do with the original girls or the original teen mom series and she wasn’t even a teen mom! That is ridiculous. They would have been better off with Mackenzie. This is going to kill their viewerbase. I hope the show gets cancelled at this point. I don’t know who would want to watch this shill of a show.

  18. Why didn’t they pick one of the girls that was on 16 and pregnant. It would actually be better to see how one of them raised their kid or kids without the Teen Mom money.

  19. Aaaahhhhh, so this is how they will end the show. Just make everyone so annoyed and disinterested until it gets cancelled. Firing Farrah made us happy. Adding this rando is not the way to go

  20. Hey Ashley, curious as to why Taylor Halbur was on stage at the filming of the last TM2 reunion?

  21. I like Cheyenne and Cory. Ryder is such a cute little girl too. I just don’t think that they are a good fit for the show. Like they weren’t teen parents. She’s not an original teen mom. They probably haven’t had as much trouble as these moms have bc they started off with money and support to raise Ryder. Wish mtv would have chosen someone from previous seasons of 16&p. I wouldn’t have minded seeing Kristina head ( the one whose baby Dad died) she has 3 boys now, I follow her on insta. Or maybe even nikkole Paulun, she’d probably make for a good story line. I could put a number of the previous cast that would be better.

  22. A year ago I was like ‘these shows are going to run forever’ now I no longer watch either teen mom og or teen mom2. I do like young & pregnant though. The good moms on these shows are boring and won’t let anything be filmed and the bad ones are just too chaotic. I’m just done with both.

  23. 24 year old when she had her first child! So she’s not a TEEN MOM, she was never pregnant as a teenager to begin with! And I didn’t know Cory was the father, I watched his season when Jenny, other cast mate of his, slept with him in the confession room or what was it called so yeah…….he fits perfectly. (She was also on/off at that time with her ex (her now husband and baby daddy) who came in the show as a part of a twist). Oh and his ex, Lauren found out she is pregnant with another guy on the show.

    I really don’t know how to feel about this, they are just grasping for straws at this point.

  24. lmao at delusional Cait they cannot hire anyone else we are the OGs no you a deadbeat loser who can be replaced at any moment and mtv keeps looser like janelle on

  25. I’m starting to lose interest in this show more and more everyday. MTV lost its way with the beginning focus of this show. Nothing is real about it anymore either. I’ll just watch Young and Pregnant until they ruin that show too.

  26. Isn’t this show called teen mom? Why is she being on the show when she was 24 when she had her child? I had my first baby when I was 24… nothing too crazy, that’s an age a lot of people start thinking about having children and most likely have their lives on track….

  27. Wait, so they cast someone on Teen Mom OG who wasn’t a Teen Mom, and wasn’t part of the Original franchise at all, do just have that right? And they aren’t smart enough to see that this will blow up in their face and hasten the demise if the show?

  28. what a terrible idea. mtv is better off with mckenzie mckee and if not her they had a whole bunch of oher girls to choose from 16 & pregnant

  29. I have no interest in this new girl’s story. I would have been interested in Mac McKee’s from seeing her on teen mom 3. I’ve never even heard of this new girl. At least I can fast forward her like I did Farrah the last few years and save myself some time. MTV can’t seem to pick this new girl thing well. We got that with Brianna bring down teen mom 2.

  30. I’m not exactly thrilled they are adding a new cast member but at least they aren’t giving Mackenzie Edwards more screen time. Let’s all just be thankful for that.

  31. They need to move Chelsea from TM2 over to OG and be done with TM2 totally. Chelsea would be a great fit. She is a good mom and has a great husband and family. I could see her and Maci really getting along. They are the best.

  32. Obviously, they chose her because they wanted a black girl due to people complaining about the cast being white. I don’t really care about skin color. I just want the girl to be likable and Cheyenne is. I saw her on The Challenge and she’s a nice girl.

  33. I admit, the Challenges are one of my guilty pleasures (more so than TM!), and Cory, her baby daddy, is the absolute worst. Ugh, this is a ridiculous move, MTV. Just retire them all already.

  34. What the fuck?? Why her? It makes absolutely no sense to have her on there. They had tons of other options if need be. I actually was hoping Mackenzie McKee would get the job so that boat load of new money could help pay medical bills for her mother, for that reason I’m disappointed they didnt choose her.

  35. They should replace All of them…so maybe they’ll get off there Spoiled high horses! But not sure about there choice…I’d go with past 16 and pregnant girls. I’d like to see what they’re up too.

  36. Once again MTV does the most stupidest shit. Puts a mom on teen mom who wasn’t a teen mom. ? why not put a 600 lb person on the challenge? SMDH

  37. WTF?!! This is the DUMBEST DECISION MTV have made, to date. As others have pointed out, the show is called Teen Mom OG… This woman was not a teen mom, is not an OG and is already famous & pulling in those MTV paycheques. What exactly is the point of this? She is not relatable at all & does not fit with the other cast members in any way. They needn’t have hired anyone new & just kept going with what they have, either merging the two shows or leaving it as it was.

    I have watched all of the 16 & Pregnant & Teen Mom shows since they began airing… I’ve never missed an episode… In fact, I have every episode of every season saved on an external hard drive & go back to rewatch them often… But after this, plus half the cast & children not returning next season, along with the vile Easons… I can seriously say I’m signing off. I’m out. This entire franchise has become a damn joke & it’s clear the show’s “big wigs” have NO IDEA what their viewers want & don’t care either.

    It’s a damn shame that something that started out with such noble intentions, has now lost so many of it’s diehard fans & has turned into trashy television instead.

  38. Frankly, I never missed Farrah last season.

    So I never even saw the need to hire another cast member. Especially one who had her child when she was 24 years old.

    No doubt, the advent of crazy decisions = a TV franchise that’s already “jumped the shark.”

    Just saying.

    1. I don’t know why they don’t just fire Janelle and Briana, and merge the shows. Or just be done with it and do follow ups, like maybe yearly. By then the original OG kids will be in their teens and really deserve their privacy. Meanwhile, we know we can keep up with the cast via the Ashley and thier social media/public arrests.

  39. A show about preventing unplanned pregnancy is hiring a stupid woman who couldn’t figure out how to prevent a pregnancy at 24?
    For the record, TM2 sucks because there are too many people on the show. Why didn’t they just move Brianna to TMOG?

  40. So they just hire a woman in her twenties for TEEN MOM OG? Just when you think you’ve seen it all..

  41. This makes absolutely no sense. A woman who gave birth at age 24 on ‘Teen Mom’? I have zero interest in watching an entire new story/backstory unfold. With all the drama, it’s getting to be just too much. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’d rather *either* of the Mackenzie’s over Cheyanne. At least they already had ties to the franchise.

    I don’t understand why they don’t just boot Jenelle for her despicable behavior and child abuse and merge the two shows if they’re that worried about keeping it going. It would be an extra girl from the normal format, but with B-Side cast members dropping like flies (Jo, Vee, Adam, etc) and now 2/3 of Kail’s kids not filming they would have some extra time.

  42. Can’t they just get rid of Kail and Jenelle and merge TM2 and TMOG with the remaining moms and have just one show. Even tape double the episodes to make up for the scheduling.

  43. So stupid…she’s not even a teen mom!!! Looks like I’ll be fast forwarding through her parts like I used to do with Farrah…why even replace Farrah??? I’m sure they have plenty of footage to make an hour long show without a 4th person!

  44. This is so stupid. She was 24! How does that even remotely relate to a 16 year old having a baby.

  45. Dumb. Why not choose a “regular” person who actually was a teen mom? This girl was a fully grown and functioning adult when she got pregnant and was already making TV paychecks when her kid came along. Either way, they need to stop the whole TM franchise. I love the girls, but it’s all just a lavish lifestyle now instead of a true lesson on hard ships of having a kid young

  46. Wtf…a show about teen moms…with a mom who was 24? And the OG’s first kids are in grade school, hers is a baby. What a snooze fest. This show is on its last leg & they know it. TMOG & TM2 are trash and need ended. These poor kids.

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