‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: All the ‘Teen Mom’-Related News You’ve Missed So Far This Week

“Everybody leave me alone! I need to catch up on my ‘Teen Mom’ news before I have this baby!”

From celebrating milestones to shooting down rumors, the stars of the Teen Mom franchise have certainly been busy over the last few days!

In an effort to bring you up-to-date on all of the ‘Teen Mom’ happenings from the past few days, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile!

Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2-related things that happened so far this week…

Chelsea Houska Dispeled “Clickbait” Rumors That She’s Already Given Birth

Earlier this week, ‘Teen Mom’ cast members posted a clickbait story (which are, by the way, the bane of The Ashley’s existence) stating that ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Chelsea had already given birth to her third child. Chelsea rarely responds to rumors about herself, but on Wednesday she took to Twitter to report that, despite what the clickbait sites are saying, she’s still very pregnant.

“Nope! Huge and bouncing on my ball right now,” Chelsea tweeted in response to fans who were asking if she’d expelled The Spawn of Cole from her loins yet.

Don’t eat watermelon seeds ??

A post shared by Chelsea DeBoer (@chelseahouska) on

She later clarified that, when she does give birth to her daughter, ‘Teen Mom’ fans won’t be hearing about it via clickbait stories.

“I can promise everyone that whenever I AM in labor…nobody will know..and there def won’t be posts and silly little articles about it,” she tweeted.

Chelsea is definitely not in the hospital having a baby. In fact, she was spotted at a local cupcake shop in South Dakota, having treats with Aubree and filming for the upcoming season of ‘Teen Mom 2.’

“Sophia Abraham” Writes About How Amazing Her Mother Farrah Abraham Is

When your mom uses your Instagram to compliment herself…

‘Teen Mom’ fans know that no one loves Farrah more than, well, Farrah. However, in an attempt to make it look like her nine-year-old daughter, Sophia, loves her almost as much as she loves herself, Farrah seemingly hijacked Sophia’s Instagram to write a post about how great she is. Of course, Farrah attempted to make it look like Sophia herself wrote the post.

Farrah “Sophia” posted a photo of herself and Farrah at the recent MTV VMAs, along with a caption that read suspicously like “Farrah Speak.” (I mean, there’s a chance that nine-year-old Sophia knows what a “humanist” is but…the run-on sentences–which are a Farrah trademark– kind of gave it away that this post was probably authored by Farrah.)

“My mom has truly shown me to stand up for what is right when everyone is against you and in doing so being the upright humanist she is and rising, winning & succeeding to the point where the world is limitless , I’m so thankful for my mom and the impact she has made in the world , I love my mom and have the best mom in the world looking forward to our next travels together,” Sophia wrote.

Despite Farrah’s best efforts to pass the post of as Sophia’s words, fans weren’t buying it.

“Farrah please get it together,” one person wrote. “We all know your daughter didn’t write this.”

“Farrah you truly are a f**king nutjob! Writing this s**t pretending to be Sophia… A nine-year-old who doesn’t go to school would NOT word it like this. You really should get help,” another person wrote in the post’s comment section.

Farrah then commented on “Sophia’s” post, writing, “Love you best daughter ever! I’m excited for our travels too! Proud of you!”

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Celebrated Their Third Wedding Anniversary

“Yay us!”

Wednesday marked the third anniversary of the day ‘Teen Mom OG’ stars Catelynn and Tyler got hitched, so, naturally, the long-time couple took to Instagram to commemorate the special occasion. Both posted tributes to the other, with each acknowledging that they have gone through plenty of hard times. (They did not, however, address the recent rumors that they are having marital problems.)

“HAPPY 3 YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY @catelynnmtv our journey has not always been the easiest…but I believe that anything that’s truly worth it is never easy,” Tyler wrote in the caption of an old photo of him and Catelynn. “13 years together & now 3 of them as a married couple & I wouldn’t take back these years for anything. We have grown, we have cried, we have laughed, we have experienced life together, & now we have been with each other for half of our existence & I’m honored & blessed to be able to say that you’ve been by my side for half of my life now. I love you so much!”

Catelynn posted a few photos from their 2015 wedding, along with a sappy caption about Tyler.

“Happy anniversary to my husband!” she wrote. “We have had some really rough times and some amazing times. I wouldn’t want to go through this life with anyone but you!!!! Happy 3 years and I can’t wait for many more! I love you.”

Bristol Palin’s Nine-Year-Old Son Tripp Reportedly Joined the Cast of ‘Dancing With the Stars-Juniors”

One of the newest ‘Teen Mom OG’ kids has reportedly signed on to star on yet another reality TV show.

Bristol Palin’s oldest son, Tripp, will appear on the upcoming season of ‘Dancing With The Stars: Juniors.’ TMZ broke the news on Wednesday that the nine-year-old will make $50,000 for appearing on the show. The longer he stays on the show, the more Tripp will make. TMZ reports that he could make up to $130,000 if he survives on the show until the finale.

He will also be getting a paycheck for appearing on ‘Teen Mom OG’ with his mom. (Bristol will be clearing a cool $250,000 for her first season, by the way!)

Of course, Tripp being on two reality shows at about the same time goes directly against what his grandma, Sarah Palin, said when asked if her family had caught the reality TV bug.

“Heck’s no! We’re not doin’ the reality star type thing!” Sarah said in an interview last month. “[Bristol] sees this as a venue, a forum to help people in a hurtin’ world.”

To read more of The Ashley’s latest ‘Teen Mom’ stories, click here!

(Photos: MTV, Instagram)

28 Responses

  1. Farrah’s pathetic attempt to have Sophia speak positively about her really takes the cake. Can she really beieve that anyone thinks Sophia wrote this? What 9 year old uses the word “humanist”???

    Catelynn and Tyler are just boring at this point. They have done nothing with their lives. They promised to get their degrees and to secure worthwhile careers. They gave up their daughter in order to accomplish this and they have failed miserably. Their stupid behavior in their relationship with Carly’s adoptive parents has now placed them in a negative light and they rarely get to see their child. Another gross failure. I have no sympathy at this point and no desire to see how they live their pathetic lives.

    1. Agreed. And I’m tired of watching them sit around and complain. I understand they both had rough childhood’s, but so have a lot of people, and those people manage to succeed in life with full time jobs and children. They have one child who they pawn off on April or take her to “school”, no job, and go on child free vacations whenever they feel like it. Life is NOT rough for them.

  2. Chelsea: No surprise there. I don’t know why she’s even in the show anymore? She’s clearly outgrown it.

    Ty & Cate: May as well just divorce and be done with it before here both too old to find suitable partners willing to put up with their toxic existence.

    Bristol: Everything that family does is for publicity or money, duh.

    Farrah: Everything Farrah does, she does for publicity. Whether it’s starting ridiculous fights with other D’Listers, physically assaulting hotel staff, sharing news about her questionable parenting skills, or making long winded posts about her awesomeness under an assumed named. She may appear to be a complete moron, but she’s not nearly as stupid as people assume she is. I dislike her as much as the next person, but it’s impossible to deny that her approach to staying as “relevant” as a Teen Mom can be is working 100%. She is in the news consistently for her antics and all of the free press she gets, she creates herself. So either she is the smartest dumb person on the planet or she consciously identifies things she can do that evoke maximum shock value in order to be talked about each week. Either way it works because here we are again talking about someone we all claim to despise while she’s laughing all the way to the bank.

    1. Chelsea is on the show because she wants to keep the $250,000 a season she makes. I realize Cole works, but I bet he doesn’t clear $100,000 a year. They need/want that money.

      1. And there’s nothing at all wrong with that! Especially since they manage to keep themselves a comfortable distance from the sordid and disgusting world of MTV. Not sure if Chelsea realized that Kail is a pig yet or if she still bothers with her, but they stay pretty far removed otherwise.

    2. I think you’re right. No one can be as dumb as she acts. She knows that she gets attention when she makes up words and chops pieces of sentences together. It has to be deliberate.

  3. Sophia needs to be in school. Period. She needs to have friends her own age and not be going to Farrah’s court dates. Farrah sucks as a mom and a human being.

    1. Just speaking as a parent whose child did have some speech and learning disabilities/a little behind – finally being able to enroll him in school made all the difference in the world! My son is an only child and had been mostly/only around adults before he started “school” at 3 (early intervention/special ed type classes). He went from saying maybe 4 words (mom, dad, dog, ball) to speaking in complete sentences in 2 months. Later he would test into the gifted and talented school, taking AP and college courses now – while he’s in high school. Kids NEED to be around other kids and it’s good to let PROFESSIONALS (teachers/therapists) help you and your kid.

  4. The impact Farrah has made in the world?

    Sorry, “Sophia.” The only impact your “mom” is having right now, is the highly negative impact of no more MTV checks coming in.

    Which gives her pea-size brain far more time for unnecessary self-adulation and other such meaningless delusions.

    Jeez, Farrah. Please knock it off already. Just how much of a nutcake do you want to be perceived as?

    And at the expense of your own innocent daughter?

    1. Honestly it has to be a plethora of mental issues. I mean, not only is she delusional, she’s isolated herself from basically everyone that might care about her except her daughter that she treats like a prop and BFF, and her enabling father that she doesn’t even respect enough to call “Dad”.

  5. Ugh, Farrah speak is annoying but nothing pisses me off more than using the comma like this ,

    Yeah Bristol and Sarah, you won’t do this reality star type thing, sure Jan!

  6. I can’t wait to see the kind of things Sophia actually will write, once she’s all grown up, become acquainted with the real world, and had extensive therapy.

  7. Farrah is batshit crazy, it’s becoming more and more clear every damn day.

    But what I seriously DO NOT understand is why she would post something like this, and subsequently leaves the comments on! People say the meanest things in Sophia’s comments. Not only about Farrah, but about Sophia herself as well.

    I would argue that a child her age shouldn’t have an account in the first place but at least protect her somewhat from all the hate.

    1. I completely agree… my 9 year old wants an Instagram so bad and I refuse… your 9!!!! Go outside and play or ride a bike!!!!

  8. There is a DWTS juniors edition?! What?!

    At least Bristol is (probably) smart enough to set up college accounts for her kids. I doubt the others (other than Chelsea…) have ever heard of such a concept….

    1. To be fair: Kail is very proud of her college degree (and rightfully so), so I’m guessing she values her kids’ education as well…

    2. ehhhh I think Kail and Maci are probably making sure their kids futures are secured too, along with Leah and Corey because of Ali’s disability….Now the rest of them?…Thats another story….We know good and well Jenelle’s not saving ANYTHING for her kids. Shes spending it all on that husband, and if Ambo wasted a lot of her money on Matt, Im sure shes wasting a lot of money on that Sasquatch lookin boyfriend.

  9. I read Farrah’s tribute to herself, via Sophia’s account & I was as disgusted as usual, by Farrah’s ballsy, yet transparent post. And for the record, I don’t believe that Sophia has EVER been the author of a single post like that. I don’t believe Sophia has ever even used her account in the past at all. But I must’ve missed where Farrah then logged back on in her own name and responded to her previous Tweet. I mean… Seriously? Until now, I never knew my eyes could actually roll that far back in my head!! ? There truly is nobody else like her, in the world… But Sophia is definitely fast coming up from behind. (No Backdoor Teen Mom pun intended.) ?

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