Farrah Abraham’s Boxing Match Opponent Chosen: ‘Flavor of Love’ Star Nicole “Hoopz” Alexander Will Fight the Former ‘Teen Mom’

“She’ll need even more plastic surgery when I’m done with her!”

It’s official: Nicole “Hoopz” Alexander will be battling Farrah Abraham in the boxing ring this November!

The former Teen Mom OG star has been looking for an opponent to fight her in her “anti-bullying” boxing match for several weeks now, and on Wednesday, the fight’s promoter Damon Feldman announced that the Flavor of Love and I Love Money winner had been chosen to box Farrah.

Hoopz was one of the potential opponents named a few weeks ago that Farrah would consider fighting. (She had stated that she would not box anyone she considers a bully.) Other names thrown into the hat were 16 and Pregnant star (and former cage fighter) Lindsey Nicholson and Teen Mom 2 star Kail Lowry. Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton were also offered the gig (as well as $250,000 to fight Farrah).

Hoopz posted about the boxing match on her Instagram on Wednesday.

“Ooooo I can’t wait!” she wrote in the caption of a poster promoting the fight. “So excited to get in the ring! It’s goin down Nov 10th!”

Tickets to the event– dubbed “Celebrity Boxing Showdown for Bullying”– range from $45 to $75. The more-expensive ticket gets you a ringside seat. (Maybe you’ll even get some ‘Teen Mom’ blood splattered on you!) It also lets you walk to red carpet and meet and greet the “celebrities” before the match.

The Ashley reached out to “16 and Pregnant” star Lindsey Nicholson, who called Farrah out last month for being a bully. She was upset that she was not chosen to fight the Backdoor Teen Mom.

“Super bummed it’s not me, I would have loved that opportunity for all the teen moms,” Lindsey told The Ashley. “Anyone would win against Farrah. I think I have a feeling it’s just going to be strictly for media not even a real fight.”

Farrah has been posting videos of her boxing training since the fight was announced last month.

The match will take place Saturday, November 10 at the Showboat hotel in Atlantic City. To buy tickets, click here.

(Photos: Maury Phillips/Getty Images; Facebook; Instagram)

26 Responses

  1. I would love to see Farrah get her but kicked. She is a bully to every one. It’s time someone puts her in her place. That is on the floor with her mouth and legs closed.

  2. Wouldn’t put it past Farrah to suddenly flash a naked body part — to take the focus off this girl beating her to a pulp.

    Whose ridiculous “circus” idea was this again?

    Oh, sorry, I forgot.

    It was Farrah’s.

  3. Farrah’s not about to risk messing up all that plastic surgery…lol…she’s gonna chicken out….and she asked Paris and Lindsay to fight? For 250k? LOL she’s so delusional

  4. This will joke fight will never happen! I seriously doubt they’ll get anyone to buy tickets! They need a real celebrity to show up!???

  5. The ultimate statement would have been if absolutely nobody was willing to fight Farrah, because they didn’t want their name tied to hers in any way.

    Instead they found a f-list at best reality show has-been who’s as irrelevant and desperate as the back door clown.

    On the bright side, I’m looking forward to the Farrah-speak excuses after Hoopz beats her ass.

  6. The only way Farrah is winning this watch is if it’s rigged and Hoopz takes a HUGE cash bonus to throw it.

    1. This was exactly what I thought. My first thought was I wonder if they offered Hoopz a big payday to make Farrah look good and make her happy. I really hope that’s not the case.

  7. A. She’s gonna get that ass beat
    B. She’s only doing this so she can have some skills a/k/a hope to not die when Drita catches that ass

  8. Yea…. this is a joke. It will totally be choreographed with fixed results. I literally would have bought a ticket and flew down to watch Lindsay Nicholson beat the shit out of her!

    1. I don’t think Farrah would be able to handle memorizing any amount of choreography. That girl is as dumb as a box of rocks

      1. @Amber You are SO right!
        Maybe we could all start a go fund me that will be gifted to Hoops if she beats the crap outta Farrah! I would donate!!!!!!! It blows my mind how people like Farrah have gotten away with being such a f*cker!

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